How many people here are actually making money?
How many people here are actually making money?
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Wagecucking. Taxation is theft
In cypto? just barley. Horrible week for me
literally everyone that has been on Veeky Forums longer than 3 months.
except nocoiners, but theyve suicided by now and arent on Veeky Forums.
>Edit: Wow! Thanks for the gold guys!
Any tax over 7% IS theft.
Income tax is not constitutional.
IRS and Federal Reserve are private entities.
Dollars are debt.
Everything we know is wrong.
Started trading shitcoins on the 12th with .05 btc, so far I'm up about .1 btc per day here.
I am :DD
My portfolio has been stagnating for like 10 days already but I'm still over $7k in the green
also made some 250$ on bancor arbitrage yesterday + my portfolio is worth more than it looks like in blockfolio since I haven't updated it for BNT and Status (waiting for status to be added reeeee)
Teach me your ways, Varg-senpai
which shitcoins do you trade?
Bought ETH at $25 so I'm making quite a profit.
The USD is what I've sold so far. Planning to HODL the rest.
MYST, 1ST, NMR, RLC, BNT, QRL, ANT, GUP, LGD, PTOY, CFI. Get in and get the fuck out, hodl is the worst possible thing to do.
The money I've put into stable coins with real value has slightly offset the amount I've lost chasing shitcoin pumps. Learning to be more patient.
What. How?
I always lose money in this shit. I started with 0.2 2 weeks ago, because I'm from a thirdworld shithole, and I'm down 0.05.
Any other tips on when is a good time to buy?
Seriously buy burst right now before it moons
Same here, started with 1000$, 3 weeks in, only been losing money. I dont get how people manage to make anything from this whole crypto ordeal :(
Be patient. HODL.
It's been a couple weeks. Look at the future... Only around 7 million people are in crypto, and it's gonna go mainstream at some point.
Invest in solid coins, write down the keys, forget about it. Come back to your Lambo in 2 years.
anyone that does their research and doesn't panic
Most of my exchange account stays in btc, if I see a good trade I put 5-10% in - if it drops I sell, if it rises... I wait a minute and sell...
This only works if you are already wealthy and have thousands of dollars you can throw around.
If you only have $500 CAD like me your only option is to chase pumps and learn to daytrade
How can anyone not be making money in this market
probably gilded himself
dumb bitch took 60k worth of btc instead of taking 100k cash and just buying btc with it because nigga was lazy
>Has over 100k to invest over whatever the fuck he wants
>hurr how is anyone poor
started the year with $5000.
Why wouldn't it work? You invest $500 into a solid coin. 2 years later, said coin is worth 1000x than what you bought it for. You now have $500,000.
Wrong!! That's the worst thing you could do.
Read whitepapers, invest in coins that are really cheap, but have concrete plans for the future. Come back to 500x your money (or more). Then take half and go play in shitcoins and get fucking scammed by the pajeets
i don't believe you
suit yourself m80
In early 2010's the hodl shit worked because you could just throw it into bitcoin. Not so easy anymore with hundreds of shotcoins releasing on a daily basis and a full time job and family that takes up my time.
I believe you. What are you buying right now? everything I want is expensive atm...
not buying anything rn, just holding. My last buy was CPC @ 21500, despite it being shilled here relentlessly a week ago, i think it has potential to be pumped. Biggest holding is LSK which I've already made $50k off of, but I don't think it's done by a long shot.
at one point i had like $500 gains after fees but it has gone down to like $100. I don't trade at all. I buy and hold, only buy more if it goes below my first buy price. The only people here making big, big bucks held $1000+ in stuff like STRAT or ETH since their ICOs and sold at the tops.
If you see it on Veeky Forums it's probably time to sell. Never trust women or niggers.
Feels like everything is too expensive now, and nothing worthwhile is new anymore. Wherever i look i see a coin that already mooned and is on its way down.
