I've got like $300 to put into crypto right now. There's so many shit coins and I'm having serious fomo. I'm a broke motherfucker and I want to hit big somehow. I just want to put that money into something and check back a year from now to pay off some of my debt. I don't know what the fuck to do.
I've got like $300 to put into crypto right now. There's so many shit coins and I'm having serious fomo...
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Like, if I buy into say litecoin, even if it goes up to $180/LTC, a 300% increase, with a shit investment of $300, I'm looking at $600 over a year, which I may as well go to a fucking roulette table.
Digibyte seems like a fucking waste of money. The whole idea that it'll hit $1 from it's current $0.0279 is laughable. I heard that it was insanely premined by devs. Reeks of P&D scam.
I don't see the point in holding 0.01 bitcoins, 1 ETH, 3 LTC.. I'm just not going to make any real money.
Fucking why didn't I buy into bitcoin at $7/BTC. probably would've spent them on a half ounce of good dope anyway which I'm sure I'd be kicking myself for.
Do I just create a shitcoin to shill and bank on peoples stupidity? Not smart enough for that shit. I don't want to be a loser nocoiner anymore.
try trading if you feel you're smart enough
otherwise u can choose a tested and true coin. If you want to make a fortune off $300 you need to put it into a shitcoin that will moon 100x soon, or put it all into a sleeper coin with good future. Some people made fortunes from $300 riding hypes, or riding btc/eth gains, but that ship might have sailed.
I don't know if there are any other options, personally I'm just trying to trade, preferably not-total shitcoins.
and with ship sailing i meant btc/eth, there are always shitcoins that explode outta nowhere.
I'm a broke motherfucker with $5000 debt, $1600(loonies) monthly annual income, with like $1200 in living expenses a month.
I just want to hit one of these moonwalks but so many coins just seem like vaporware.
I'm I just too late to the game and best of to just hang myself because nothing is going to get better and I'll never make a good investment in this shit.
I just don't have the capital. But I need to do something here. I'm tired of looking at wallets that read 0.00(whateverfuckingcoin)
>I don't see the point in holding 0.01 bitcoins
why, you dumb nocoin fuck? if you think bitcoin will be successful (and you should if you have faith in coins to begin with), then why wouldn't that be a sound, logical investment? almost everyone outside of this retarded website thinks bitcoin and eth are sound, longterm investments
litecoin is more of gamble but could move 1/4 to bitcoin
if you want to make money, you need to spend money, and $300 isn't going to afford you the trial and errror everyone else has to go through so get back in your wage cage until you have thge gambliong position you want bitch
ignore this loser. Hes either someone who got into ETH early and wants every new coiner to suffer, or hes just someone too retarded to do research.
Heres what you want to do OP, $300 wont get you much IF you buy into a coin with a high market cap. When i coin has a high market cap; that means less potential for growth because it requires more money for the share values to go up. What you want to do is look for coins that are sub 5 million market cap coinmarketcap.com
These are the only coins that could turn $300 into a solid investment. If you had 10 k, youd look for coins between the 20 and 30 million cap range, 50 k would be for 100 million cap range, and etc. Youre going to have to do research for which coins you think can moon. I personally would look into STEEMIT or Cure coin.
The other think you can do is look for complete PnD coins like NGR, Wojack, or NAZi coin. You can tell a coin is going to pump and dump if all of a sudden 5 threads about it appear on the front of biz out of nowhere. And im serious when i say 5 threads.
id also rec PoSW coin. Its gotten bad rep here, but i think the dust has settled
Not OP but thanks for the great advice, super fucken appreciated
>Reeks of P&D scam.
Why are you spouting buzzwards like a retarded newfag?
It wouldn't be 30th if it was a P&D. It already pumped, and it already dumped. If that was the fact, it would have gone down to 0.
nice cat. ur welcome
Steemit has a half billion dollar market cap. Cure coin is more in the range you mentioned.
All throughout that list, it looks like most of the coins are up 10-15%.
I'm mostly looking at the sub $1 ($5 max) coins... Reddcoin, digibyte, siacoin, ark, mysterium, cure coin... korecoin is up 228% in the last 7d.
Do you really believe in DGB? how many do you have? What's do you hope it'll be this time next year? It was at 2000sat recently and has had a steady decline to 1000sat.
Just a P&D scam. Sure.
meant to say steam dollar. oh well, id get posw anyway.
>Sub $1
Youre thinking about it all wrong. The price means nothing. Its all about the market cap.Yyou could have a coin like ripple thats only 30 cents a coin, but because it has 100 billion coins in total, the market cap is 13 billion.
Just trying to warn you. SIA and DGB wont get you anything with $300. Mysterium and RDD maybe, but if you only have $300,, youll only be look at 30 k in the long run at most. Youre gonna need to buy really low. Like really low. I would rec ESP2 because it has solid tech behind it, but a 20 mil market cap i still would consider too high for the amount of money you have.
