Was WW II a morally ambiguous war, that neither of both side has absolute justice?
Was WW II a morally ambiguous war, that neither of both side has absolute justice?
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I don't know, systemic extermination of particular ethnic and social groups kind of outweighs bombing of civilians.
The only good side was Soviet Union, definitely not Nazis or (((Allies)))
(((Soviet Union))) was shittiest of the 3
>falls for the jews' lies
Hitler may have been onto something
Yeah poor Ukrainians
Yes, good thing America, Britain and the Soviet Union never did any of those things.
>a morally ambiguous war
Oh to be twelve years old again.
The difference is America, Britain and the USSR formally claimed those were bad things. They might have been hypocrites in some areas but were ideologically tied to notions of some form of justice... the USSR eventually collapsed because it was so hypocritical that it couldn't maintain legitimacy. The Nazis never had to put on show trials like the USSR because they didn't care at all about maintaining any notion of formal justice.
He looks thirsty
Of course.
i hope whoever did disgusting shit like that was hunted for the rest of his life when he came back to civilization
Who gives a fuck? Woe to the vanquished i am sick of fem brained cucks raised on Disney movies with a female protagonist trying to look for good and bad guys in everything.
What the fuck is this retard talking about?
WW1 was morally ambiguous, WW2 wasn't.
Almost every war was morally ambiguous.
>systemic extermination of particular ethnic and social groups kind of outweighs bombing of civilians.
Not really
The juices (or at least their elites) had done something to get what they got, while goy civilians were innocent
>Send a conicted child rapist on a genocidal campaign killing 1/4 of Belarus
>Nazi were literally trolling each other by killing innocents in front of their weak-stomached fellows (Heydrich and Himmler)
>Motherfucking extermination camps
>UstaĊĦists, Banderites, Einsatzgruppen
>Nanking, Unit 731
>German death toll of Soviet POWs vs Soviet treatment of
>Claiming certain humans are not humans because they were born to the wrong race, so it's OK to kill them and take their property
No one was clean. But for fucks sake if there was an evil in 20th century it was clearly Axis.
This. Thread.
WW1 was a huge disaster.
WW2 was the continuation of this fuckup
I never understood this, if there is a Jewish conspiracy do you really think that Mr. Schlomo Shekelstein the Polish peasant is in on it?
That's all par the course for every war in history.
All wars are morally ambiguous, Hitler directly ordered the murder of an entire race of people and started one of the greatest conflicts of the 20th century, killing millions of innocents over a sociopathic goal of becoming a superpower by fighting all three of the ones that existed at once.
Behold, a handy metric for measuring evil in WW2
Percentage of POWs that died by nation
>Soviet POWs held by Germans 57.5%
>German POWs held by Yugoslavs 41.2%
>German POWs held by Soviets 35.8%
>American POWs held by Japanese 33.0%
>German POWs held by Eastern Europeans 32.9%
>British POWs held by Japanese 24.8%
>German POWs held by Czechoslovaks 5.0%
>British POWs held by Germans 3.5%
>German POWs held by French 2.58%
>German POWs held by Americans 0.15%
>German POWs held by British 0.03%
When did America or Britain exterminate a particular ethnic group during WW2?
Could you remind me when there was last genocidal war in Europe?
And the world considered it unacceptable and intervened.
Britain was the only power that even sorta fought for justice during the war.
Who cares? The first world war was much more interesting if only because it's ending wasn't a forgone conclusion for most of it.
WW1 (Armenian/Cossack Genocide)
Every side is guilty of horrible atrocities, but the Soviets, Japanese and Germans were the worst.
Had the Brits carried out Operation Vegetarian they'd be up there as well.
>Implying Jap fucks didn't deserve it
They used to literally do shit like this
>weak-stomached fellows Heydrich
Wait, what? I knew Himmler had a vomiting session at an Einsatzgruppe party, but what happened with Heydrich? He had an obsession with trying to seem bad-ass.
>no reliable evidence exists.
>After World War II, stories circulated of Japanese soldiers inflicting "bamboo torture"
>The Nazis never had to put on show trials like the USSR
But user, the nazis did that all the time.
no one holds a candle to the endemic sickness exhibited by the soviet and german armies, both the results of socialist states
Only the USSR has claims to being the morally correct combatant because it's end goal was communism.
>The Nazis never had to put on show trials like the USSR
user pls, you're killing me
>the USSR eventually collapsed because it was so hypocritical that it couldn't maintain legitimacy.
That's not how it happened.
Yeah, i'm sure americans in 1945 were all clamoring to harangue a soldier for disrespecting an enemy soldier's corpse
Only one side faced justice for their war crimes.
These are from around the time period and don't even cover the horrific atrocities done by the Marxists in Russia.
He says the question is unnecessary; all things are morally ambiguous at the macro level.
>Mr. Schlomo Shekelstein
some potential threats had to stay in safe camps for a while, totally equal to exterminating millions
For all of you nazi sympathizers who try to paint the allies as 'not so innocent', you do realize that you are falling into the trap of moral relativism, right?
Moral relativism is a product of the (((Frankfurt School))). If you had any sense, you'd stop that shit right now.
