>Tfw I got a 300 credit increase on my credit card
Awesome, it's now 500 but how do I increase it more? To like...2000?
>Tfw I got a 300 credit increase on my credit card
Awesome, it's now 500 but how do I increase it more? To like...2000?
>falling for the credit jew
Ya not gonna make it OP
Nigga unlimited or don't even try
It's just for emergencies! Besides, it feels good to have just in case money on the side, user
Right right, what's the best one though?
You should have actual money in your bank account set aside for emergencies. Use your credit card for things like gas, groceries, etc, and only but things you can afford. Pay your full credit card bill at the end of the month.
Sigh, you're right
I mean I have money, yet it's like 300 dollars in my account, but that's no money
How is this bitcoin thing though? Is that paying good money? I work from home and want to try and make more money from just the internet
Do all this, buy never go above 50%of your credit limit, it won't hurt your score but it won't go up as much
Take loans and pay them diligently.
>tfw 20 credit cards with a combined limit of $120000
>tfw still only a credit score of 715
>It's just for emergencies!
This is the worst nigger poor line of thinking. You should have an emegency fund to cover 3-6 months of living expenses. A credit card is not an emergency fund.
Buy Strat NOW
Try to pay off your balance before it hits 30% of your available credit. 10% if you are pro. If you can constantly pay it on time and stay below using 30% (pay off your balance before it hits 150) and they will raise your credit limit quick.
The key is percentage of available balance you use
NEVER cross 30% of your limit and credit will be healthy
Because you have too many cards. If you closed some down and got an installment loan or two you'd be in great shape.
OP dont be a retard. They increase your limits when they realize theyve failed to entrap you on the debt slave treadmill.
Use real money for emergency funds and only buy shit with it that you can pay back in full by the next time the bill comes in otherwise you are going to get jewed HARD.
Half of the battle of becoming wealthy is just not fucking up and making good goy mistakes
I use my credit card for every purchase I can make and just pay it off every few days.
I don't even have a real income and recently they bumped mine up to 5000. Not to mention I get 100s of dollars in points off the card. You just have to treat it like a debit card and only spend what you have.
this, and never miss a payment
>avatarfagging from a children's show
>asking how to increase bank credit
I hope you're good at washing dishes
why 30%?
that is the % the credit card companies decided upon.
check out credit karma. they show you your score, and explain what factors into it, and the "weight" of everything factored.
>Mines been at 1k for seven years
>Always make timely payments
>I don't even have a real income and recently they bumped mine up to 5000.
Did you ask for the increase or did they just give it?
I'm about to ask them to double mine to $10k.
Fuck this frugal Jewish mentality in this thread, credit exists to be utilized. All your wealth should be in assets earning a return greater than your credit card's interest rate anyway if you're not a cuck.
> His credit card limit is $500
What are you, 8?
people on fatwallet and creditboards have 50+ open credit cards and their scores are much higher
This. I thought the default was like 25k