Don't bother, don't waste your time, buy a house in the country, work a shit job, enjoy yourself, you can't stop it. Let it go.
Friendly reminder that western civilisation is dead and there's no point trying to save it
Other urls found in this thread:
reminder that business interests will be the first to develop AI and make themselves into living gods and this will happen within our lifetimes
The West isn't dead yet, it's dying. It will inevitably die but it's death will come sooner thanks to its people trying to spread its values as some sort of universal ones, welcoming foreigners into the lands under the myth that they could ever be the same as the locals.
Fuck off Spengler. We shall endure and return to what cone was.
>under the myth that they could ever be the same as the locals.
Self-fulfilling prophecy.
If x can't be the same as y, and thus doesn't deserve the opportunity to try, x will surely never be the same as y, regardless of x's capacities.
Regardless, the liberals welcoming them are the ones insisting they can't be the same as the locals and encouraging them not to try.
>sky robots form Obama administration blow up the muslims before they can even do anything and aren't even able to counter-attack
Demography is destiny you dumb kuffar!
>We shall endure and return to what cone was
He actually believes this lmao.
You can't stop decline, your efforts will only further it or have no effect at all.
No one is talking about muslims, idiot. Islamic migration is merely a SYMPTOM of the GENERAL DECLINE.
>I have no understanding of entropy as a socio-cultural dynamic, the post
...Any day now. Every 8 years the Sperglerians come up with a new theory for who is gonna be the Caesar and how obviously the world is declining, but since the 1920s it hasn't been true and no amount of vague and unfalsifiable historical connections will make it so.
>insisting they can't be the same as the locals and encouraging them not to try.
Except every country with a major refugee influx has programs to teach them the local language and help them integrate into the economy. That success is difficult to come by doesn't mean, at all, that there is no intent or that there won't be success.
Demography is also not constant. Demographic transition occurs to everyone, European population boomed in the industrial revolution and now ceased. Same pattern is observable in developing countries like Bangladesh today, where birth rates are declining. Birth rates also decline for Turkish and Arab immigrants on the 1.5th and 2nd generation (information on 2nd and beyond is scarce, but all evidence suggests they're not going to be the one exception on the planet). It's no wonder that such "white genocide!" claims are seldom made by actual demographers and anthropologists.
>hey I'm going to go on a tangent about something completely irrelevant to Spengler and the thread, and act arrogant about it, like I know it all.
Spengler was wrong and his decline theory is retarded horseshit.
>Demography is also not constant. Demographic transition occurs to everyone, European population boomed in the industrial revolution and now ceased.
Europeans are being replaced as we speak you insane cuck
>Regardless, the liberals welcoming them are the ones insisting they can't be the same as the locals and encouraging them not to try.
That is not true. Liberals don't claim to believe there are any serious differences and that anyone can be assimilated, if not today, it will eventually happen because of superior humanistic values that are self evident and ingrained in everyone. Now whether or not they actually believe that is another question. Liberals do speak of such equality.
Their motto is that Western values are not Western, they are universal. So when someone from Asia does something they see as disgusting, they'll think "oh well, we some something disgusting in our Western culture as well". Conservatives make a mistake thinking liberals are criticizing Western values. They aren't. They are always implying a difference between Western culture and secular humanism. The lattter, according to them, is the ultimate ideology that is reached by any civilization or society overtime as technology progresses or exchange of ideas are given time to give birth to secular humanism.
They believe in the Idea of Progress, which is a myth. Political ideologies and social ethics do not advance like technology and science. IF information is transmitted over time, science and tech will progress over time. It may sagnate sometimes but it will progress. overall. Ethics and political ideology is different, see
>If I ignore data and existing models restate my opinion this time it will be true!
>my head is so deep up my ass I use physics terms in society because I can understand how it all works by simple deduction!
by the time these outsider groups actually return to below 2.0 rate original europeans will be a minority. And dont get me started on the dysgenic issues that this entails.
Actually, I have a nice paper from a German guy about
Decline and resurgence goes hand in hand. How many times did the mesopotamians went through those motions already? The only thing that permanently killed them was the collapse of the iron age. And I believe the industrial dark age is still a long way away. Even if the West falls behind, it will resurge again.