>steady decline
This shows how new you are. DGB literally plummeted after placing #70 in the citibank contest. An over 50% drop in just 2 days. I dont trust digibytes: theyre development team is unknown besides Jared, their speed has been outdone by other coins, and it appears to be slow in getting their applications out.
Dont be afraid to buy when its up 15%, thats literally nothing.
>Do you really believe in DGB?
DGB is a dead coin, find something else.
Hi again Faggot. Still here I see. We're going on what, a week and a half now, at least?
Threadly reminder:
you're welcome
Those first two aren't me.
You keep saying that, faggot.
That's your counterpart I presume. A single faggot can't literally be on 24/7 of course. Yet two can read from the same script.
How many rupees are they paying you?
>A single faggot can't literally be on 24/7 of course.
That's where you're mistaken.
>How many rupees are they paying you?
A whopping zero (0).
No-one's that much of a faggot that they dedicate this much effort for free.
Either you're being paid, or have a motive, that much is clear.
You were on pulling this shit when I left for work this morning, and still there when I come back, still reading off you shitty script like a low-level call-centre worker.
>he's so paranoid and delusional that he thinks I get paid along with multiple people in an anti-DGB facility
That bad investment is wreaking havoc on your brain my friend.
Money isn't the only thing with value B^)
I made some money waiting for the retards at CoinExchange to pump some 1-5sat shartcoins.
>Look for shitcoin with small sellwalls and low price
>spew some bullshit in trollbox. maybe even write a fake article
>watch the tards buy up
I'm not looking at being the next bill gates here. I just want to make some sound investments now instead of looking back a couple years from now the same way I do today regarding bitcoin.
$30k from $300 would be a dream come true. Plus, that's just the amount I could spend today. I'd like to pick up $100 worth of whatever every paycheck from here on out. One or two less nights a month I get to go out and blow money of food and shit.
Posw, rdd, myst. Sounds good to me. Is it best to buy bitcoin first then trade for these coins?
And yes I'm fucking new. And late to this game. But I'm here now and I'm ready to play.
You can only buy BTC first and get these on an exchange. I rec coinbase, but some autists will go against it.
1. sign up for coinbase
2. buy btc
3. sign up for bittrex
4. go under deposits and copy btc address
5. paste address into your btc send wallet on coinbase
6. then finally trade for coins on bittrex
theres also many other exchanges too
PoSW is kind of risky looking back, and their website is a bit sketchy. I highly rec ESP2, but again, you should really do research by googling every coin you see on the biz archive, google, reddit, and what not.
I think Myriad would be a nice coin to look at too. 5 algorithm solid tech. A less sketchy version of DGB. And it only has a 5 million market cap.
btw, rdd is a piece of shit with no tech backing it. Its literally all marketing.
My main investment is ARK personally, with a 80 million market cap.
CFI, go research it. It's going to be huge. Don't listen to bancore, ark, rdd shills. Go look at CFI.
Alright, I'm in the game with a weak as fuck 0.0667BTC. What's the final answer anons? What do I put this in?
What are your top 3 coins and I can narrow it down for you.
NXT looks ready for action, but you didn't hear that from me
Esp2, myriad, ICOO...
Fuck I don't know. I've been told above to focus on market cap and if these coins have any real viability and room to grow. I'm interested in others too but they have higher caps.
I'm not looking to be rich by the end of next week. My worst possible case scenario is losing like a $1000. My best case scenario is be able to get up to like $5-6K and pay off debts.
Plan is to initially put my 0.0667btc into an alt coin with room to grow, and put in $100-200 each paycheck moving forward.
hmmm I don't know much about those three besides blatant shilling, sorry.
the goals you've laid out can probably be completed by holding dgb honestly.
They've been getting some attention with all of the citi challenges, so I wouldn't doubt that there is some stuff brewing behind the scenes.
This is all from an objective standpoint btw.
>Like, if I buy into say litecoin, even if it goes up to $180/LTC, a 300% increase, with a shit investment of $300, I'm looking at $600 over a year, which I may as well go to a fucking roulette table.
I'm going to suggest something that will seem counterintuitive.
You're a noob, but you have instincts. The problem with noobs is they come up with elaborate reasons for distrusting their instincts. This is what kills you.
The correct course of action is to buy the litecoins because gambling with shitcoins is just that, a gamble.
Second more rational piece of advice is that this is crypto, not stocks. Instead of a year, come back in a month.
Fuck Digi. Seriously people are missing strat might kill themselves
I'm putting more in rn. Pls sell me your bags
Bro I love what you do and I'll always throw compliments thank you for your hard work, the greatest thing I've ever seen
Pajeet, my son.
I bought in under 300 sats and sold over 2k sats. I bought back in around what it is now a week or so ago, after it rose from 900.
I watched it reach 900 originally and drop down to 400, more than half what it mooned for. Sounds similar to 2300 down to 1100 now, doesn't it?
It's going to moon harder than it did last, don't miss it.
Put it in AntShares for good gains, buy under 200k.
Or just be mad man and buy Espers(Esp2) under 30 sat
Espers looks good. Short term or long term gains with this?