What did the mainstream left mean by this?
What did the mainstream left mean by this?
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Maybe the kulaks shouldn't have horded and birned the grains
Leftypol confirmed for retards
>what is a typo
>mainstream left
t. classcuck
I think it's a symbolic "Fuck You" to the dubious victim count claims of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation.
This is hardly related to Veeky Forums and breaks the 25 year rule.
Sage and report.
The Militant Atheist League didn't go far enough.
Stalin swore that he would erase the very concept of God from the USSR.
It's up to us to make good on that promise.
t. /r/the_donald
I don't know, but it sure looks like current day politics. I suppose they're retarded, just like OP.
Funnily enough the majority if leftist voters are also victims of mental illness. People on the Left of the spectrum are 72% more likely to seek medication and routine therapy
So one could say that people on the Left are literally the more likely to be mentally ill.
The more you know.
You are aware that's a majority of the US?
>Stalin swore that he would erase the very concept of God from the USSR.
Impossible. There can be no communism without Statism.
But it's concentrated in urban leftists.
Studies show that 3 out of 5 Democratic politicians are on some type of mental health medication.
Really makes you think...
Read up on them
haha so much for the tolerant left amirite?
>urban leftists.
>haha so much for the tolerant left amirite?
Do you believe this statement?
did you ever think that antifa are maybe the real fascists??? really makes you think
>So one could say that people on the Left are literally the more likely to be mentally ill.
No, you could say that people on the left would be more likely seek out medication and routine therapy which is necessarily not a bad thing. Stop trying to draw bogus conclusions from statistics to suit your narrative.
>pulling statistics out of his ass to prove himself right
>mocks others for being mentally ill
>Using this picture instead of the other one that says "To the more than one hundred million victims of ..."
Wew lad, this monument is history revisionism at best and anti-commie propaganda at worst
Socialism, not even once.
If you're not a Libertarian Conservative, might as well kill yourself.
I wonder sometimes how many of them even know anyone who lived in a communist country. Since most of these Antifa types are usually kids from middle class American population center's. Like I know people from both sides oc communism the party members and the workers and they both despise this ideology no one who lived through it unless they were at the very top of the political or military hierarchy looks back at communism with anything other then disgust and anger. These kid don't even realize that they would be the first ones to go during a revolution and not to mention the fact that the ones that they supposedly hate would end up on to in this scenario anyways. I guess that autism is a hell of a drug.
They're not fascists, just retarded pieces of shit who use fascist tactics
>hurdur your ideology is bad and mine is good, so there!
Noted for such pure ideology
>It is another all communism is Marx -Leninist episode
See Pretty has to do the 100 million victims part.
It's a fringe group of tankies and non-whites, who cares?
Do public roads anger you my friend?
Why do leftypol subhumans deny genocide?
The mainstream defends political violence
And this is eightchan's /pol/
There are unironic "pagans" LARPers there and believe in "pepe frog meme magic", as well as worshiping Donald.
Did people die or suffer under Communist Russia? Sure.
Did this amount to 100 million?
Why do leftypol SJWs want white people to hate their own race?
Why do literal SJWs deny the USSR committing genocide?
>It's another it wasn't real communism episode
My dude I don't believe the 100 gorilion deaths caused by communism bs but you've got to be delusional to endorse this ideology after seeing what it does to people such as yourself. Unless you are a strong smart charismatic guy with a prole background who's good at following orders and can overlook immoral actions of other you will not do well in a communist society. In many way commie rule turns into a survival of the fittest scenario even faster then a fascist rule does. Trust me dude I know my family has lived through a fascist gov a communist one and a capitalist one and based on all that I've seen on my own as well as based on what I was told these kids would suffer unimaginable pain in a communist country.
>curling up his hand in the cold means he wants to punch someone
>It is another user who insist that everyone who disagrees with him is /leftypol/ and SJW episode
I heard on NPR that 73% of male democrats surveyed reported consistent erectile dysfunction.
A further 10% reported that it was physically impossible to attain a state of erection.
Is it something in city water do you think?
Either way an entire political party of mentally ill eunuchs is a terrible tragedy
Marx-Lenin is communism but not the only variant. That is if people completely denounce capitalism if only coz ancaps are retarded, and assumes all capitalists are ancaps
Is he cold?
Does Uncle Mao have a blanket for him?
No! Blanket shortage comrade haha!
Why is this SJW defending a nu-male?
The leftist wants the refugee to do his work for him!
>GI Generation (Born 1901-1924)
They were teenagers during the Great Depression and fought in World War II. Sometimes called the greatest generation (following a book by journalist Tom Brokaw) or the swing generation because of their jazz music.
