Why is he worshiped by blacks?
Haile Selassie
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Last African ruler to fall to Europeans. Even Liberia was viewed as an American puppet.
> worshiped
Just a few small jamaican sects did this in the 60s.
The whole thing was blown out of proportion by the popularity of reggae music worldwide.
>Why is he worshiped by Rastafarians?
Because they are idiots.
Ethiopia always had a slight appeal in the West and a long association with black people. In the American Revolution, black soldiers on both sides were organized into "Ethiopian regiments". Not only was Ethiopia emblematic of Africa and black people, but it had a cache due to its independence and victory of Italy in 1896. As a Christian nation with a well-documented ancient history, Ethiopia came to be understood as a cut above other African societies.
In 1930, the crowning of the Res Tefari (prince) Haile Selassie as Negus of Ethiopia caught the eye of white observers. His exotic yet opulent court led to a brief media craze, especially because Selassie was educated and generally comfortable in European settings. Because Ethiopia was an independent state and an important potentially ally for the colonial powers, members of the European nobility attended his coronation. By opposing colonization but also working to turn Ethiopia into a more westernized country, Haile Selassie became a vaguely romantic figure to western observers. He was also, I believe, the first black person to appear on Time Magazine. Despite not having very much international relevance, Haile Selassie was a household name.
Imagine you're a poor black Jamaican in 1930. You've lost your job thanks to the Great Depression and have to work as a field hand. Though you don't have much access to the outside world, you know there's a guy named Res Teferi Haile Selassie who all the newspapers talk about. And he's black like you.
Haile Selassie became a rallying point for an anticolonial spiritual movement similar to the Native American Ghost Dance, and later became symbolic of Jamaica because many reggae musicians were Rastafarians.
This is why I come to this board. Thanks for making Veeky Forums a better place, user.
>be a semitic dark skinned caucasoid from east africa
>get worshiped by a bunch of west-african negroid ameriqueeshas and potniggers
gets my noggin joggin
Rastas are a despised minority in Jamaica, they're considered crazy woowoo cultists on a par with Scientologists. The only reason you've ever heard of them is because one of them just happened to be one of the greatest musicians of his age.
>caucasoid from east africa
there's no prove for this? there's no way east africans are caucasoid
Not saying they are, but Ethiopians who are half white look really pretty much Mediterranean.
very succinct and well written user
Because he actually WUZ a kang
That's next level shit for a black guy
You're giving Snoop Dog way too much credit senpai.
Because he gives them a genuine figure to look up to. All memes and Jamaican shit aside, he is a genuinely good leader who took the best of the West and tried his best to bring his nation into modern civilization. Their nobles married into European royals families from time to time, so his family really is the closest to "we wuz" without being totally wrong
He's talking about Bob Marley you stupid underage fuck
Bob Marley poet and a prophet
Bob Marley taught me how to off it
Bob Marley walkin' like he talk it
Goodness me can't you see I'm gonna cough it
Give it away give it away give it away now
Give it away give it away give it away now
Give it away give it away give it away now
>le Bob Marley
He is a "literally who?". made some shitty music in the 50s and is only remembered by some oldfag niggers. who the fuck cares?
Don't feed the trolls.
Caucasoid is a stupid word we are black and the very term aethiopid implies and states an unstable phenotype.
It's origin lies in European colonial expansion and thought and is silly. I say this as a Habesha.
Mostly agree
Alpha Blondy is way better than Bob Marley.
You are patrilineally Semitic, ergo, the high races of the Ethiopia being Amhara and Tigray are Caucasoid, though mixed with negroid matrilineal DNA
Fuck you, you massive baggy cunt.
Rastafarianism is no more silly than any other religion. At least they know their prophet actually existed (I'm looking at you, christians) and wasn't just some psychotic schizoid (mohammedans).
>he thinks Bob Marley is relevant
>Their nobles married into European royals families from time to time, so his family really is the closest to "we wuz" without being totally wrong
Which ones?
> he is a genuinely good leader who took the best of the West and tried his best to bring his nation into modern civilization.
He was a good figure head and because of that a good war leader. Asides form that he had huge flaws as leader.
That makes absolutely no sense at all and is a failing on several fronts.
No we aren't. Our language is the result of trade, the original inhabitants of Arabia Felix were Cushitic and our genetics are largely local.
You need to get with new data and stop spouting stupidity
>Rastafarianism is no more silly than any other religion. At least they know their prophet actually existed (I'm looking at you, christians) and wasn't just some psychotic schizoid (mohammedans).
How many other religions had their prophet literally reject them and his own divinity?
That's up for debate as we know so little about a lot of other religion's prophets beyond what has been ascribed to them by their followers. But there's nothing to say prophets have to be aware of their own divinity or declare themselves divine. Isn't humility supposed to be a virtue?
>That's up for debate as we know so little about a lot of other religion's prophets beyond what has been ascribed to them by their followers.
We know a fair bit, the closet you have in history (modern and ancient) is people renouncing their prophet hood when either getting proved wrong by failed predictions or under coercion.
Indeed the closest (and ironically saddest) comparison we have to the Rastafarians are the primitive peoples initially believing westerners were Gods
>Isn't humility supposed to be a virtue?
It is, however humility doesn't mean lying to and deceiving people. Humility is recognising your faults and weakness not thinking less of yourself.
>having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's importance
Selassie didn't lie - it seems he was quite honest about not thinking he was divine despite people ascribing divinity to him. Very admirable, I'd say.
In terms of the comparisons you mentioned, my favourite is en.wikipedia.org
>Selassie didn't lie - it seems he was quite honest about not thinking he was divine despite people ascribing divinity to him.
