Is it true we are the most leftist board? And since we are on the subject, what's the origins of said ideology?
Is it true we are the most leftist board? And since we are on the subject, what's the origins of said ideology?
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Reddit is obsessed with trying to colonize here, any commie you see here is a redditor born and bred
I am pretty sure that /pol/ is most leftist.
This. There is no other place where people would seriously care about "muh left and right meme" like reddit.
Just dont take re*dit seriously. Why would you?
>Is it true we are the most leftist board?
Maybe, but that doesn't mean much since most boards aren't very political at all. I mean, /pol/ spills over every now and then, but usually they get told to fuck off back to their containment board.
The bulk of Veeky Forums is relatively moderate, with both extremes modestly represented. It only looks leftist in relation to /pol/ which is overwhelmingly conservative except for the odd Marxist LARPer who ducks in and out without making much impact.
>gommies trying to spread their filth
What could you expect? Even the sight of them makes me puke, not mentioning the smell.
As for the question, Veeky Forums is a bit more leftist than the other boards. Obviously, the reason for this is leftist nolifes can only comprehend simpler subjects like history and literature. You don't see commie propaganda on Veeky Forums, do you?
>There is no other place where people would seriously care about "muh left and right meme" like reddit.
There you are welcome
Origin of what? The ideology known as "leftist"?
Leftists on Veeky Forums are easy to spot and dismiss from their braindead bullshit.
While they might be here, they also fail to derail the theme of this board.
>You don't see commie propaganda on Veeky Forums, do you?
Why would anyone bother with political propaganda on a science board? That would be as retarded as, say, posting it on a videogame board.
Dunno, I'm right-leaning but I don't mind if Veeky Forums swings left a little. I enjoy the actual conversation with somebody of an opposing point of view. Also not having to deal with holocaust denialism and nordcuck wewuz-ism is pretty refreshing, even though I do enjoy /pol/ here and then for following current affairs.
Like other anons said, anything seems leftwing when compared to /pol/.
How easy would it be to manufacture a conversation like this for a screencap? Regardless of the veracity, this image used regularly to justify contemporary political shitposting on Veeky Forums which goes against board rules. Shitposting which far outweighs pinkos doing the same. I'd suppose that Veeky Forums would be largely centrist/ centre-right, but of course anyone that isn't a macrospamming dipshit 1488 parrot is a full blown commie to /pol/tards.
Most historians IRL are left wing for a reason.
We're just better and smarter.
You sound like a shill from /pol/
t. reddit
No. Veeky Forums definitely leans right, but it's more centrist than a lot of the other boards here.
Right and center are the same to leftists.
Everything is fascism except totalitarian dictatorships. Go figure how that makes sense.
I think most of Veeky Forums is centre-right but dislikes /pol/.
You do get some obnoxious Marxists though.
Why do you think Academia if left?
Becuase the smart people are left.
Sometimes the best bait is honest truth.
>I'm super smart because of my arbitrarily chosen almost completely subjective political ciews
>also guys correlation definitely equals causation
If you genuinely believe that then you are legitimate retarded.
Why right wingers can't just get into Academia if they are supposedly smart enough to pass peer revies and publish works? Because they aren't.
What are the left wing boards then, if any?
You're confusing liberal bias with leftwing politics. Nice try though.
>Why right wingers can't just get into Academia
They can. The stupid ones don't know about it since they're too dumb to attend college so they're loud about it on forums for Taiwanese cartoons.
>home of Strinerposting and Zizekposting
Because kikes will shun you publicly and take away any grant money
Fucking shareblue jew go back to plebbit
Most people just find Stirner and Zizek posters irritating.
There are typically witch hunts for right-wingers in academia but you aren't exactly helping your point by crying about Jews and Shareblue.
A retard.
A retard.
Veeky Forums favorite philosopher is Lewis.
daily reminder marx consistently failed stirner's shit tests he wrote a book of butthurt about it
>imblying society isn't a spook
Dude... redpilled as fuck...
>mfw a couple of those stupid right-wing bloggers are single-handedly destroying the entire genius leftist apparatus
>teenagers LARP'ing as communist agitators on the internet should be believed
Veeky Forums, compared to other boards, is pretty good about actually discussing certain political perspectives rather than spout "agitprop."
