Yo dude, the 90s were fucking radical man.
Can someone from the up top give me a down low on this radical period of time?
Cha, check it, and hit me up on the tubular interwebs when ya get anything brah.
The 90's
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Objectively the peak of civilization that will be remembered like Rome before the collapse.
radical man
truly an extreme conclusion you came to there
>when your only national problem was whether or not the President got a blowjob
It was a more innocent time
I don't talk about it much any more. The magic. That sounds stupid. It was dreams. It was the time that dreams began, and dreams came true. The 90s. What were we doing? What was happening? History had reached an end point the philosopher told us. The Soviets had fallen and the Cold War was over. From here on out would be nothing but self improvement for everyone. The world would be our health food store and self help book section. Constant and continual improvement until the end of time. Freedom had been won and prosperity for all would follow. There was nowhere left to go but up and we were at the top. We were as high as we could get and as low as we could imagine.
Being an adolescent in the 90s was endless ecstatic wonderment. Nothing was impossible or out of reach. Technology and art were gloriously fused. Science became cool. We believed in ourselves again. We believed that we could be anything we dreamed of. Space Shuttles flew higher, Hubble Space Telescopes saw the light at the edge of the universe, animals could be cloned, stem cells could be harvested. We were going to learn everything and live forever. We believed that the truth was out there. Agents Scully and Molder were going to find it. We would make contact with extraterrestrials, the good aliens would help us defeat the bad aliens. Humanity will teach the stars and shine eternally by joining with them. Eastern philosophy, western philosophy, the end if self the end of time. We partied like it was always going to be 1999.
If you missed it. Then you missed it. I'm not going to say its impossible for you to understand. As a 90s kid, I don't believe anything is impossible. But there are times where it send like the future will be brighter. But that's how it feels. I just want the magic to come back. I want the world to be real again. I want conversations to be real with human interactions. Cell phones, and facebook killed everything glorious.
I feel you man, I'm an 1983er.
I can remember when subcultures were really local instead of being online.
70's kid, and kinda of the opposite in many ways.
During the 70's and early 80's everything seemed to be moving forward and up with no end in sight. Then the Challenger blew up, and the slow realization as to what had actually happened to the space program years ago started to kick in. We began to realize we might not go to the moon again, and that the Mars 1999 project might be a pipe dream. By the 90's, it had become the Mars 2020 project. By the 2000's, NASA gave up and it became Musk's pipe dream.
For us, when the USSR fell, it was absolutely terrifying. It meant the end of the balance of power in the world. Our greatest enemy, that had driven to such heights (including, literally, the moon) had fallen without notice. All their former territories, and the allies we had who had no other use than to oppose them, were doomed to be in perpetual quagmires. Short of an alien invasion, no enemy could replace the USSR, no adversary would appear to force us to better ourselves. Any future conflict would be between that and a weaker, oppressed force, encouraging only our accelerated decay.
Oddly, the internet, cell phones, Facebook, and the like - the decentralization of the social mechanisms, I've seen as nothing but positive. The world is more interconnected than ever, more accountable than ever. If anything it was the one ray of light in that dark world where only one stagnant unchecked superpower, with no motivation beyond maintaining its own power, remains.
On the plus side, we don't have to worry about the world ending in nuclear fire from day to day anymore.
The apogee of the greatest empire since Rome.
Like Rome, the decline will likely last centuries (barring nukes, AI enslavement, or bioweapons) but it will come.
Tbh, I think America will be the last great empire. Genetic engineering and AI will create a new class of international, elite overmen. We're the last of the homosapiens.
90's was the decade that fashion forgot, polyester, vinyl, fur collars anything with full saturated colour.
Just look at television back then, the way the audio quality was, the way people acted, the sound effects and music used. It was a media era all its own. Power rangers or X-files or Pete & Pete all have this 90s feel that is really hard to actually describe. And that's just the TV.
Internet was barely a thing and most people didn't have it, unlike today where everybody is plugged in. It really was a different era.
And whoa dude, remember land of the lost?
The internet was much better before all the normies
>For us, when the USSR fell, it was absolutely terrifying. It meant the end of the balance of power in the world. Our greatest enemy, that had driven to such heights (including, literally, the moon) had fallen without notice.
This, gorbachev's team sent chills down the amerifats spines when they declared "We will do a terrible thing to you, and deprive you of an enemy".
The american neocons have literally been btfo ever since. China doesn't quite count ever since Deng Xioping's econkmic reforms, Putin is annoying but lacks the ideological threat component (even though they're trying their hardest to make it seem so) and muslim insurgency is lacking both the scale and legitimacy to fill that void. Never has a "peaceful" interim been so restless.
We should try to enjoy it though, when the next challenger comes about we're literally going to shit bricks.
>It will never come back.
>On the plus side, we don't have to worry about the world ending in nuclear fire from day to day anymore.
>watches you playing cs 1.5 on LAN and dl porn with Napster
I can never tell whether its in to hate the 90s or love them. It seems to flip flop too often
>Genetic engineering and AI will create a new class of international, elite overmen.
Yeah thanks for the prophecy L. Ron Hubbard. I don't know how you fags can spout this quasi-religious sci fi shit with so much certainty, transhumanism is pretty much just faith and feels at this point. If you took all the predictions people from the 1700s had made about today they'd be almost entirely wrong, even though a rare few tidbits come close that's not considering we historically filter in the more accurate examples.
We could have the perks of the 90's again if we did away with the following: drones, excessive video surveillance, TSA, and maybe the Telecommunications Act.
Drones were around long before the 90's.