Every single time I see an ethnic map, I can't help but not notice that there is no apparent difference between a linguistic map and an ethnic map
So what's the fucking difference between ethnicity and language. And I don't mean conceptually, I mean in reality
Every single time I see an ethnic map...
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Even purely ethnic maps are reductive, a Frenchmen from the Riviera and one from Brittany look nothing alike, people should be stratified by haploshits
ethnic is not synonymous with genetic.
ethnicity is basically defined by language.
>ethnicity is basically defined by language
so there is no real difference. A linguistic group is an ethnic group. That's a bummer
That's wrong though. See ex Yugoslavia. Or the various Arab speaking countries.
can you explain that better?
Serbs and Croats essentially speak the same language but are considered different ethnicities chiefly becuause of religious differences.
Spain and Spanish speaking south america also share a language but differ in ethnic makeup. Reducing ethnicity to language is wrong but can be a good (crude) rule of thumb.
>Serbs and Croats essentially speak the same language but are considered different ethnicities chiefly becuause of religious differences.
refer to my OP's pic
>Spain and Spanish speaking south america also share a language but differ in ethnic makeup
ok this seems to be true
But then what's the difference between a linguistic and an ethnic group?
linguistic group share the same 'tongue'
ethnic groups share the same customs
so what's the difference between a cultural group and an ethnic group
is an ethnic group just the sum of a linguistic and cultural group
using dictionary.com as a ground level:
culture:the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc. dictionary.com
ethnic:pertaining to or characteristic of a people, especially a group (ethnic group) sharing a common and distinctive culture, religion, language, or the like. dictionary.com
it seems to me, at this very moment, that from ethnicity (and linguistics) comes culture.
How do you think the languages developed?
people having a desire to talk to one another. the question comes in though, how comes there are different languages? (possibly) to answer that comes down to a 'battle' of theory: polygenism v. monogenism
It is a linguistic map
For example ecause of modern genetic science we know that majority Anglo-Saxon/Nordic ancestry among the population of Britain and Ireland is basically non-existent except on the east coast of England and Scotland. All of Ireland and most of Scotland and England should be yellow.
Serbs and Croats essentially speak the same language but are considered different ethnicities chiefly becuause of religious differences.
My professors would disagree about Croatian and Serbian being linguistically the same, but they are very, very similar and people from Croatia can understand people from Serbia perfectly.
>refer to my OP's pic
Nigger, try showing that map in the Balkans. Everyone will laugh their ass off. No one considers Croatians and Serbians ethnically the same.
t. Croat
>>refer to my OP's pic
>Nigger, try showing that map in the Balkans. Everyone will laugh their ass off. No one considers Croatians and Serbians ethnically the same.
>t. Croat
This was meant for
However, every single meme ethnicity is trying to make it's own language. That "completely different, not at all similar to Serbian or Croatian, it's not like we just added one letter increased the standardization of Turkish loan words and everyone can completely understand us."
Recently one of the Serbian muftis autistically screeched when a tv reporter asked him about the Bosnian language, he was triggered because Bosnian and Bosniak are different languages.
It's delusional.
So you and up having
Basically Montenegro is the funnies one because there's not even between it and Serbian apart from the accent (they try bunching up 4 consonants into a single sound to distinguish themselves).
While there are some actually grammatical differences between Serbian and Croatian.
The most typical one would be in this example
I have to do it
Moram to da uradim (Serbian)
Moram to uradit (Croatian)
To means it
Serbian goes da (to) + present (uradim - do)
Croatian goes with a very slight modification to the infinitive.
Bosnian-Bosniak (kek) just has a different vocab, and i've heard Bosnians of different ethnicities use both the typically Serbian and typically Croatian grammar.
this basically boils down to dialect vs language
not really. Standard Serbian, Bosnian and Croatian are all based on the same dialect (Shtokavian dialect of eastern Herzegovina)
Intentional emphasizing of a dialect. Bosnians (of all ethnicities) have always used more Turkish words because the Ottoman empire left a huge legacy there.
It's nothing comparable to say Venetian and standard Italian.
ethnicity is about cultural self-identification.
it should be kept distinct from language because often distinct ethnic groups speak the same language (e.g. Serbs & Croatians, Irish & English)
it should be kept distinct from genetics because often the same ethnic group has a large genetic variety. This is very obvious with the Tuareg for example who range from very light skinned to black
Here's the montenegrin letter ś, it combines š and ć, which is pronounced shty