Point me the right way bros, im tired of losing money. Wont be able to afford keeping this up anymore
The bull market is over, the rises are all either pumps or borderline random. The easy money is over
So crypto hasnt even been adopted by normies yet or gone mainstream and im already late?
way too early to call that yet mate. chart's been going sideways for a couple weeks but that doesn't mean it's not just getting ready for round 2
anything can happen.
Since I had no money to invest in cypto I decided I would YOLO take out a £10k loan about two months ago (I could afford the repayments easily if it all went to shit, though obviously that would suck). Invested most of it into ETH, then started diversifying a bit when ETH started to go up.
Upto £24k now. Decided to cash out £16k yesterday though to repay the loan and pay off my other debts. So now the £7k I have left is risk free.
At this point I'm fully cashed out of ETH, because I think it looks bearish AF rn and the network congestion due to Status has people panicking. I'm in BTC, BNT, STRJ, planning to go all in on Tezos when that launches.
Will probably start drip feeding savings into crypto in the coming months.
I've made a bunch of gains this week, but they all go towards keeping me afloat from my sinking bags. Once I dump those, I should be good...
Bull markets come and go. Bear market =/= neverending stagnation. You just might be waiting a few weeks/months/years.
Im actually down since I started with Veeky Forums & shitcoins about 2 weeks ago
Hey user would you mind sharing your overall strategy? Do you have access to P&D groups? I have a similar initial stack and I want to follow only winners.
I have made $23 dollars and some cents in the paste week
buy low, sell high. it's really that simple. Leave emotion at the door. It's easy to get caught up in the madness and buy a pumping coin after it's already shot up 200% but you never know when that's gonna stop and plummet, as our ANS friends have discovered recently.
If you buy low, you may still lose, but your loss will be a lot less than it would if you were to buy high, and your potential profit far exceeds the risk of a loss.
Up about $14k since last month with the $1k I started with. If you're not a gullible retard that buys into every single hype train it is really hard to lose money in crypto
you guys ever feel supersaiyan when you have a shitload of money after having nothing?
like you can just walk through places and obtain whatever you want. it feels so different. the buying power shift is intoxicating.
I made $350 daytrading stocks this week
What do you buy into then? There are over9000 coins, how can i pick. Would really like to shadow someone as i'm really interested in this market but for the life of me cant figure out how to choose the right coins.
I'm not saying the bear market hasn't started, it very well might have. just saying it also may not have.
I got in right at the tailend of the good days. Bought my first btc May 20, bought eth, and btc only for two weeks or so. Got into altcoins early-mid June and did ok on everything, while BTC and ETH kept going up. Made an easy 20k. Then after two corrections, everything has been flat for the last two weeks. Shit sucks.
If 100% of citizens paid their taxes, 7% of tax going to government would be fine, but 100% of citizens don't pay taxes.
Dumb. Ass.
Why are corporations allowed to pay lower taxes? Because they are smart enough to start a new company if they die. Can an individual do that? No. Why are individuals taxed so much? Because they are stupid.
I know some whales trying to multiply $90k, $30k & $10k in SOUL. They bought way earlier than I did.
They will multiply by 1000%, tops... because they have to hold in order for it to retain value, but I'm in with $400 I think. I can dump all at once and no one will notice.
started with 400. currently sitting @ 250.
Started on 3rd June. Just after everything jumped so I seem to have bought a lot at ATH. Would have been better off leaving it all in Eth
I should add, I doubled my money at one point, but now I'm at 60% return in a month. Not bad
up to 17k from 3k in 6 weeks..with plenty of mistakes along the way. bought 5mm rdd at 4sat. on a whim. it went up the next day. then i fucked around with that and gave up 3k or so. had a few losers here and there besides that. If i didnt touch anything from day 1 i would be at 26k.
Nice. I first bought at 10, but I didn't think the price was going to explode the way it did. I should've bought way more.
I honestly am.
Took a gamvle with reddcoin when it was at 29/30 and put it on my credit card.
Once it go ti 130 i cashed out the credit card amount and paid it back and just stayed with the profits.
I was nervous for a while there.