The only leftist board is Veeky Forums.
If you try to discuss any book that's even slightly right of center there, they just shitpost until you leave.
>The only leftist board is Veeky Forums.
Funy, they claim they are right-wing.
>Veeky Forums
I know I like to &hum shitpost but this place is still fiercly theological and not tainted by communist retardation. In fact, lefty /pol/ makes more of a mess than regular /pol/, which is refreshing.
Good luck with your raids r/cucks
>this thread posted in Veeky Forums and /lit with minor text changes
this reply posted in Veeky Forums and /lit with minor text changes
We're being played, please remember to sage.
Stirner isn't a lefty by any contemporary and applied modern definition. Marx got constantly blown the fuck out by him too.
He just says to like what you like and never let anything, not even liking something supercede the importance of your existance or the choices the comprise that existence.
The ideal decries ideology by its very nature.
Sasuga leftyposter.
Leftists keep trying to take over Veeky Forums but then someone calls them a nigger and everyone has a good laugh
its almost like there is an outside board trying to warp Veeky Forums to be more leftist because they are mad that rightwingers have all the danke maymays
There is no such thing as a board being officially one or the other, and the perception of which political side a board is on at a certain point in time changes quickly, unless you do it systematically and rigorously, which I'm very, very sure you haven't done.
No that would be /pol/.
They're the only people who unironically identify as either left or right. The Political spectrum does not exists for those niggers (unless the Libertarian Larpists show up).
It's almost like there's an internal containment board using a perceived external threat as an excuse to colonise other boards with explicitly off-topic shitposting.
its almost like leftist cant stand that the internet has given the right wing a voice after the left spent years taking over hollywood and the media
>Not right means left
Excellent logic, boys!
>what's the matter leftypol faggot, can't stand dozens of contemporary politics threads spammed each day on boards which explicitly forbid this, on a site originally intended as a haven for anime watching autistics
>liberals are leftists
Why are most academics, writers, artists and philosophers left wing? Is it because their talents are actually fucking worthless and of little value, so they want more money redistributed to them?
That's blatantly false. Most people on Veeky Forums are Marxists.
I'm a commie but I don't use reddit
Look, im going to break down for you leftist faggots.
Im not an oldfag, im an anicnet fag.
I was posting here when you were a sperm in your dads ball sack.
This is a history board, so you should know, Veeky Forums always did it for the lulz you double nigger.
This place isnt made for normal fags, god, oh god, if you faggots even knew all the fucked up shit we got into back then
>When I was your age ...
No one cares
It does exist, it's just they have a victim mentality and believe that anything slightly rightwing is hated by the media (which isnt entirely false with we go by the droves of literally hitler articles of the past few years) , and therefore they respond in kind (anything that isn't natsoc is literally stalin). But it's hard to tell whether it's satire for most /pol/acks or not, personally when I post there I do larp for cheap keks and (You)'s. /pol/ is literally the new /b/ since the US election anyway and their unironic nazi oldfags are butthurt as fuck about it
Veeky Forums used to have a guro and loli board.
This place wasnt made for whiny faggots who are offended at everything.
The leftist revisionist history will never work
All of that is more valuable than STEM.
Nobody cares about the engineer who designed the Sistine Chapel. What matters is who painted it.
>personally when I post there I do larp for cheap keks and (You)'s
Oh god you are the cancer that is killing this website
>/pol/ is literally the new /b/
Except /b/ wasn't serious. Everyone was there for fun.
>literally everything is made of jews
>whiny faggots who are offended at everything
You mean /pol/?
>Like other anons said, anything seems leftwing when compared to /pol/.
on Veeky Forums, yes
you;d be surprised
Didn't even say he was left or right. Just pointed out Marx literally couldn't handle the dialectical banter and wrote a 200page response to The Ego And Its Own called "Sankt Max"
Don't get spooked so hard my friend
>Oh god you are the cancer that is killing this website
People posting for keks and (you)'s are what built Veeky Forums.
This is why /b/ was good. It was all for teh lulz.
>inb4 /b/ was never good.
Veeky Forums is a centrist and center right board
Zizek is the only reasonable communist.
S4S is the new /B/, b has really fallen, it used to be so notorious, you go on it now and its just people posting porn.