How does having AI make them into living gods? Just curious what you think, sounds like some killer sci fi
>Spengler was wrong
tell me how. point exactly where he was wrong to a point where it invalidates his entire theory.
Everytime someone says this, I've later found out they had no idea what they were talking about and hadnt even read the damn book(s).
>Every 8 years the Sperglerians come up with a new theory for who is gonna be the Caesar
I would like to know where you find these Spenglerians. Seriously.
At most, I've found people pointing to Trump or Bernie as examples of proto-Caesarism, but thats it.
Its important to remember that FDR and Lenin were also examples of proto-Caesarism.
google it you brainlet.
Spengler works in a intuitive way what many others later developed into more fleshed out theory.
>Liberals don't claim to believe there are any serious differences. They claim that anyone can be assimilated, if not today, it will eventually happen because of superior humanistic values that are self evident and ingrained in everyone.
Fixed the second sentence.
Muslims are having children in western Europe with reckless abandon, they are also being encouraged by the Saudis to do this, if you think they are all going to be good conscientious single child parents like the rest of Europe in a generation you have your head in the sand. And of course this is not counting the next wave of refugees that is sure to hit europe soon from the impending famine in Yemen.
I'm not gonna read a 33 page paper in 10 minutes and reply to you, make your own arguments.
But judging from the abstract, this guy makes a lot of tall claims, especially that IQ and social status are fixed (one which leads to wonder, why were the whites of 1920 about as smart on average as modern blacks?) and that he actually uses Spengler as a source. Which, whether you agree with Spengler or not, is incredibly unscientific. But again, make arguments and I will respond to them.
>Missing: entropy
Society can't be "intuitively" understood, that's Freud or Jung-tier.
>Muslims are having children in western Europe with reckless abandon, they are also being encouraged by the Saudis to do this, if you think they are all going to be good conscientious single child parents like the rest of Europe in a generation you have your head in the sand.
Same shit they said about Turks, and their fertility is also slowly dropping
You still fail to provide any sources suggesting Arab or Turk immigrants are the exception to demographic transition. People don't stop having kids cause they're "conscientious", they stop because their work and the cost of raising a child begin to get in the way when you're in a developed country.
there is literally nothing wrong with Jung you gigantic autismal dork.
>one which leads to wonder, why were the whites of 1920 about as smart on average as modern blacks?
You dont even know about the Flynn Effect gtfo.
plus, I'm not capable of having a discussion right now.
read that stupid paper, its much shorter than it looks. regardless if you can or cannot argue with me, its good stuff.
>Muslims are having children in western Europe with reckless abandon
You're saying this as if they were like subsaharan African families who have 7 to 8 children per women. This isn't true. The average is 2 to 3 children per women compared to the recommended 2 children. However, fertility rates drop over the next generations and the fertility rate of the European population can very well rise. In fact, it's projected to close the gap by 2035.
There is no evidence Saudis recommend them to do make plenty of children. Saudis don't care for your shitty degenerate part of the continent except for how much money they can invest to Saudi Arabia and how much weapons are they willing to sale.
>they stop because their work and the cost of raising a child begin to get in the way when you're in a developed country.
Exactly, that's why their fertility rates drop. And it's why Iran's fertility rate is dropping since the islamic republic govt introduced measures to lower it. And it's at almost European level, in fact lower than some Eastern European countries. Many Middle eastern and North African country are experiencing a drop.
>there is literally nothing wrong with Jung you gigantic autismal dork.
If you unironically believe there is nothing wrong with the collective unconscious, I think you're too removed from reality to continue this discussion
>You dont even know about the Flynn Effect gtfo.
I was intentionally referencing the Flynn Effect, moron. Whites in industrial America were much more blue collar and lived in much less cognitively demanding situations than their modern post-Industrial counterparts, and this along with advancements in education and prenatal and child care and nutrition raised IQs of Americans by over 25 points. To claim that populations that are about 25 points under us and are unindustrialized or in the middle of industrialization will always remain so is a very convenient overlooking of the Flynn Effect for scandalous political discourse.
