i keep seeing this meme, which is essentially the "Germany destroying Europe" meme that is tossed around here
i get the other 3, but Luther?
i keep seeing this meme, which is essentially the "Germany destroying Europe" meme that is tossed around here
i get the other 3, but Luther?
Other urls found in this thread:
- Broke the union of Christendom even further
- Caused numerous religious wars that wiped out 30% of the population of the German territories of the HRE
- Allowed the Ottomans to remain unchallenged in the Balkans
>Broke the union of Christendom even further
that may have been the result, but it was not his intention
he wanted to reform the church, as he saw it had become corrupt
I think his theology is very bad, but I don't think it came from a bad place
look up the practices of the catholic church during that age
>Caused numerous religious wars that wiped out 30% of the population of the German territories of the HRE
I'll agree that Luther's action did make that happen
but remember that the HRE was hardly united as it was, and "common faith" had not stopped them from infighting before
and most of the genocides happened when France, Sweden and the other great powers got involved
that's when you had mercenary armies looting the lands and killing the peoples
it was hardly about religion at that point, as France was catholic
>Allowed the Ottomans to remain unchallenged in the Balkans
wtf does this have to do with Luther? explain pls
Why does the image include Hitler?
>Inites WWII
>Causes millions of Europeans and Americans to die
>Forever made Germany the laughing stock of Europe (B-b-but muh monies?!?!!!!!)
>Made nationalism a taboo
I could go on.
WWII was initiated by Germany, but in response to Judea declaring war on them (Daily Express 24 March 1933).
Also, Hitler tried to offer peace several times, including England, way before he started clearly losing the war.
>Germany was already the laughing sock of Europe
And yes, he made nationalism a taboo (well, the media and the propaganda did, actually), but it has been slowly stopped being such.
It's just butthurt Papists, OP.
They don't like it when people point out that the Papacy is the Antichrist.
>i get the other 3,
4. The guy in the background is Alaric, a Germanic warlord, sacking Rome.
>intent is all that matters
Kant pls go
Why do these always leave out Marx?
Marx destroyed Russia and China, not so much Europe
This, he was a positive influence in several countries.
There was a newer one that did posted here a while ago, it's just that no one saved it and everyone keeps reposting this one.
He tried to save it, we wouldn't have this immigration crisis right now if we'd just listened
That image is a shit. The only one that deserve to be there is Merkel.
Fucking shill.
t.buttblasted kraut
Rome was going to collapse anyway with or without the germanic wars
t. Pierre Louis la Surrénderia
60 years and they're STILL mad.
> Hitler tried to offer peace several times
As if anyone would accept white peace at -10% score from aggressor instead of going until -100% to punish them.
Triggered conflict that drowned europe in the blood of its people, what more do you need?
Reforms had to be done.
>your wealth won't influence your afterlife, it's your deeds in life that do
fuck off with your corrupt pedo cult
G*rms are a plague; ruiners of what they don't create or have.
Catholic church was fucked then and is full HIV now. But now Protestantism is basically Jesus rockband Wal-Mart churches. How could he have fixed it back then? He tried to get political leaders on board but how could he have gotten the Vatican to allow for change?
Play the game like everyone else. Work your way into the college of cardinals, get elected pope. Use the backing of German princes to get in there.
Change is a slow process, you can't just hammer a stack of thesises to the door of a church and think things are peacefully going to change. You find sympathetic ears among the Bishops and Arch Bishops, and you use your influence to bring about change in Rome.