ITT: Share the best crypto asset trading group you know, please.
>inb4 no
ITT: Share the best crypto asset trading group you know, please.
>inb4 no
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Veeky Forums
tele pump channels
Please, I am looking for the biggest whale group possible. thnx.
>Sponsored by
Seriously, I am looking for the inner circle of big players, not pussi bois. thnx.
upcoming pumps is doing one on sunday
Dude, thanks! What is your net worth?
i made around 53 btc with them like 6 months ago, they made a little pause and are back in again, my overall btc wallet is around 160
This guy for sure
Is an M.D., ran an exchange that took in 1 mil in 6 months, is a software guy as well, and is smart af.
Stop taking advice from NEETS shilling their coins. Learn from the true whales of crypto with huge wallets.
Shh dont tell the normies, i made crazy gains thanks to that group and want to keep it secret
wait they are doing the pump on sunday correct? have they announced it yet?
yeah, it seems so
normies are afraid anyway, this is for pros only
I think it is very generous of him, we need to help our community, we are part of Veeky Forums
so whats the trick... just make sure to get in within 30 seconds of announcement?
make me rich senpai
Will MIYU Coin moon today?
join and find out, i dont really want Veeky Forumstards to know much about this, this is pretty much free money
OP Here. Just googled >
and it is amongst the best crypto groups in USA. Are there more seats available? I am trying to get my homies in.
they might stop adding people after they reach 3000 like they had last winter, i'd rather hurry
im in.
wait.. its this one right?
Well then, lets help the Veeky Forums community. We are all part of it, arent we?
Should I put everything in ANT(not Ans)?
you guys are pretty lucky, spoke now with an old friend from their last group, he told me they are doing something even bigger this time, pay attention
This is a scam. They pre buy the coin and then during the "pump" you buy their bags.
It's pretty obvious at this point you're one of the group leaders. I pity the idiots that will hold your bags.
Based on the thread picture (ask the 8-ball), is this guy telling the truth?
Is this really true?
Alright, is this guy telling the truth?
stay poor and in fear boys, you probably got rekt by pajeets, learn to make the difference
are you sure, 8 ball?
just checked the 1 minute chart for their last coin GEO... did not prebuy any significant volume. im still in..
stay poor fags
are you high bro?
are you retarded? whales accumulate without drawing suspicion like that.
Created June 23...
With retarded shilled reviews, kys.
Check out the thread picture. You can ask all kinds of questions and the last digit of that post determines the answer from the 8-ball. Give a try.
literally too retarded to read, THEY ARE BACK IN THE GAME NOW
Not really, I made a shitload yesterday on TRIG, look it up, i dont want normies to know about these prosignals, we dump on redditfags so as long as you biznessmen youll make money
Am I a faggot?
Should I go get some sleep?
no you fucking retard, stop jumping on chinese trains
Daily reminder to keep these link inside Veeky Forums
>telegram needs phone number to sign up
Into the trash it goes
telegram does not show your phone retard
google voice
checked again, they are gonna pump some shit hard
This is making us rich
well the arabs are currently sleeping, they might close it as soon as they wake up.