>this is what boys looked like in Ancient Greece
This is what boys looked like in Ancient Greece
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>what do you mean you wouldn't tap that? You some kinda fag?
love of traps is stupid
Look op we get it.
You're gay and a pedophile maybe. And you want to share that with everyone else who isn't because you have craved attention and validation your entire life.
That's tragic. Listen, I have my kinks too. I really do.
But I don't parade them around in public and demand respect for them.
So, just because you're a pedophile queer doesn't mean we won't laugh at you for it.
What's gay about OP's picture?
>implying that she really is a tranny
dumb paleskin
The dick
it's a meme you dip
>renaissance era art from gay Italians proves ancient Greeks were effeminate
They're some 2000 years removed from each other, user
>tfw no eromenos
>one group was gay but one wasn't just because I say so
what dick?
>"altright" trans look cuter than sjw trans almost 100% of the time
what did they mean by this
i wonder how many mental hoops some one has to jump through to consider himself an alt right trans
Can someone explain to me the joke, I don't get it? Or is OP just another jealous nordcuck/german?
There's no dick in that picture.
>this is what women looked like in Egypt from the Middle Kingdom to the Fall of the Roman Republic
Holy... we should've let Marc Antony win.
do you have to look at the vagina to be attracted by a girl?
But she is a woman
>gay AND a pedophile
>implying greeks fucked boys who looked like cheap excuses for girls
Also god damn look at the contouring, the entire face is makeup
fucking transfags
>t. gayanon
>Romans who were the biggest Greekaboos ever constantly larping Greek shit somehow didn't fuck boys
>tfw not living in a pederastic society
give it a few years
No they looked like this
that's what you get for walking barefoot on the fucking dirt you mong i mean who would do that the angient greeks it seems if we take a look at all the frescos and shit like wtf they were supposed to be civilised or smth
>When you get carved as a boy statue
>Get to be admired for centuries
>But you will always have a thorn on your foot so you always suffer from the pain
It's a boy definetly
Or this
>this is the legacy of someone's eons long lineage
I think "she" said her father died before she turned into a girl so at least he didn't have to see it.
>turned into a girl
except that's not what happened
Yes I know, but it's easier to type it that way rather than using LBTQIEFEDesque words and abbreviations that /pol/ demands.
I wonder why there are so many terms for sexual orientations. It used to be only gay/tranny but now...
It should be "he", "she", or "it / that".
is the multiphasicintraspectral acronym really that long now?
Attention whores user. Oooooo gay is SO trendy imma gay to lolololol
>gay gets normalized
>still crave attention, strive to be unique
Ayyyyy I'm actually a woman, with a dick, 5 kids and a fukken beard
>gets attention, bask in glory of peer validation
>more trannies pop out
>rofl hahaha tee hee we're SO interesting
>trannies get normalized
Ayyyy I JUST realized I am a genderfluid omni-sexual collective identity fairy pixie dragon! That's totally me you guise XD
>gets all the attention, basks in that social glow of peer affirmation
And on it goes. Communists did it with their over 9000 competing brands of socialism.
And protestants did it with their 56 Flavors if Christ.
you don't know that there was no BLT back in the day, they used to just say Gay and Lesbian
it just kept snowballing, I'm not even an old man and this world seems to have changed quickly in ways I'm not particularly on board with