I'll have to take your word for it. I'm also bailing on this retard-infested thread
>I would like to know where you find these Spenglerians. Seriously.
the paper tackles literally all of these issues.
ok, I'm off to bed. sorry I cant argue. I wouldnt mind mirroring some of the arguments in the paper, but I need to sleep
Also, yes the graph stops at 2010 but in the world bank sites you can see decrease of birth rates continuing to happen for most of these countries except Egypt.
>There is no evidence Saudis recommend them to do make plenty of children. Saudis don't care for your shitty degenerate part of the continent except for how much money they can invest to Saudi Arabia and how much weapons are they willing to sale.
Yeahhhhh whatever, Saudis aren't building multimillion dollar mosques and stocking them with salafi imams encouraging muslims to breed, no not at all!
>You're saying this as if they were like subsaharan African families who have 7 to 8 children per women. This isn't true. The average is 2 to 3 children per women compared to the recommended 2 children. However, fertility rates drop over the next generations and the fertility rate of the European population can very well rise. In fact, it's projected to close the gap by 2035.
>European muslims aren't that fertile! Look at how not fertile they are to the absolute highest fertility rate in the world!
So what? Something better might take it's place.
Europe is dead, North America is dying, but the Western civilization is still alive in South America.
In 100 years, Buenos Aires and Belém will be the two capitals of the Western world.
It's a conspiracy theory. There is no pragmatic reason for Saudis to waste millions of dollars on mosque to promote their own version of a religion instead of just doing it only and through TV which is far more effective (yet they haven't done so).
>European muslims aren't that fertile! Look at how not fertile they are to the absolute highest fertility rate in the world!
You're a retard. Fertility rate of European Muslims is not the highest one in the world. Muslims fertility rate overall is lower than Christian subsaharan Africans.
I hope Europe imports Christian subsaharan Africans, that way your hideous race can die quicker than it otherwise would be.
>It's a conspiracy theory.
>ksa funding and staffing mosques wherever they can is now a conspiracy theory
>imams regularly telling their congregations to breed like crazy is now a conspiracy theory
lol you're either a shit for brains leftcuck or spouting pure taqia at this point
There is no proof of a campaign of Saudis funding mosque, much less of some sort of attempt to spread a religion or Wahabism.
You're assuming the bullshit you read is true because it is pretty much one of the few things that keeps your maniacal nonsense afloat.
Heck the fact that you're resorting to only ad hominem and can't prove your claims, speaks for itself.
Lol you're so wrong though famalamagram
Are you very often so confidently wrong?
Oh look,
Blown the fuck out.
t. ahmed ibn abdullah ibn mohammed al-swedi
Haha wrong again. Read it you troll.
First paragraph
>At least one observer—The New Yorker magazine's investigative journalist Seymour Hersh—has suggested that petro-Islam is being spread by those whose motivations are less than earnest/pious.
So there is little debate that it IS happening, the argument is over motivation.
This was fun, I should put you on suicide watch more often.
>>imams regularly telling their congregations to breed like crazy is now a conspiracy theory
Also nothing is said about this in
Your parents should get you a good spanking for not teaching you how to read or at least for not trying to get you help regarding your obvious mental inferiority.
>Read it
Learn to read : >Authors who criticize the "thesis" of Petro-Islam itself—that petrodollars have had a significant effect on Muslim beliefs and practices—include Joel Beinin and Joe Stork. They argue that in Egypt, Sudan and Jordan, "Islamic movements have demonstrated a high level of autonomy from their original patrons." The strength and growth of Muslim Brotherhood, and other forces of conservative political Islam in Egypt can be explained (Beinin and Stork believe), by internal forces—the historical strength of the Muslim Brotherhood, sympathy for the "martyred" Sayyid Qutb, anger with the "autocratic tendencies" and failed promises of prosperity of the Sadat government.[44]
Anyway you still haven't shown any proof. A wiki article is not inherently proof of anything. Where are the financial records? Show them. You're like a retarded democrat whining about Trump and Russia but can't show any evidence of Trump being Putin's puppet.
Ksa propping up mosques and propagating salafism everywhere it may find muslims is an open secret, you're the first person I've ever interacted that considered such a viewpoint controversial, please crawl back to whatever taqia coordination forum you came from and don't come back.
It's an open secret with people obsessed with conspiracies and who always need a boogeyman. The fact that you think it's self evident truth goes to show how weak you're argument is. You're incapable of defending it.
