Which nations would be the THAT GUYs of a zombie survivor/horror movie group?
As in, the ones that would either die first, or create more trouble and drama than originally before.
Which nations would be the THAT GUYs of a zombie survivor/horror movie group?
As in, the ones that would either die first, or create more trouble and drama than originally before.
America and Russia would both think of themselves as the leaders of the survival team when in actuality China is the true leader. South America and Africa die first. Most of the middle east dies. Israel goes all lone wolf but manages to survive. Western Europe is able to contain the outbreak until one shithead fucks it up and they all die.
I don't understand the question.
>China is the true leader
Go back to posting CMANO scenarios on /k/
North Korea would be the last country standing.
Countries are people in a zombie/slasher movie. Who are the tropes?
He'd cowardly sell out the group to bandits/roaches
And then end up eaten by zombies immediately after, likely when Germany refuses to help him out of spite
Canada is the Final Girl.
Australians? We all be crazy as cut snakes, now imagine aus as the unstoppable undead horde!
Sweden would be part of the refugees who enter the fenced in area that the stronger nations made. Then he would start preaching about how we shouldnt discriminate against the zombies, and subsequently tear the fence down, killing everyone
>South America and Africa
Canada is best girl
the UK is the guy who thinks he knows what kind of movie he's in, and then trips and breaks his glasses
Germany would be the guy with good logistical skill, but autistically obsessed with not letting other survivors gets more than a exact specific amount of rations, sickness, injury or age be damned.
San Marino is the crazy survivalist that everyone forgets behind one day.
>good logistical skill
It's currently the powerhouse of Europe. Trouble is, it's acting as if all other counties in the EU can do the same of what they do with ease.
rekt amirite XD
The correct answer is Pakistan, or India and Pakistan. They're in no way prepared to handle their border tension on top of apocalyptic conditions, and would end up launching nukes on top of everything else.
Switzerland is that one guy with a bunker and supplies for a lifetime that never goes outside and the series never even mentions
As a Canadian, Alberta is the That Guy of provinces.
America is the gun nut that initially helps by shooting zombies. Yet then he just starts creating more of a problem. As all he does is shoot zombies. Which attracts more zombies. which isn't a problem as America never seems to run out of ammo. Yet all his european friends get over run by zombie. somehow all of america's shooting is done for the benefit of israel and saudi arabia, both of which are actually creating more zombies.
switzerland is the prepper that went off the grid and hoarded supplies. basically lives in bunker inside a mountain. spends his days hiding in the woods watching the zombies eat everyone else. then at night he goes and counts his gold.
California immediately begins concern trolling about zombie rights.
Declares itself a sanctuary state for the undead.
Hampers federal efforts to eliminate zombies from their state.
Tells the rest of America how immoral they are for not embracing zombie culture
The Germanic: causes the apocalypse
Poland: surrounded and torn to pieces
France: fights on but is eventually killed
Italy: tries to kill zombies with a hedge trimmer, it doesn't work
The Anglo: abandons his friends to their fate
South Slavs: can't stop arguing over silly shit and are unprepared when the real enemy arrives
Spain & Portugal: sail away in a yacht
Switzerland: waits it out in his grandpa's bomb shelter
Canada: the scientist who looks for better ways to solve the crisis
America: the brash army officer who thinks the scientist is a pussy and tries to set the zombies on fire which turns out to be a tactical error
Japan: biker gang that attacks the survivors proving humans are savage too
Australia and New Zealand: manipulated into doing dangerous tasks by The Anglo
East Slavs: group of survivalists who arrive later in the movie and kill all the zombies
The sad thing is that now these days you have no idea whether these are bait or not.