>Silent Generation (Born 1925-1942)
They were too young to see action in World War II and too old to participate in the fun of the Summer of Love. This label describes their conformist tendencies and belief that following the rules was a sure ticket to success.
>Baby Boomers (Born 1943-1964)
The boomers were born during an economic and baby boom following World War II. These hippie kids protested against the Vietnam War and participated in the civil rights movement, all with rock 'n' roll music blaring in the background.
>Generation X (Born 1965-1979)
They were originally called the baby busters because fertility rates fell after the boomers. As teenagers, they experienced the AIDs epidemic and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Sometimes called the MTV Generation, the "X" in their name refers to this generation's desire not to be defined.
>Millennials (Born 1980-2000)
They experienced the rise of the Internet, Sept. 11 and the wars that followed. Sometimes called Generation Y. Because of their dependence on technology, they are said to be entitled and narcissistic.
>Generation Z (Born 2001-2013)
These kids were the first born with the Internet and are suspected to be the most individualistic and technology-dependent generation. Sometimes referred to as the iGeneration.
Are we fucked? Are millenials the new retarded baby boomers?
There was a genocide for sure but the numbers aren't clear. Was it in the millions? For sure but i doubt that it was 100 million plus counting the famines is unfair as they often happen in eastern Europe now was there systematic killing of people absolutes but how many deaths were caused by it I'm not sure. /leftypol/ will deny this just like /pol/ will deny the 6 million they're extremely similar in so many way this being one of them and they don't even realize it or if they do they deny it like they do the genocides. All I'm saying though is that we tend to exaggerate some numbers over time and this sin't good we should only stick to the number that were confirmed beyond reasonable doubt and we should stay away from anti-commie lore as it won't do us any good in the long run.
NPR said that it's actually very healthy to allow other men to have sex with your partner.
It elevates her mood and confidence. As well, it promotes good will to those from outside our culture.
NPR said this trend was rapidly growing and a net benefit for all liberals.
it seems so
hello where is the proofs
I've heard the next generation is very conservative
>huur muh right wing is bad, hate your own race
Why are Leftists so fucking retarded?
In your pants
>it won't do us any good
Wrong, it makes Leftypol shills angry
You can thank postmodernism and cultural marxism for destroying this generation.
I understand that but don't you see that this Antifa brand anarcho communism seems like it's even more volatile. To me it just looks like childish frustration fueled by some limited knowledge of a "nice" sounding ideology if they had clear goals in mind that were reasonable I wouldn't so against them but so far they just damaged property and made clowns of themselves in public proving that they wouldn't survive in any anarchy or even in communism once they'll achive some tangible goal then I would give them a chance but so far all that they've got is ideology and I'm not impressed by that and no other adult would be.
Fair enough
Why do you suddenly bring it back to antifa? Antifa is explicitly for anarcho-communism but an umbrella for far-left ideology.
Off the top of my head they fixed potholes too
And found shelter for homeless
>is explicitly for anarcho-communism
As if generation is destroyed because they see how stupid /pol/ memes, lmao
It's not at all conservative. I'd say it's less tolerant of political correctness and identity politics but it isn't remotely conservative. Libertarian at most, but only socially.
I brought it back to them as they are the only reds that I see in the news these days besides establishment politicians like Sanders I feel that they are the most grass root example of young confused reds that and they bring a lot of infamy to their ideology so I thought it was relevant to bring them up. Now to address the pot holes they did more harm then good with that that's not how you fix pot hole kudos for trying to them but this just proves my point they try to take action but have neither the knowledge nor skill required to do it properly only ending up with a new problem and a bit of a virtue signal at the end of it. And the shelter again good intention commendable that they would take risks to help their fellow men but in the long run this isn't a solution for anything and this act would have to be repeated over and over again for them to have any major impact that would change the opinion of their ideology in the eyes of the public i know it's cruel to say this but what they need to do is to organise do away with dumb shit like this ANAL abbreviation and focus on one area make that are their be it helping the homeless for example and then use this as political leverage to expand without doing this they'll remain largely irrelevant but that's besides the point. Political movements tend to get corupt no matwer how good the original intentions were and if these guys even enact their utopia what's there to say that it won't be hijacked by evil men what's there to say that it won't crumble or be overthrown that the problem with ideology it's not stable its too bear bones.
I was only arguing that ML isn't the only communism. To have the topic changed so abruptly without a proper apology or a concede of defeat on your part is at best rude at worst willfully deceptive.
It is a temporary solution sure but it is better than nothing.. All your criticism basically amounts to Nirvana fallacy. You asked if they did anything good and I have shown it to you and now you are complaining it is not enough.I admit they are making small improvements here and there coz they are a small group, but why are you letting perfect be the enemy of good?