ITT: Things that black people were
ITT: Things that black people were
Saint Maurice was according to tradition the leader of the legendary Roman Theban Legion in the 3rd century.
He was both a Roman legionaire and known to be black.
What point is the op pic trying to make?
this website is gold
Arabs and Egyptians
So, what the deal the deal with these black medieval statues?
Search "American inventors" in Google Images.
they depict Saint Maurice but idiots like medievalpoc want you to believe something else. The golden halo behind his head is a dead giveaway that it's a saint being depicted and not some random knight.
Germans are swarthy and not white anyways so who cares?
What the fuck
Google Images is picking up "African AMERICAN" in the search
>Holy Roman Empire of Germany (founded in 800 A.D. by Charlemagne)
>of Germany
>founded by Charlemagne
Fuck off, Karl was German and died in Aachen
France and us are brothers
Frankenreich 2.0 when
Look up Hans-Jürgen Massaquoi (pic related)
>According to the hagiographical material, Maurice was an Egyptian, born in AD 250 in Thebes
>Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected.
Who's trolling?
I don't know, what's the deal with airline food?