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>ny >2587751
It's a long term hold, we have too many moon missions to make.
Weak fucking hands.
This will be the project that makes crypto mainstream. If you don't HODL you're basically a retard.
did you buy the bittrex pump?
a whale bot
if you wanna help ark, look into getting it on more than just one exchange.
if added to polo and kracken it might stand a chance
yum, another dip
what a piece of shit
Ark is garbage
lmfao seriously?
NO coin is going to hard fork just to implement ark.
wtf were they thinking?
yfw they actually do
Heh I just bought in to ride the whalebots gains tommorow. Easy 10%
crypti was a scam, lisk was a failure, and the same guys are building ark
I've been making a killing off ark. Gonna drop it like non-virgin roastie once I make enough.
Ark is shit. Won't be moving if a fucking bot and a whale with 70% of it control it. Better sell now.
Why wouldn't they?
>ARK would require a hard fork in most cases to be fully compatible
holy fuck I'm glad you posted this, almost bought in
what coin would take that risk?
and wouldn't it have to take a community vote of the miners and coin holders to do so?
i'm balls deep in ark, but this still seems questionable, or at least very far off
clearly you're either new or actually completely retarded a hard fork is a like murdering a baby in crypto everyone fucking hates them
there is no way in hell anyone would willingly hard fork their blockchain just to implement some shitty add on crypto that no ones even heard of/has barely any application in the first place
t. guy whos about to sell his 2000 ark
literally read the next thing after the highlighted part
This, there's a way around it
I don't get all the FUD
what did ark mean by this?
you can't do anything worth doing without hardforks
why do you thing they don't have any live smartbridges? the code isn't complicated, they don't because if the public sees what they can do without HFs ARK is going to 0.00000000
Holy fucking SHIT, did some of you Arkies get beat on the head by your Bible thumper daddies again? Did it...actually fix your brains?
Holy shit.
You're finally wisening up after I told you the truth about your fucking downie coin for weeks. Good.
It only gets worse from here, Arkies. The quicksand treading ends in a panic sell when it crashes below $0.60.
That's happening next week, maybe by Monday.
Get out NOW.
Throw away your dirty diaper, sell your Ark, and we can all just pretend you're only missing half a chromosome because you were retarded enough to get your money chewed up in this scam in the first place.
Don't be a bagholder.
define "worth doing" FUDer
Things That People Would Use Ark Over The Competition To Do
Without HFs Ark is limited to being a dogshit one-way shapeshift
>Without HFs Ark is limited to being a dogshit one-way shapeshift
FUDers confirmed for grasping at straws
>the code isn't complicated
Write it then, pussy.
You won't.
Just finished my 10k Ѧ acquisition, see you on the moon boys.
1) Ark's selling point is interpolation
2) Ark can't interpolate without hardforks
3) HFs will never happen
keep crying, your bags aren't getting any lighter
Ark's selling point is being a "platform for consumer adoption" and its own ecosystem of blockchain projects.
I don't think lack of compatibility with other platforms is a deal breaker.
>Ark's selling point is being a "shitcoin" and its own ecosystem of shitchain projects.
h-how did you make the ark logo in text?
t. holding 10k bought 250 more and wish i got 5k more at 66 cents
No, you dumbfucks.
There are multiple ways to connect blockchains. One is native, and the other is via encoded listener. Native requires a hard fork (which is what he was talking about), and encoded listener does not. Ark is going to implement it through the encoded listener route.
No coin will need a hard fork to use Ark smartbridge tech, which is the beauty of it.
I just copy and pasted from the wallet, see you in lambo land fellow 10k club member.
Exactly this, I'm so sick of the fud about this
Is Ark going to 25k again?
idk, but that demonloli is cute
you're a retard
encoded listeners require HFs for two-way communication
>encoded listeners require HFs for two-way communication
Literally wrong
Give the guy a break, his sell wall is being eaten before he has finished his acquisition so he needs to try something to keep the price down.
>hard fork
Retarded morons don't understand blockchain tech. You realize that other coins are doing amas with ark because it's mutually beneficial with no work because their coin converts to ark converts to fiat in 6 second transactions to buy groceries (same amount of time as a credit card) with a swipe card.
- I'll concede that this is best case if hits roadmap but part of why it's an interesting coin. And I have no long hold in ark, but can see obvious even fits to mass adoption of crypto for normal fags
You're one of the lowest IQ FUDers around. Step it up, son.
32k by momday, screencap.
yeah he's got the Malarkist to contend with. Eh capitalizes unnecessary Words and doesn't afraid of anything.
>their coin converts to ark converts to fiat in 6 second transactions to buy groceries
If the coin tanks, more for me.
That would be so awesome if they manage to pull it off. I believe they will.
I wonder what the legalities behind that would be though, seems like a tax nightmare.
>check market weight
>guppy that thought he was a whale is getting destroyed