How should an individual live in a crazy and messed up world?
How should an individual live in a crazy and messed up world?
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They should follow a specific set of policies and rules.
Here are mine:
1. Understand what makes you feel good.
2. Take choices which are more likely to make you feel good.
3. Understand what makes you feel bad.
4. Take choices which minimize that bad feeling.
We shouldn't. Life is an accident
Make of that what you will
how do you prioritize good feels and avoiding bad feels
by trying to bend it to our will and force it to order
only after the breakdown of western society resulting in 80% of the population being unplanned babies born to single mothers
But what if you are unable to adequately justify why something feels good, and therefore don't know whether it will feel good tomorrow?
And also, what if feeling good isn't a priority?
Just work it out mathmatically.
For example:
40% Chance eating will hurt me
60% Chance eating will fill my stomach
Being filled up feels good. Being hurt feels bad.
In this case, I have 10% profit because I'm 10% more likely to feel good than bad.
A case like this does not take quality of good and bad into account, just quantity, but it serves its purpose as a basic example.
Then just change your policies. Personally, feeling good and minimizing pain is my priority.
Explain, if I haven't already answered it.
seems like an autistic way of navigating the world. Besides, how am I to discern the chances of things happening?
To anyone interested in a concept similar to this, see:
It's essentially the selfish version of act utilitarianism, which is the theory that, incredibly simplified, we should preform actions that will cause the most positive output for everyone.
>Confusing autism with entry level philosophy
You don't. You give it a rough estimate, and hope for the best. Humans are bad with calculating real life examples of chances, but we still have basic functions that allow us to estimate.
We know shooting ourselves in the back of the head is more likely to kill us than, lets say, overdosing on drugs for example.
>thinking there's a difference between undergraduate philosophy and autism.
It's still autism user. It assumes the world less complex, and more binary that it really is. How can we make moral predictions in a world with so many unknown variables?
We can only imagine how the world what the world will become. How do we overcome the might-be's?
You might ignore me, but I reply to you anyways. Why? Because either way replying to you has a positive output on my temporary happiness. Showing off what I've learned, and socializing with others about what I've learned is a good way to cause myself happiness.
Hur dur, you're autistic, hur dur, you're assuming the world is less complex than it is.
>How can we make moral predictions in a world with so many unknown variables?
I don't touch fire because it hurts. Even if my hand is covered in a thick slime today that has unknown effects, I still wouldn't touch the fire, would I? Unless I got curious, and decided the potential pain is worth the potential for knowledge.
Even if you have an unknown variable, we can complete the equation. I'll ignorantly apply mathmatics to philosophy once again and say that our entire lives are dictated by, essentially, real-life algebra.
By rejecting the forced that make it crazy and fucked up
This isn't really answering the question, which is about how the individual within a crazy and messed up world should interact with said world. The individual knows how to interact with those parts of the world that can't be crazy or messed up, like fire. How is an individual supposed to live if they feel that everyone around them is misleading them most of the time?
Get out commie. While he did propose an interesting world view, the 20th century was one long debunking of Karl Marx. Proof.
OP here. The only thing I can think of is to remember that 'good and bad' do not exist in the world. To let go and give up and say "yes, this is the world, it is ugly and I love it", or "I will see the world and, with my mind, paint it with beauty".
Do what ever you want as long as it doesn't fuck the world up
>life is an accident
how shallow. Life is an emergent system brought about through synergetics and is capable of mindfully interacting with its environment and staying that way.
The best he, or she, can. Nothing more, nothing less.
But peace comes from the following:
1. Humans are faggots.
2. Human perception is dominated by bodily limitation. Which goes into humans being faggots.
3. Human beings are socially evaluating faggots. The low will try to justify their state of affairs as oppression and the high will try to justify themselves in ways that feel good.
4. Humans would rather be faggots than actually fix things. They would rather act the drama of politics and family than examine things from the outside and take actions which improve themselves.
What the world tells us is "Don't be a faggot". Because desire and motivation only move human flesh. It is human flesh that does the acting and moving.
This is far to self centered and simplistic to be useful on any general level. This specific set of rules would probably work well for a relatively wealthy, affluent or confident person. For the exact opposite person, with a lower socioeconomic status, following this advice could be disastrous. For example, say I'm a shy person and being around lots of people/being the center of attention is very draining for me. Essentially, it makes me feel bad, anxious, afraid, whatever. Nevertheless, there are situations in life where you have to be brave and stand up to your fears and just get the job done. You need to venture out of your comfort zone to achieve certain things. Moreover, what if something you take great pleasure in, transforms gradually into a vice that negatively effects other aspects of your life, or even other people. Should you continue, simply because it feels good? What about your social responsibility? Finally, If you constantly pleasure seek, you will desensitize yourself from it. You will back yourself into mental corner and ultimately live an unfulfilled life, forever locked into a pattern that no longer makes you feel good, while missing out on all the other possibilities.
some people just cant help themselves, acting as if everything revolves around them and everyone should be more or less a copy of themselves or else. anxious for attention and looking anywhere for some excuse, you know those are desperates that cant help their retarded nature
>a crazy and messed up world
You need to unpack why you think this is a "crazy and messed up world". The problem is with your psychology, not with the world. The world doesn't have problems, people have problems adapting to it.
Here's a way to start: What is this world crazy and messed up COMPARED TO?
Try to keep up
Mama Boucher: You gonna lose all your fancy "fools' balls" games! And your gonna fail your big exam! Because school is...
Bobby Boucher: The devil?
Stop projecting your subjective opinion of how the world ought to be. Observe how the world is. Act based on how you want the world to be.