Which is a problem if you are Jesus who is literally God.
>Very admirable, I'd say.
Not if you are the second coming of Jesus, indeed its literally the worst lie he could tell.
>In terms of the comparisons you mentioned, my favourite is
Ah Cargo Cults, have you read the epic banter they had when mocked by chrisitians?
Here is one you might enjoy en.wikipedia.org
A jewish lad who claimed to be the Messiah and then converted after the Sultan said he would have a group of archers volley arrows into him as a test of his divinity if he didnt.
Haha that is funny.
With regards to Selassie, though, the Rastas are quite a diverse bunch and not all of them think of him as the Second Coming. It's not necessary to them or their religion to see him as such. It doesn't make their religion or "way of life" as some prefer to term it any less valid than any other religion.
>With regards to Selassie, though, the Rastas are quite a diverse bunch and not all of them think of him as the Second Coming
Were they the minority of the religion?
>some prefer to term it any less valid than any other religion.
I would argue that it does - at least for the second comming sect/group - this is because in religions there is rarely a smoking gun or objective test you can use whilst you are alive. For most its "all the prophecies are yet to happen and we will never know before they happen".
However for some groups like those second coming rastas or Scientologists they tie themselves to real world and objective tests.
Selassie died without preforming the messianic prophecies and Scientologists were unable to provide perfect memory.
Its so rare to get clear cut cases of prophecies or simmilar promises being 100% wrong with no grey zone or wriggle room.
Some more fun -
But just to clarify its still a religion but only in the same way that a German Sheppard and a pug are both dogs.
>Were they the minority of the religion?
I don't know enough about them to make that judgement but I'd say that, logically speaking, all religions minus one must be incorrect and false to some degree. I still see no reason to single out any of the Rastas as being particularly silly.
>But just to clarify its still a religion but only in the same way that a German Sheppard and a pug are both dogs.
They are both dogs in every sense. As mentioned above, though, a lot of Rastas shy away from describing their "way of life" as a religion.
>Selassie died
I know many Rastas don't accept this at all.
>all religions minus one must be incorrect and false to some degree
Not really outside of the Abrahamic faiths other religions generally allow for a lot of syncretism and other Gods and value sets.
>I still see no reason to single out any of the Rastas as being particularly silly.
To clarify maybe particularly wrong, contradictory or defective might be a better way to describe it.
>a lot of Rastas shy away from describing their "way of life" as a religion.
I would see things like that being more about practical concerns, ie avoiding persecution and making it easier for people to get involved.
This makes for a really fun contrast with Scientology (whose core teachings were originally part of a self-help/psychology business which fell into bankruptcy) who go to extraordinary lengths to justify and call themselves a religion.
>I know many Rastas don't accept this at all.
Its actually a surprisingly common phenomena amoung religions where prophecies fail hard, here is an interesting study on it en.wikipedia.org
(10/10 post user)
That is one NRM, I have to admit, that does strike me as particularly silly.
Indeed. Can Christian eschatology be excused. The Second Coming was right around the corner for the early church fathers and we still seem to be waiting.
>That is one NRM, I have to admit, that does strike me as particularly silly.
Its funny that such a silly group conducted the largest internal espionage attack on the US government in history and successfully bullied their taxation department into giving them religious status in exchange for 2 million and a promise to stop suing them.
Also they briefly attempted to take control of Rhodesia but got driven out by the Smith government.
Do you have any interesting historical events/ info for the Rastas outside the whole second comming bit?
>The Second Coming was right around the corner for the early church fathers and we still seem to be waiting.
Easily theyve been doing it for centuries, theyve just reinterpreted it to mean things like spiritual death or generation as being a different measure of time. - A pretty iffy answer but enough to keep it in the grey zone -
Excellent and concise explanation that justifies the thread.
fellow habesha here. you're as wrong as the guy you're replying to.
>Our language is the result of trade,
No, our switch to semitic is the result of mixing from sabaean (arabian) immigrants 2800 years ago. This marked the beginning of what would lead to the aksum.
>the original inhabitants of Arabia Felix were Cushitic
oh no, I hate when my fellow ethiopians fall for afrocentric bullshit. thats just not true, the original inhabitants of arabia felix were probably similar to what you see now in modern-day Yemen.
>our genetics are largely local.
This is mostly true pic related. We are eurasian mixed cushitic people. similar to all people in the Horn.
>Do you have any interesting historical events/ info for the Rastas outside the whole second comming bit?
I do remember something about Garvey (if that counts) being a fan of the KKK. I seem to remember that he liked what he saw as their straightforwardness and lack of hypocrisy, and their ideas surrounding repatriation to Africa.
Interesting I might give them a look over, once I finish up my investigation into the Mormons
How do Rastas explain black people becoming the chosen people instead of the Jews?
This is why I browse Veeky Forums
This is actually a valid explanation
I have no clue who the hell that is
A black christian prophecized an african king, and then that prophecy came true when Haile Selassie took power. Loads of afro americans saw this as a divine event, and then went on to form the rastafari movement. Haile Selassie was a near mythical figure to american blacks due to this.
you are too stupid for words, he was a musical icon and people still actively listen to him today, he made music from the 60's to the 80's as well and was remembered as being a voice in the civil rights movement and the 70's when racial violence was as high as he was.
Jamaicans not African American
Because unironically DUDE WEED LMAO
Continental Americas, he probably ment.
Oba, obaserving the 'ypocrites
You are the chemo curing Veeky Forums, thank you.
Marcus Garvey (the person in question) was jamaican but lived on the USA
So basically Ethiopia is a black Japan