>whatever taqia coordination forum you came from and don't come back.
Oh so much adoration for free speech... Keep doing damage control for your stupidity.
>that pic
Trump is a true friend of Muslims
He is very popular in some Muslim majority countries.
This is a lot of effort for an obvious troll son.
Go for a walk, get some sunshine.
We'll still be here when you get back and then you can stubbornly deny reality all you like.
I predicted this first please do not steal my idea
>hurr durr it's true just believe it pleaaaase
Oh yeah and 9/11 was totally an inside job and you're insane for denying it. Ancient aliens totally made ancient pyramids!
Of course not all of those hypothesis (including the Saudi accusation) are as false but they certainly don't have good evidence to support them.
Reality? The fact that an idiot like you thinks Trump is going to be anti Saudi goes to show that you're incapable of grasping anything about reality.
lmao buddy you're melting down into pure incoherence
is okay you got proven wrong on Veeky Forums, it happens to all of us, may your next hour on Veeky Forums be as exciting as your first
Relax Bob. I know it's hard for you right now that Tyrone is inseminating your childhood crush but you have to understand, everything is going to be great with Trump and Saudi Arabia. Lots of investment, lots of winning and both countries will be made great.
You haven't proven anything though. Financial documents aren't really that hard to produce. If you have so much evidence about a vast amount of fundings, then show them. It's the age of information, not the medieval days anymore. Or are you too incompetent to produce such evidence?
You're a shitty troll. Good day!
>retarded /pol/ack acting like a smartass only to realize it backfired on him
Go to sleep, you have school tomorrow.
Also a piece of advice, if you're not at all ok the Trump Saudi friendship: You should start drinking more, help you numb the pain when you'll see the great Trump approving the largest arms sale to Saudi Arabia soon.
I like Trump but it's a shame some of his voter base are the polar opposite. They're just as retarded as democrats with their insane Russia accusation.
You're a shitty troll
>trying to get the last say because he thinks that means he wins an argument
You're incompetent at arguing, at shitposting, and at staying consistent.
I really don't know what you're trying to argue, it's obvious by your posts you arer aware Ksa has tremendous amounts of money to spend and has a working relationships with several us presidents, you can observe is attempts to spread its influence in Syria and yemen through direct military action right now yet you consider it's well known history of funding mosques throughout the entirety of the muslim world controversial, I really don't understand what I'm arguing against here, you are pretty much a total mouth breather shit for brains or a troll.
>I really don't know what you're trying to argue
Well you don't even know what an argument is judging by the nonsense you were spewing.
Anyway you're missing the biggest point here: I'm trying to get an argument out of you.
Next time take the time to read the intro of this board:
>For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.
>. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.
Nevertheless this isn't even history but at least the same amount of skepticism and demand for evidence should apply.
But hey, you don't believe in reason or evidence so the problem is quite big...
>with several us presidents
And their most positive comments are about Trump, interestingly enough
>you can observe is attempts to spread its influence in Syria and yemen through direct military action
Direct miltiary action is happening in the latter and not the former. Nevertheless that's completely understandable considering it's next door.
>funding mosque
No proof yet.
Go to sleep
Buddy you're breaking down your shit for brains are turning into diarrhea.
58 replies in and you're quoting the rules of the board?
Lmao wtf am I reading?
You got BTFO 20 posts ago, just go away.
>it's well known history
Oh it's well known history to which there is no evidence to it!
There is more evidence about Atlantis existing than any of your nonsensical conjectures.
For someone who spends more time avoiding presenting any sort of strong evidence like financial records, you do love to indulge yourself into this grand delusion that you have any idea about anything.
>his stupid wiki article backfires
>incapable of showing any financial records
No one is getting BTFO here but you.
Keep ignoring things that are too traumatic for you to accept.
What do plan on accomplishing with this taqia, Mohamed?
Ksa funds salafism and mosques in all corners of the globe, taqia doesn't apply to denying the sky is blue
>it is true because me and desperate idiots or manipulative maniacs say so!
Oh yes and if everyone believed that way of thinking, Trump will be charged with treason in the US. Thankfully, the country isn't full of retards like you who jump the gun and don't ask for facts first to analyze them later.
