Tell me the history of this state, Veeky Forums. The Good, Bad, and the Neat.
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It had the most Jim Crow Laws enacted then any other states during the 50's and 60's.
I'll give you a quick run down.
Native Americans have been settled in California for thousands of years and didn't come into contact with the old world until Europeans started exploring in the 1500s. English and Spanish explores ventured into the area but only Spain got a foothold in the area. The Spanish Empire claimed the land as their own and set up 21 missions along the coast in order to convert the natives in the late 1700s. Russia also made their way all the down to California at around this time but they didn't really do much besides trade and make small settlements. Once Mexico got their independence from Spain California was now a part of Mexico. Eventually, once the USA expanded west enough, Mexico and the USA fought a war and California became a part of the USA. California wasn't really populated by many people until it became a part of the USA. A big reason why it became populated was the Gold Rush that happened in the mid 1800s. Since then it has become the most populous and prosperous state in the USA.
History of California? As far as I know it was here when I moved to Southern California on December 31st, 1999.
Nowadays it is filled with loads of people I don't really identify with and there is even talk of it breaking away from the Union.
LMAO I would never vote for something so asinine
California has a 0% chance of becoming independent anyway.
I sincerely doubt that anything like that would or even could ever transpire but it still feels a little weird to hear people talk about it as if it were a serious idea, right? Not that any of these people talking about it are credible for one reason or another, just to hear the talk sounds a bit funny to me.
We now have more poor people than the rest of the nation; we have a lower standard of living than the rest of the nation; we have more illegal aliens than the rest of the nation; those things are not independent of each other.
It started with a gold rush, and ended as a land grab. We have land here that is worth $22,000 per square foot.
It's all reactionary. No one wanted "Texit" after Trump won.
Shit, when do we not want Texit? It's like a tradition at this point.
That said, any large state that does secede is simply handing the rest of the country to its enemies. For example, if California left the union, we wouldn't have a democrat in office for the next 100 years. The scales are far too balanced right now, ever recent election could've gone either way.
That's actually creating a disasterous situation for us since neither side has a majority leaving the other a minority. The more even things are, the more likely each side is to push the balance forcibly in their favor.
In the last poll I saw 68% of Californians opposed Californian secession while only 32% are for it and that's even including the reactionary climate.
Even that 32% figure is not accurate at all. It's just like when all those celebrities said they'd leave the USA if Trump got elected but that was just talk.
The modern day Sodom and Gomorah
I'd say the number is closer to 10%. What's more likely is if California decides to not pay federal taxes.
I live here born and raised in San Francisco and it's really not that bad. Just go outside the major cities like Walnut Creek, Redwood City and it's like any typical suburban town just with more Asians but hey it's good food. In San Mateo you have the best Japanese food.
I don't know if there are other CA residents here and I surely can't speak for all 30m+ but trust me when I say the state may be full retard in some aspects.. but it would never secede
outside of hollywood, california used to be nothing but farmers and chinks. built up after ww2 by the military industrial complex. creating excellent technical colleges and the tech companies. Then in the 90s the socialist/progressive democrats started taking over. lower third of the state is now basically mexico. middle third is little sweden with the SJW politics. top third is cascadia fags.
state has such a huge population of liberal cucks. that their diaspora into other and cheaper states is having growing political impacts. Shifting red states to purple and purple to blue. California could lose millions of democarts to red states, yet still be the biggest blue state. While also turning ever red state into purple or blue.
>state has such a huge population of liberal cucks. that their diaspora into other and cheaper states is having growing political impacts. Shifting red states to purple and purple to blue. California could lose millions of democarts to red states, yet still be the biggest blue state. While also turning ever red state into purple or blue.
BEAUTIFUL. I love my state.
until your state has the entire country run by rich communist san francisco jews.
It's actually Ayn Rand Republicans, Corrupt Democrats and Tech Companies that run SF. Chinese have some power too. The gays used to have a lot of power but that's diminished a lot since 2000's. And Jews, while there are some here are more prominent in LA area and New York.
The GOP in SF is 9.2%
Care to amend your assertion?
Ron Conway is a billionaire with a lot of power, he's cucked our mayor.
The guy who donated money to assemblyman David Chiu and Mayor Edwin Lee who are both Democrats?
That guy is a republican?
Why is it that the Democrats are the ones who fuck shit up and leave a trail of destruction in their wake while it's always the Republicans who have to clean up their mess?
Yes that one. He is a lifelong republican now he's not party affiliated. And those people he donated to are clinton type democrats. It wouldn't matter that they're democrats they might as well be republicans.
>mfw Our plan is working
The Blue Seed shall sprout when you least expect it.
It's a good lesson in why not to let a single party doninate a state, because then you have to deal with echo chamber dogma (absolute adherence to environmentalism being a must, sanctuary state as a moral imperative, need moar taxes, etc) and retarded pet projects no one can really hope to oppose (high speed rail, $15 minimum wage, getting into a slapfight with the Feds because not muh president, and so on).
are you proud that your state is a gay cancer?
I Recommend watching the second, third and fourth episodes of "Ken Burns: THE WEST"
you'll learn a lot about California
stuff like Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo, who at first wanted an independent California, then supported it joining the Union, then was arrested by Americans, and later lost all his lands to Americans
It's a cute state with not-so-cute people.
Independence was never going to happen. They already tried in the years between Spanish independence and Mexican American War.
the mexicans would have kept trying to annex california back.
in fact the California and Texas were both tired of Mexico's shit, and saw joining the USA as their only option. Which caused the war of 1848.
Seems like a nice enough place.
You ignore the part about the republic of California. I don't think that the English evera went that far west. Specially when you have a desert to arrive to California and by boat they had a very small presence in the Pacific until the XVIII century
When California is just a buncho of cholos that speak a broken Spanish secessionism will become a real thing
that is pretty much the state of SoCal, right now.
I would love to see them try. just to watch all the tech giants and entertainment companies leave. Which immediately plunges California into a recession and their socialist government becomes Greece.
Only relevant California. The south west will be chololand in 20 years
>You ignore the part about the republic of California.
>I don't think that the English evera went that far west. Specially when you have a desert to arrive to California and by boat they had a very small presence in the Pacific until the XVIII century
Do you really think 3/4ths of Congress is just gonna let the 6th strongest economy in the world walk away? California will never be independent.
>gay cancer
That would be New York, the birthplace of American Liberalism.