I can see that by looking at graphs.
A even a week earlier than I started would have gainz
nice, what have you been holding in this period?
yeah, it's usually too late by then.
However, I must give credit to the LTC shill from last week. He was telling the truth and got me a nice 50% return.
see LSK is a little under 1/2 my portfolio, the rest I'm essentially riding the pumps of shitcoins. Made a 300% return on LMC recently.
see *****
please tell me vox is just getting pumped and there isn't any actual news.
ADVISE ME Veeky Forums
I love trading. It's the assurance there's stability in reality, there's faith to be had in physics, there's surety in the world. It's a source of grounding and evidence for a sacred geometry if there is one. The more my numbers go up the less I must worry about death. To have an internal law that proceeds any real-world situation is love. A rule of consistency is god.
>the rest I'm essentially riding the pumps of shitcoins. Made a 300% return on LMC recently.
nice. i rode ANS this week. went in with 50% of my btcs. what do you look for in shitcoins that you suspect will get a pump?
Wagecuck and then made $200 last week in crypto - only to lose it because I got greedy with ANS and whales are fucking terrible people.
I read that in what I imagined her voice would sound like
basically anything that appears to have hit an ATL and is on its way back up with decent volume.
she might actually be cute if not for the wild animal ring and niggerlobes
Reporting in
Yes. A lot.
>make 100k in a month drop shipping
>Invested $500 1 month ago
>still hovering around $500
I assume you didnt invest in dgb then
Nice. I made $130.
I bought in at the BTC ATH. Been shitting bricks all week hoping that I have been putting them in the right place. No spare coin to day-trade as it's all tied up because on day one I didn't know shit. Made this OC just for the occasion.
I haven't bought a single coin in two days. I'm holding 90% BTC, the rest are shitcoins.
So I'm not losing money, which means I'm doing better than most of Veeky Forums
Me too, I got about 1k up, sold at peak, bought in for what I thought was a reasonable time later. Fucking waiting now. Don't stress, that initial spike was just 2 days growth. That's insane. We gonna make it brah
wow what a beta cuck. at least he's not a douche.
I was, made 6k, then I went all in on Mysterium. It isn't doing well because it's a legitimate coin. Only shitcoins moon.
>If 100% of citizens paid their taxes, 7% of tax going to government would be fine
lol, like the nogs would pay that
>blames it on the EBIL CORPORASHUNS
currently up $95k and in a holding pattern, nothing is really blowing my skirt up atm
>started with $20 3 years ago
>have cashed out $4780
>still hold ~$13,000 in crypto
It's not hard just be patient.
That's very impressive. Any tips or advice? Are you day trading?
I got lucky at the start with Doge and Mint then from there I learn how to spot PnD's and it's been pretty easy ever since.
Look for a coin that has been stagnant awhile then suddenly has a huge volume increase but not much price increase, buy hold and wait.
Once it doubles sell half your holdings so you can't lose then wait until you think it's peaked to sell the other half.
I also long HODL coins that I think have real potential, just got 10k ARK over the last couple of days.
You and me both , I came in on the 11th of june
1. How do you know which coins to check
2. Do you set up alarms to know when your holdings are pumping
1. I spend 30-60 minutes a day reading charts, but the CyrptoPing bot is making life easier
2. Yeah, Blockfolio alarms make it easy. I set an alarm 20% under what I paid and 100% over what I paid, the low alarm is just to limit loss if there is bad news. Once I think it won't drop below 50% above my buy price I increase the low alarm to there.
Interesting, what do you forecast for an investment in that ICO? Just read the whitepaper but dont understand the use of the tokens/pings they give you, thinking on throwing 2 eth at that.
i made 100$, which stocks did you trade
Honestly I don't think the coin will offer huge returns but the current marketcap is tiny so it will rise some and the devs need to capital to improve the bot.
If they end up only taking PING to run the bot and drop ETH / BTC billing then it will moon hard.
Right now is a good time for NMR, BNT, GNT and PTOY. If anyone cares.