Prometheus and Pandora vs Adam and Eve. The Epic of Gilgamesh flood vs Biblical flood

Prometheus and Pandora vs Adam and Eve. The Epic of Gilgamesh flood vs Biblical flood.

Could you give me more examples of plagiarisms used in the Christianity?

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Most of mankind being sons of the devil we must hate must surely be copied.
Its a common concept: Trust nobody, they are demons.

Ten Commandments from Egyptian Book of the Dead and Code of Hammurapi

Demons are from Zoroastrianism

Trinity also wasn't original.

Messiah is stolen from Jewish Mythology

angels too

>event happened
>it is recorded by multiple people

OP is an idiot.

All you're doing is proving there was indeed a global flood, because there are so many cultures that talked about it.

Judaism is older than Zoroastrianism.

Persians based their religion on a scroll of Isaiah. Zoroastrianism is literally a rip-off of the real deal.

>this is how retarded atheists are

Two groups of people writing about the same events are plagiarizing each other? Are you sure?

Yeah it is. They spend half their time saying the concept of the Trinity is absurd, and the other half showing how every ancient civilization on earth had the very same concept.

with a little pagan fire god nonsense thrown in for good measure

love how they rely on manuscripts found in, what, 1953 AD for their ancient propositions

Did Henry Ford steal the Model T?

Angels, demons, satan, resurrection, reward in afterlife based on actions in current life, and messiah as an eschatological figure are all from Zoroastrianism.


Can you stop baiting already?

You're fooling nobody here.

Fun fact, the Sadducees accused the Pharisees of being influenced by Persians for believing in those things.


I don't expect you've read Jung, Schuon, Campbell, Peterson, Guenon, Evola, or any self respecting professor of comparative mythology/religion.

you clearly don't know much. Flood stories and other mythological archetypes occur all over the world, including in cultures that could not possibly have been in contact with each other. These things reoccur everywhere because they are part of human nature.

They reoccur because the flood was a real historical event.

It was passed down through the generations as mankind spread.

With most flood stories the only thing they have in common is a flood

Gilgamesh's and Genesis' flood can almost be read side by side.

Noah is Utnapisthtim, the old Salty One, in the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Oh, there is is in the corner there. Utnapishtim.

ITT: atheists completely miss the point, and in an attempt to mock the bible end up proving the bible right

You should be skeptical if there were no extra-biblical accounts of the global flood.
Yet there are. Hundreds of them. The Chinese also mention 8 people surviving it.

The chinese pictogram for vessel was 8 mouths boat iirc.

Fascinating stuff, as it predates known western contacts.

All mythologies are pretty much the same, read some Campbell and some Jung.

>The windows of heaven and cracks under earth are opened
>World is flooded
>Noah and his family repopulate the world
>Everyone gathers in Mesopotamia, Babel, under the king Nimrod
>God confuses their language
>People spread all over the world to start their own cultures, taking the Flood legend with them
>Over time (see telephone game analogy), the story becomes muddled and details are lost through the generations
>Moses has access to the vast libraries of Egypt, as well as God's divine revelation
>He writes the real, accurate story in the book of Genesis

In the Babylonian version, the ark had a round shape. That was not how it looked like at all. The ark was the first super tanker.

Modern ship builders use the same measurements and ratios that the ark had, 4000 years ago. Experts have rebuilt an ark miniature version and tested it in one of the sea labs with artificial waves. The result? It was very sea worthy and could withstand the highest waves. God is amazing.

all paganism is the same, because it originates from the same place in babylon.

judeo-christianity is unique

Looks like Christards are full damage control in this one.

>Read Jung

I don't read sewage manuals user, I save that for my plumbing contractor.

The Incas and Egyptians (per Plato) also record the flood event 10,000 years ago. The Temple of the Sun is estimated to be 10,000 years old, which the Incas held to be built by refugees of the flood. There's no doubt it happened. The question is what parts of the world were affected. The Bible says it was the whole world, but this is obviously a poetic license as with the rest of Genesis.

Imo, the flood story happened among several people scattered around the earth and possibly in a variety of ways. Noah's flood is Biblically significant because of its genealogical importance to connect Adam and Jesus.

Also, the Epic of Gilgamesh was written by the Sumerians, so OP is already muddying the waters as they support the Bible. The third recital of creation where God says that mankind will be called "Adam," fits with the Sumerian's "Adamu." The Annunaki, which is what the Bible calls the "Son of Anak," from where we get the term "neck" per their long necks.

It isn't like they support the Bible as Bible just copies their text.

>the flood event 10,000 years ago
What is Lake Agassiz?


"Zeus, first cause, prime mover; for what thing without Zeus is done among mortals?"

-Aeschylus, 525-456 B.C.

Yup. No Adam, no the rest of us.

(Dear Lord, you do know that Zeus is just Adam deified by the Greeks, do you not???)