What ISN'T a spook?

What ISN'T a spook?


Nothing is a spook because your meme philosopher was wrong about everything.


I don't think you've actually read Stirner. Don't listen to Veeky Forums memes.

this is spooky


My nine inch cock

Power is the spookiest, fighting off a mugger doesn't usually look like it does in the movies.

>physical things
>biological imperatives
>anything which you dont hold above yourself, serving its interest instead of yours

not rocket science desu

So is love a spook?

Just gonna say it, its sad Stirner is only remembered as being a meme when he had some interesting philosophical points and was the forerunner to some of the best 19th century philosophers.

The concept of spooks.

Look at it like this:

You are standing near a river. The river is there, your cognition of the river; your reaction, opinion, emotional response. That's a spook. But to put it more as Stirner did: If your cognition of the river is that it's a sacred land begotten to you by a river god and that its waters must be revered. Then it is a spook. Since you put it above your self, in a deluded and misplaced idea of self interest which seems to you as selfless.

i think itd depend on the criteria youre using to determine what love is

platonic? romantic? familial?

loving someone because their joy brings you satisfaction is ultimately doing something in your self interest, and if youre capable of acknowledging that then, no, love isn't a spook

more like the biggest spook of all.

love is evil

emotional feelings that are related to nationalism
t. Anarchofascist

This Did you even read the post before you responded to it?

That poster literally answered it in his second point. The only way you can make love a spook is if you focus on the social construct and hold its interests above your own


t. Brainlet

Spook is a crappy meme.

God, King, and Country

things that are real. my dick in your moms pussy.

Which one? I was raised by two mothers

The memes are just a bit of fun. Lighten up and actually read Stirner. You're like a forum poster whining about a game he never played.

Literally all spooks.

Without God, spooks are inescapable my brother. Only through salvation can one live a truly liberated life.
The will of the righteous king derives from the will of God and brings peace throughout the country.

>accept this one big spook and then you won't have any spooks

>brings peace throughout the country

[Citation Needed]

What is mighty will be made humble, as the bringer of Truth said.
What is meek will be made exalted.
The puny servants of the Satan think they can insult Christ.
It will be shown them that the Father Almighty not to be trifled with.
Let the faithful break the bars of the cage fashioned by sin.
Let the faithful out the spark of light from on high in each one of us and let it illuminate the world.