People are debating scaling issues, centralization, regulation, faux-anonymity.
Meanwhile mfw making a fortune daytrading with the bean
People are debating scaling issues, centralization, regulation, faux-anonymity.
Meanwhile mfw making a fortune daytrading with the bean
i have 1000 beans, hopefully isn't just a shitty meme
Post vocarroo also got 500 beans
dude that's like 5 USD worth... that won't get you a lambo. And of course it is a fucking meme. But the king of memes
im poor. it's 4.35 of beans, but maybe one day it will be 20$ worth of beans
sell them at 200 sat, buy them at 150. rinse and repeat
bought at 137
sold at 183
now buying at 152.
this bean is magic.
I fucking love the bean. For me it literally is the meme of how crazy this unregulated crypto market is. Making significant money with the shittiest maskot ever created
Some dude shilled it to me on my 2nd day of actual trading.
Have spent 1 week lurking. On my first active day all I saw was shitty ARK memes. Knowing Veeky Forums from my /b/ years I can smell the shit.
but then this dude shows me the bean and tells me about porc festival.
Im like... "this is so small and so stupid and so undervalued... this shit might just work - ALSO SPROUT". Im happy he shilled me. I naively dropped 0,5btc on it.
nobeaner here...
any kind user want to send me some beans so i can join the rocketship
plz and thanks so much anything is appreciated
When did you buy in?
The bean first got shilled to me on its latest moon mission. Bought in at 230 sat and sold at 320.
Daytrading the bean ever since. Thanks for whoever shilled this shit to me first
take your pocket money and buy your own beans poorfag
Happy to share my exploits.
Literally the day before PorcFest.
I mean - it couldnt POSSIBLY go wrong. Except I missed my first moon mission to 200. I was busy "sprouting" (never happened).
Yeah that was the unedited one. Feel free to laugh at my shittier investments.
Heres the radio edit:
man i should be more careful. Time for bed.
nice one user, looks like you got your shit sorted. I have a few similar limit buys open (hoping for even lower on ANT, it sometimes dips quite hard for a short time).
May the beans grow you a green lambo soon.
I wish mayn. I made this meme and spread it at porc fest.
Now its yours. Honor it.
I will make sure it will be seen regularly on Veeky Forums from now on!
beaners stick together
holding 800 beans, but feeling good. think it'll hit 800,000 in a 3 months
can this make me thousands of dollars
i want to make thousands of dollars trading so my family will stop thinking i'm such a worthless failure
You gotta do what?
Got any extra beans beanbro?
newbeaner here ready to sprout up a whole bushel of profits
i am an actual farmer so these hands are like steel!!
spent all night syncing my wallet with the chain or whatever! help a new beaner get started ese!
kek, they'll be sorry when we moon to lamboland in 3 months. bitbean is the faster tx speed and the most powerful coin desu. completely undervalued
The bean actually fluctuates enough that you can daytrade it?
holy shit lol
Literally just open up the chart nigger
oh shit what up beanbro. i have the same amount of beans.
these memes are impressive
How much do you make trading da beans?
Fucking lol