
countdown to ico price


Jew here. We're invested. Figure it out.


How's her foot game?

When I look into her eyes I see a soulless golem that can never... ever... be trusted.

And I rest peacefully at night knowing I will never... ever... put my shekels into her backdoored scamcoin... Amen.

Basically this. Doesn't need to happen off hype immediately, but we will colonize the moon with Bancor soon as their next news drops.


>Basically this. Doesn't need to happen off hype immediately, but we will colonize the moon with Bancor soon as their next news drops.
Keep on dreaming.

>if you invest in something that scammers are also invested in, you profit too
topkeking at your life

I'll put my sheckel in her backdoor

Correct, sell your BNT now before it's too late. This clearly isn't whale manipulation like with every other coin and we aren't just going along with what they want.

Litreally a coin to jew the sheckels of greedy neetgoys.

If you put a penny on this dont blame the jews when they staple a RFID chip in your child's skull a decade later, its what you have put money into.

id giver some spermcoin for her purse

>mfw anything drops below ICO price
I have had it happen to me and I just hold until it recovered but it's always fun to watch the panic.


wish I had bought the ico desu. gnt is doing well.

'Bancor' is such an ugly name, I hope these bastards kikes fail

>we're not in the delusion stage


>The bancor was a supranational currency that John Maynard Keynes and E. F. Schumacher[1] conceptualised in the years 1940–1942 and which the United Kingdom proposed to introduce after World War II. The name was inspired by the French banque or ('bank gold').[2] This newly created supranational currency would then be used in international trade as a unit of account within a multilateral clearing system—the International Clearing Union—which would also have to be founded.
literally the future global reserve

>nobancs btfo

The funny thing about Bancor is that it can go negative: if everyone cash out, but they already have spent some of the initial ETH, a negative price is inevitable; it'll be like holding shares of a company in debt and being asked to fork out more money to recapitalize/bailout.

So is Bancor on exchanges already? And if so what does it cost compared to ICO price?

Dollar price or coping price?

>tfw bancor bagholder

who else got /goy'd/ here

We will hit ICO price soon.. If there won't be any major steps forward on Bancor team side.

Fuck it, won't sell either way.

This is pretty much guaranteed to not moon because it's programmed to stagnate. If it tries to go up in price it'll keep selling below market. It's like that annoying bot on ARK in bittrex.

Tokenchangers popping up starting with end of next week.