But then again, the above doesn't mean anything to an idiot like you with no capacity for any synaptic growth (I'll let you look that word up).
lmao buddy keep it coming you're a fucking riot
You pride yourself in knowing the meaning of synaptic growth and think it's something obscure somebody needs to look up? Shit for brains confirmed. Tell me Ahmed, English is your second language, yes?
>the meaning of synaptic growth
The meaning? It's not some philosophical concept dumbass. It's simple neurobiology.
I know empirical facts escape you but they're quite important for much of science and technological innovations.
>English is your second language, yes?
After French. Unlike you I'm not stuck with just one language. I'd tell you to learn one but as the perfect example of an American retard I doubt you'd be capable of learning a new language.
Un idiot peut se peindre avec peu de syllabes mais ses fautes sont innumérables!
Ahmed they're teaching you French? How good of you to learn it and integrate so well! Just make sure you ignore those mean salafism imams on the KSA's bankroll when you go to prayer!
French is the language of Western civilization of course Mossad would teach it.
Going to prayer? Nah, I'm too busy to spread degeneracy and SJWism among the next generation as a teacher. Those kids aren't going to get brainwashed themselves, Bob!
Ahmed you have chewed much too much khat and your tiny taqia spewing Arabian brain is losing coherence again, I suggest you pay down and take a rest!
>hurr durr I can't understand thus it must be incoherent!
You can't even read simple English. Sad!
Don't worry the next generation of Western kids will be more SJW (especially the American ones). After all it's not bad to have different types of useful idiots like you. Your kind gets manipulated by Trump, who is too good for you to be honest, and the others will get manipulated by the Jews. The divide and conquer strategy is obvious here but you have no cognition to see it.
Ahmed do they teach classes how to conduct taqia at the local KSA funded salafi mosque or are you self taught? Either way I admire that characteristic Mohammedan persistence!
>muh taqqiya
You've been repeating it this whole thread like a deranged feminist repeating patriarchy. You need psychological help.
No one needs to manipulate poltards like you. You're retarded enough to believe anything that makes you feel good or in this case follow Trump as if he was a messiah (which considering your pathetic state he very well is). Heck your kind in t_d are now doing positive spin on Saudi Arabia not being included in the ban list because it's a stable country and saying a Saudi arms deal is good because it helps jobs and the economy back home. Those two assertions are true but it is interesting how you fools have no control over your useless fate.
Ahmed why do you keep bringing up Trump as if he is relevant to KSA funding salafists and donating money to mosques through out the entire world? t_d? Is that on reddit? Maybe you should stay on reddit where the naive slurp up your taqia unquestionably, Ahmed!
>goes full retard after someone dares act skeptical over his unproven bullshit
>waaaaaaaaah don't bring up how more and more Trump supports are warming up to Saudis
Hahaha, nope. Get rekt cuck. You lost. Trump was the last hope for the shit you hold dear to come true, but it turns out Trump is actually not retarded like some of his voters.
>why do you keep bringing up Trump as if he is relevant to KSA funding salafists and donating money to mosques through out the entire world?
Oh he is relevant to a poltard like you. If Trump is such a savior, why hasn't he done anything against Saudi Arabia?
Oh of course you'll ignore that question just like you ignore everything that raises your cortisol level.
And you repeating Ahmed, just sounds like a desperate white girl hungry for some ethnic cock. No need to further feminize your already castrated race.
Why would Trump need to do anything about KSA, Ahmed? Are you trying to say that they engage in unsavory behavior that run contrary to western interests, like exporting salafists and building mosques to house them?
I really don't appreciate the last part of your post Ahmed, it appears the more I point out your taqia the more your front of lies become exposed!
How quickly your true colors are exposed Ahmed I suggest you double up on those taqia lessons at the local KSA funded mosque so you don't lose your cool so quickly!
>Why would Trump need to do anything about KSA,
If KSA is such an enemy of the US, according to poltards like you, he should.
>Are you trying to say that they engage in unsavory behavior that run contrary to western interests, like exporting salafists and building mosques to house them?
Reread the previous post and make sure you understand what "if" means. Or look up conditionals.
>I really don't appreciate the last part of your post Ahmed, it appears the more I point out your taqia the more your front of lies become exposed!
