GDAX refunding everyone who had a stop loss or a margin call liquidated from the flash crash out of their own pockets. Holy shit, APOLOGIZE
GDAX refunding everyone who had a stop loss or a margin call liquidated from the flash crash out of their own pockets...
Literary cuck
If they have all this money lying around how about they lower their damn fees instead of refunding these retards
fucking amazing. rewarding idiocy and pure greed. guess they really didnt want the bad press about the class action lawsuit
man i hate to see those whiny retarded redditors getting refunded but this is good for crypto in the long run
cuckbase is the noobexchange confirmed
So basically, ETH bout to moon?
that would be my guess
God no this is not good.
In actual FOREX markets this shit would not fly. If the money was lost nobody would get it back and those affected could see relief by going after the person who manipulated the market.
This is shit that is like a Horse track refunding bets because someone shot the horses coming around the last corner.
So basically it pays to be a dipshit margin trader, you will just get refunded by GDAX.
This is just allowing more & more fraud to take place.
So if I open a ridiculous margin position for millions of dollars on GDAX
I just get it back if I lose
This is it
To be fair gdax's policies on margin trading are fucking stupid and I'm assuming they'll change them after this. In stock exchanges margin traders are usually given 3 days notice before their assets are liquidated.
but in an emerging and controversial market like crypto, seeing a business that is supposedly established provide a refund will help in not scaring off the normies from investing
I agree though that those fucking idiots should not have gotten their money back.
can someone seriously explain what will happen to ETH when the funds are reimburst, and when it it happening?
it will give it the momentum it needs to get out of this stagnation. Hold on ro your butts.
I can't stand these fucking mongoloid redditorfags thinking that they had any chance in a lawsuit. They margin traded/stop ordered without thinking about the risks like fucking idiots. And what they're saying now is that coinbase/gdax didn't want to lose face/money to the lawsuits so they decided to refund the losses. I hope this is a onetime thing b4 every1 margin trades on gdax with 0 risks. Any other exchange/market would never have done this.
anyone thinking a lawsuit could be carried out is intelligently equivalent to a sack of severed dicks
actually, im a lawyer, and they probably would have won the lawsuit, or at least had a good chance. the thing is, its a bit like , say, a liquor store selling beer to a 16 yr old, then that 16 yr old gets in a crash and kills people. who is at fault? yes the 16 yr old but also the liquor store is held accountable . basically coinbase had margin trading but its only supposedly enabled for people making over a certain amount of money, and coinbase doesnt verify or check that they meet the standards to be margin trading, because obviously they know they have a bunch of poor 18 yr old neets trading and pretending to be millionaries. they are at fault for not verifying ppls identities and incomes. shit would have hit the fan for gdax
What a pussy middle ground to take. Either reverse the trades like a busybody nanny or tell the margin traders to get fucked like a man. Don't be such a pussy that you just eat a massive loss for publicity. Jesus.
crypyo aren't securities
ur a fagot and a shit lawyer
Jewbase uses a rainbow flag for their logo. This shouldn't surprise you if you have eyeballs.
So this is how Wall St bankers feel.
actually, I'm a district judge
overruled, GDAX did nothing wrong
This is just a PR move by coinbase. I'm sure they are rolling in crypto with thr crazy fees they charge. Shit like this is nothing to them.
Everybody in crypto is a faggot. Just trying to get my piece and get the fuck out.