We've seen the memes a hundred times before, but what do you know about the distinctive history of Somalia?
Somali history
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spear chucking niggers
They aren't niggers, they're spear chucking afroasiatics.
>only country to have a successful by the definition communist revolution
Somalia is what real Communism looks like people.
It used to be a powerful trading center and a lot of Arabs lived there. Then some Italians and Brits took it over, some retarded wars broke out, and now it's shitty, though recently it's been getting slightly less shitty.
Why did Djibouti not unite with Somalia?
Why would you unite with an unstable state?
Out of convenience. Similar culture and ethnic makeup.
Ancient egyptians had a weird obession with it and kept sending expeditions there repeatedly from the 12th dynasty onwards. They called it the land of Punt, and believed gods & sea monsters occupied its lands.
The site of Punt, allegedly.
Used to be a haven for the Red Sea-Indian Ocean trade in the 1st-5th centuries (Opone, Essina, Mosylon). After the 13th century it became the site of some very powerful sultanates and city-states (Ajuuraan, Adal, Mogadishu, Barawa). Then nothing really happened after kicking out the Portuguese in the 1600s, new sultanates were made, Oman had a hold on some of Somalia, and Italy took over. Then independence came, then communism and the Ogaden war, and R.I.P. Somalia
They were Dago territory and then Anglo territory and now they're ancapistan.
Somalia is not even remotely anarchist, let alone libertarian.
They literally have no government at the moment. It's an ancap free-for-all paradise.
They have a federal parliamentary republican government with a President.
President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed.
t. repeats memes as reality
Somalis cannot do whatever they please, the entire country and its autonomous regions are under sharia law. Somalia is basically a de-centralized police state.
>a government backed by foreign military forces and still fighting insurgents all over the map is the example of a functioning government
their federal government is still meme-tier . Fancy titles are all good and well until they clash with reality on the ground. I bet you also think DPRK is really a democratic republic.
They just had an election.
They voted against it.
Not even user.
>they literally have no government
>their federal government is meme-tier
you just contradicted yourself in two sentences. is it so hard to just frankly admit you are speaking on a topic you know little to nothing about?
Somalia at one point was okay. It was not a single "country" but instead a huge area with fifty or so warlord states. They held their lands with their own customs and their own laws. When the "country" was unified it left all the people previously NEVER working together in the same boat.
Questions like: "Why the fuck should I care about those starving Ooteeii's down south when the Ungoo's up north are taking all my sheep anyway?!" popped up. All joking aside, so many obviously independent people forced to try and feed and support one another was too much. Throw in Islam and a couple of naturally occurring drought famines that normally hurt the region but are made worse when we first worlders throw money, water, and rice at them in some vain attempt to sleep at night... you get the disaster that is "Somalia"
How exactly does the clan system work in Somalia? Are they just sub-ethnic groups that have evolved around particular cities?
Siad Barre sowed the seeds for all of the region's problems thanks to his autistic obsession with "greater" somalia
Time and time again on men, I shower kindness.
If they are not satisfied, for them bedding I prepare and invite them to slumber.
If they are as yet unsatisfied, the milk of Suub, the she-camel for them thrice I milk and to them I say "come and drink".
If they are as yet unsatisfied, the ram of the homestead and the stout he-goat for them I kill.
If they are as yet unsatisfied, the Aden plate with ghee for them I fill.
If they are as yet unsatisfied, a beauteous girl complete with bridal home I offer.
If they are as yet unsatisfied, I set aside livestock which I add to the gift.
If they are as yet unsatisfied, I say "Oh brothers-in-law!" and heap salutations on them.
If they are as yet unsatisfied, at dawn I prepare the bay horse and uttering the words "praise be to the prophet" the iron-shafted spear I put in their side and through their lungs. Only then are they satisfied.
Prehistory includes camel domestication. Ancient history is possible Egyptian reference as Punt. Written history is mostly about sultanates.
Somalis aren't Bantus. IIRC when humans left Ethiopia and got some neanderthal blood, a certain group became Arabs and some of those Arabs later went back across the Red Sea and became Somalis.
somaliland independence when?
There are five major clan families. They are the traditionally nomadic Darod, Dir, Hawiye and Isaaq. They herd all kinds of live stock and find value in large herds. The sedentary Rahanweyn raise animals too, but farm for most of their food. They trade with the wanderers for various things. As time went on and all these people were forced into one single country the farmers found more and more of their food being taken by the government to feed the hungry nomads. Some clans got more food than others too. Made for conflict very quickly.
They aren't Bantu they are native even though some claim descent from Muhammad. Sudanese Arabs and South Semitic speaking Ethiopians are have more Semitic heritage.
On the other hand it could be considered that haplogroup E1b1b is equidistant to haplogroup E1b1a as R1a is to R1b.
Why do they keep having kids they can't feed?
I'm glad those pesky Chinese had their ship stolen fishing sharks only to keep the fins. I hope the same thing happens to Nipfags that try going over there.
The large family ideal is old, user. Very very old. When you get destitute and have no education - both formal and sexual - you just... have kids. You spawn five or six children with the hopes that half will see 13. They will help tend what few animals you have. You can also hope your sons will marry the daughter of a rich guy who will give you many cows for his daughter. Or whatever wealth system that group has. Problem is.... the usual droughts and famines hit the areas in the past when the population was not so high. People got hungry.... but a village of 100 could feed themselves relatively well considering.
Now you have 1000 people living on the same land 100 used to. They get desperately hungry and violent. So, every decade or so when the droughts come we first worlders chimp out like it's something new or unexpected. Millions of dollars flow into the region... to do what? Militias use it to buy guns and arms so they can better raid each other's stockpiles of imported rice and water. If anything is built, it usually gets destroyed by extremists claiming it is a way for the West to dominate them and ruin their morals. Cuz rape and pillaging and having five kids by three wives during a famine is the high point of living
... fuck you, I'm the captain now
Generally, because they /can/ feed them under existent conditions, but those conditions are unstable.
California can't feed itself, but that shouldn't be a problem as long as there's no civil war.
>any black person who's not a Horner, Khoisan, or Nilo-Saharan is Bantu
Last time I checked, West Africans are no more Bantu than Italians are German. Same race, different ethnic groups. Quit calling the two the same, you stupid Somali pirate.
>but a village of 100 could feed themselves relatively well considering.
No they'd all starve to death. Like there's many peoples with oral history over famines wiping out large areas or huge reductions.