Nah you're just incompetent at understanding modal logic. I can tell you've never done bath beyond calculus 101.
>those taqia lessons at the local KSA funded mosque so you don't lose your cool so quickly!
Of course a Westerner, being part of the most deceiving people to ever exist, would know a lot about deception and project it.
Instead of obessessing over being manipulated (not everyone is a evil like you), you should try learning basic logic. Perhaps then you'll learn what a conditional is.
Better yet, since you're incapable of seeking information yourself, here:
Let's start with a simple site first and see if you can work your way up.
I just dropped in here to say get fukt you stupid cow. The west will never die.
>Nah you're just incompetent at understanding modal logic.
Also inb4 "hurr durr you're supposed to say conditional logic". Nope, I'm talking about something else specifically here. Learn to understand what trying to look for modality in your argument since you're incapable of setting it.
Power waxes and wanes for dozens of reasons. If you look at the historical long-game and say something won't carry on you have a chance of being correct eventually. I'm sure this seems deeply prophetic to some, but it's actually just incredibly lazy.
>Rome will never die!
>Assyrian empire will never die!
Ahmed why do you consider introductory calculus to be an achievement? Before you were bragging about synaptic growth what's next are you going to accuse me of not being familiar with photosynthesis?
Ahmed your taqia is horrible but I am truly impressed you engaged in it for 50 posts. But still
I think you need to talk to your KSA funded Imam and ask him for some pointers, you are very easy to break apart.
>why do you consider introductory calculus to be an achievement?
Can you read retard? I'm saying later math courses are what's important.
It's like I'm arguing with a child! Never mind maths, you need special education that is more suited for your slow mind.
Ahmed your taqia is pathetic! Chew some more khat and come up with another way to deny KSA exporting salafists all throughout the world and funneling billions to build mosques! You can do it! But I still won't believe you, because this isn't reddit, we don't fall for taqia on Veeky Forums!
Muslim takeover isn't actually a bad thing if you're a darwinian.
If the west is too weak, it deserves to get replaced by someone strong
>doing this much damage control after being called out for not being able to understand simple words
I'll take being a "Salafist Zionist homosexual KSA funded agent". It beats being a frustrated poltard who has worse reading comprehension than the average /b/tard.
Say what you want about reddit, but I've never seen a redditor this incompetent at shitposting. It's obvious you've been projecting a lot.
Here show your parents this, maybe they'll help:
Ahmed you're breaking down into non sequiturs again! I think you need more taqia lessons!
>say what you want about reddit
Keep your taqia there for the gullible morons! This is Veeky Forums, we are immune!
>An extreme patriarchy based on traditional values where society is geared solely for the man which names the jew and gives moral liscence to sage war on all who oppose you
And Western men fight this.
Go back to /r/Islam and proselytize there Ahmed, you will have more luck!
>can't even understand what a conditional is
>thinks to ever realize what makes up a nonsequitur
You're not fooling anyone with your stupidity.
>your taqia there for the gullible morons!
The irony here is that taqia only exists in the mind of gullible morons.
classical civilization is also dead, and yet here we are carrying on that tradition in many ways
Ahmed you have been exposed two dozen times in this thread! Your primitive inbred baboon arab brain is very easy to expose, the entire world must be educated about how taqia in action looks!
>people can't even spell taqiyya properly
All of you need to neck yourselves.
Thank you for correcting us on the correct spelling of taqia, Abdul.
The Western man is confused right now because of you know who.
Your stupidity is for everyone to see, you're being exposed and you thought that the post you replied to (calling him to go to /r/islam) was mine. You're a retard projecting retardation.
Even primates can understand simple logical tasks. You have the brain of a demented vermin at the last stages of his life realizing that having the brain of a primate would be a massive improvement.
You're so easily predictable.
Ahmed I understand it's your religious duty to downplay KSA actions abroad that date back to the 70s, but you seriously need to make your taqia more convincing!
nice nazi meme OP
It's my religious duty to devastate fragile dimwits like yourself.
I'm not Muslim. But, unlike you, at least I take "know thy enemy" seriously so I can come up with real reasons and arguments to refute Islam other than misspelling taqiyya and sounding like a fucking retard.
Nice taqia deflection!