No one
Has your autism been medically diagnosed or are you valiantly coping alone?
This is why it was rightful to kill your grands and this is why is has to be tried again, fucking crybaby kikes. By saying you're more than a civilian makes you less than a pig.
Pretty bad and horrible, but far more minor than what the Germans and Japanese did.
>gas in Iraq
Random theory with little to no evidence which no credible historian actually believes in.
>Japanese internment
A bad thing, but they were merely internment camps and the prisoners were never killed intentionally en masse as in Germany.
war is always morally ambiguous. the victors write the history books.
this. the communists won because they were more brutal and had no qualms about killing. the fuastian germans should have been more ruthless and if they had killed even more they would have won
Western allies>>>Axis>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Eastern """"""""""""Allies""""""""""""
>Was WW II a morally ambiguous war, that neither of both side has absolute justice?
the fact that I can tell if this is iornic or not really shows how fucked out understanding of WW2 history is
>USSR formally claimed those were bad things
lol nope
>were ideologically tied to notions of some form of justice
in which alternate dimension you retard?
>the problem was that the nazis didn't chnage enough
real redpill you go there bucko
>no reliable evidence
Fucking bravo
The failure of a government that costs the lives of it's citizens is not the equlivilant of deliberate murder, the nazis actively debated how best to exterminate a section of their own population, please prove the bengal famine was a dliberate act to murder the indian population.
Hardly, and the intervention they had made it worse
where do you get these? are there any from other nations?
It wasn't morally ambiguous. Neither side had absolute justice no shit, but one was clearly worse than the other.
Hitler dindu nuffin
so the brits were the good guys?
Based on the facts given to us of course the allies seem like the "right" side. Even though the Soviets did some messed up shit as well, that is only one country of the allies, and they did pretty soon distance themselves from the other members of the allies. However, I feel like especially in this case the winners write the history. Sure, the holocaust most likely happened. Was it as big as we are taught? Maybe, but I don't think so. After WW2 the biggest goal for the democratic nations was to paint all other government forms as horribe to justify their own position. Had the Nazis won, we could know about completely different horrible crimes against humanity commited by the allies. But based on the facts we have, the allies (- Soviets) were basically the "good guys".
You wont have pows dying in captivity if you just don't classify them as pows.
I mean all wars are to a degree. The difference is that the Germans specifically went out of the way to kill people that were helping their war effort. I mean they literally killed their own enslaved workforce. I mean that is a special kind of stupid or evil.
They only killed them once they were no longer useful.
Many times they didn't
Well they were really into saturation bombing. So.. they were the less bad guys.
Many of the German and Japanese war crimes were proven to be fictitious while actual allied ones like this were glossed over by the small international clique.
And it explains power's nature.
600,000 surrender at Stalingrad less than 6,000 return home.
That number is bs.
Start shit, get hit.
Hence, a morally ambiguous war.
Made up war crimes, don't make it "morally ambiguous", my dear brony.
nope Nazis were the bad guys
sure allies weren't completely the good guys but nazis were bad
Worse, it was a false war where both sides were just part of a cultural experiment.
>every picture of nazi war crimes is a made up Jewish lie
>this contextless picture of people behind a fence proves America killed a million Germans who all dindu nuffin
why do nazis argue exactly like the Jews they claim to hate?
Riiiight, like the firebombing of Dresden is a made up war crime. If you want to stay on the moral high ground, then don't stoop to your enemy's level.
As someone from a family with mental issues, eugenics would have spared me a lot of suffering
you mean authoritarian
It depends on i's implimentation, i've got a mental illness, but my grandad was an irishman in a time of discrimination, if we assume the state or some other entity should have final say on which genes are "the best" i very well might not be here.
>Nazi's were socialists meme
>The failure of a government that costs the lives of it's citizens is not the equlivilant of deliberate murder
>b-b-but communism killed 100 gorillian
It should not be about the best but stamping out the worst.
The war in the Pacific was 110% justified.
>Japanese POWs held by Americans
>404 not found
N-word please
Holodomor was pretty much man-made against kulaks.
Also, the famines aren't the only thing communist dictatorships are criticised for.
First, strategic bombing in WW2 was done by everyone capable of it, it can hardly be described as war crime.
Second, I meant
To defeat the jew, you must become the jew. Also jew tactics have proven effective at controlling goyim. Case in point, you just tried an alinsky tactic of holding a group to their stated ideals. Unfortunately, such doesn't work on /pol/ mind
>I want to die so I should take it out on others
Also Hitler defended his homeland while America used eugenics on the native Americans (whose homeland it actually was!)
The good side won ww2, nazis even had skulls on their helmets ffs, how could you even doubt which side was good and which side was evil.
Race is just a social construct, we are all human, you can't see any DNA differance between an african and a white person. Nazis obsessed over fairy tales and bigotry, they just blamed jews and non-white people for what happened to Germany after ww1.
Thank god white people demobilized their empires after ww2 and become more humanitarian, we are currently in the longest times of global peace ever, thanks to white people stop creating wars all the time.
Nazis have already decided what they want to be true. No amount of evidence will make them leave the safe space they construct for themselves
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