ITT: Comfy Long Term Holds
BTC :^)
>swarm city
Am I really the only one who sees potential in Pot as a long term investment?
Mona moon when? ;_;
I want coins I can use in the future. I don't like weed.
Soon brother
Get out while you can.
Devs are morons.
mona is moon
Will you really use Mona, XVG or GNT in the future?
Weed has a 100b market. Potcoin let's you grow weed and sell it to others for potcoins. You can buy potcoins with Pp/CC/etc.
And it also has high liquidity.
How much Mona do you guys have? I feel pretty optimistic about my 19. Hoping it reaches ATH again soon
Does holding long term coins still make you significant gains now? Seems like the boom has already passed and holding coins doesn't make much more money than buying traditional stocks
I was wondering this too
5 milion monacoin desu
Y-You mean five mona, right? Without the decimal, right? Surely no one can have five million monas ;_;
Lol, god bless if true.
Beware: i hear japs love to eat whales
ardor, nxt, verge, ripple, golem
Do you think the next iteration of economic structure is only worth $100 billion?