I have $1250 right now, and i need to at least double by august 1. what do i do in this portfolio to make it happen...

I have $1250 right now, and i need to at least double by august 1. what do i do in this portfolio to make it happen? gib suggestions anons

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LTC for aug 1st for prob the safest double.


IOTA. Look at the gains made today. This shit will be 10x in 3 months.


bro ive lost a bit of money in the memecoins and i do fear losing even more. but a cheeky $50 wont hurt desu


Get a job flipping burgers for a month and a half

IOTA is not a memecoin. Its a very promising, serious coin. Its the one coin that has the possibiliyt to solve the micro transaction lag probkem cyrptos like BTC have atm

All in CFI.

youre telling me iota, which just came out, is going to be worth 10 billion dollars in 3 months? are u serious?

Im literally going in on it with 2k right now. Fuck Im annoyed, just because I was at a party after work tonight Ive lost 25% gains, I was going to do it anyway as soon as I got home.

Feels so shitty that this always happens, getting punised every fucking time I delay investing fora day. At least Ive set up a bitfinex account and IOTA wallet already...

You need a major breakout to double. If that were to happen just about every combination of top 20 coins will do it. To double in the next month otherwise will require you to go balls deep into some shitcoin and how for the best.

Just my opinion.

If someone had told that when it first came out it would be worth a billion would you had believed that?

Pick a good coin to day trade or abuse arbitrage, or join a PND group. Literally the only guaranteed ways. Don't listen to the shills.

This and to expand on why
>Lightening coming so cross-chain swaps will be possible
>RSK coming so it'll have smart contract capability
Litecoin is the safest bet in crypto that I've seen since ETH was under $50.

shh dont tell these guys! DELET THIS

You're an idiot and the answer is ANS. Read the whitepaper and fuck off

kek, ANS doesnt adress those issues at all, at least not sufficiently for the amount of cross device transfers that will be going on automatically in 10 years. Not buying IOTA now is like not buying ETH in dec 16

Where do you think it's going? Say by September

Again you're an idiot. The IOT agenda is a joke to the point that IOTA is a scam or maybe just an unrealistic dream. Further, the best platform for IOT is something like Azure or AWS, so invest in something else. Also if you've actually read the ANS whitepaper and don't invest you're an idiot and deserve to lose it all.

Esper coin on yobit


Thank me later with a little tip in August, OP

Bitcoin wont double


Dump all the other bullshit and go all in on CFI, im not even joking.

Don't listen to that idiot fudder, DON'T buy ESP on yobit, it's the old chain, buy ESP2 only on Nova


CFI fosho

CFI and ICN for lambos.

I doubled with FLDC.

Do you just randomly put money in shitcoins?

you're gonna want to get some INSN coin

Anyone telling you anything besides litecoin right now as a safe bet is a shill or retard who actually buys shitcoins


litecoin doesnt has so much potential as you thing, its a medicore coin that will gain some value but it will never make anything impresive

are you me?

What are you guys talking about? I don't understand the terminology here with crypto, shares. I only understand the little I've read from Tim Ferris, Robert Kiyosaki and a few other general materials like Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, Napolean Hill.

As much as I wish I understood so that could start accumulating knowledge and wealth, I have no idea. Is there a faq, noob, retard section, forum or link user can share for someone with time?