No new meme's, no OC, no grand troll projects.
I feel like the soul of /B/ was split in half and it became s4s and pol.
The obama years came with the rise of the authoritarian liberalism people called social justice warriors, its obsessed with ideinty politics.
We are anonymous.
We have no identity.
We troll people to death.
The rise of the sjw was a non stop troll a thon, like shooting sjw fish in a barrel.
These people got offended at everything, everything, how could you pass up trolling them.
You know descartes LITERALLY never said that, right?
>larping on /pol/ is bad
it's literally the only way not to go nuts from all the historical bullshit they spew to justify their reductio ad juden
You're so unwittingly new, it hurts to read this and know that you don't even notice how you exhibit your newfaggotry.
>Hi guys, don't mind me shitting up the discussion boards like I'm fresh off the boat, I am le oldfaggot, watch this
>Milhouse is not a meme
Well I don't see how is that relevant to the thread
And yet another user that think the board has his political leanings
You're quoting me responding to spookposting. Chillax my man.
>no, you!
Veeky Forums and /cgl/
Well, literally everything is owned by jews, and they are white-hating supremacists and liars.
Go ahead and deny that.
My coffee mug isn't owned by a jew, get rekt, atheist.
There is literally no difference between liberals and leftists, they both support SJW shit and getting rid of white people
>white people
This same thread was made on Veeky Forums and it already got deleted. We did it reddit! We are superior to Veeky Forums.
More centrist people score higher than both left and right wing people in IQ tests.
Suck my balls.
>"left and right is a meme" meme
It's a useful hueristic, not meant to represent the truth. Idiot
>if you don't support removing black people from america you support 'white genocide'
this is why everybody who isn't /pol/ seems leftist to you
except it's not useful, it's misleading and you didn't even spell heuristic right.
all a left-right dichotomy does is give morons a convenient excuse for blasting opinions they don't like with a meaningless buzzphrase that accomplishes nothing but opening the door to virtue-signaling and circlejerking over maieutics.
This board is a shit hive of /pol/ attempting to proselytize, /leftypol/ attempting to proselytize with a handful of moderate historians just looking on in awe at the sheer stupidity around them.
It's not left or right, it's a battlegrounds of morons who think shitposting on Veeky Forums is the best solution to changing things in the world. You know, the same type of people who were like "LMAO WE MEEEEEMEED TRUMP INTO THE WHITE HOUSE LOOOL Veeky Forums CHANGES THE WOOOOORRRLLLDD XD"
Vast majority of university boards are not dominated by Jews.
Also, it's easy to tell what sides anons lie on because they'll always try to downplay their own side's role in the shitconflict. Stormfags will always pretend this is a leftist hive and socialists will always pretend this is a racialist hive because it gives them raison d'etre for being here.
From my perspective, all it does is out yourself as the cancer.
That's a European paper, so by centrist it means Clintonite liberal technocrats.
That political alignment is so soulless that I'm not surprised it's dominated by autistic savants.
I think this board is decently balanced, Veeky Forums and /co/ are probably a lot more left wing
It's pretty useful. The left wants more equality, the right wants less equality.
You run into trouble comparing different political systems (who was more left-wing, Saddam or the Ayatollah Khomeini?) but it's almost universally applicable within a society.
not even a counter argument, just a statement of beliefs. yawn.
The sister thread to this one on Veeky Forums got baleeted lmao
I know there's at least one (probably euro) lefty mod there, seems to get pretty butthurt about this kind of stuff. Other than that it's not actually very leftist, more center/center-left. Probably further than most of 4chinz.
Left/right is a lazy way of labelling vast swaths of political beliefs. It's useful maybe as a generalization or to point out overall trends, but neither side can really be quantified.
Plebbit just daydreaming.
kill yourself anyway
The "left" and "right" idea started in the French revolution, when some frenchies were discussing politics and there arose a distinction between the people who would stand on the right side of the leaders chair, and the left side.
Also the term "to talk politics" or to "politique" originated in the French revolution as well. Which is really interesting. But i'm sure Veeky Forums does not want to talk about this, Veeky Forums wants to shitpost about liberals and SJW's because Veeky Forums is full of /pol/ crossposters.