What went wrong with this horrible horrible shitcoin?
What went wrong with this horrible horrible shitcoin?
Absolutely nothing, you spoiled child.
It was overpriced
its a shitcoin
idk but it fucked me to death as my first crypto.
only bought 4, but did it at the peak so JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP FAMFAM
Anyone want to donate me like 0.001 btc to easy my suffering?
the coin is massive undervalued due to the large manipulation right now.
>catching someone else's dump
i dunno
chinese people tricked us stupid honkee snowmonkeys to buy it and then dumped hard
>tfw stupid white devil 87 洋鬼子 87 87
keep hating on the ants. in a few months you'll realize how retarded you are.
>implying we don't already realize we are retarded for buying in in the first place.
thats true for literally any coin tho
everything will be worth more in december except for ripple and ark lol
>coin with volume of 10k+ btc
Fuck, Veeky Forums is hilarious sometimes
jk dont sell your ripple or ark it could be worth more too
>implying the prices aren't being held down due to the large sell walls whales put on the coin
lol fuck off cunt, just look at the charts.
People don't understand how useful a chinese crypto the chinese government allows will be. Buying things directly from china is expensive due to having to use paypal for everything. If chinese businesses start accepting ants/neo it will be one of the more useful crypto around. There's many things such as pcb prototypes and other components I order directly from china.
>the market selling off the coin resulting in the price correcting down to a lower level means whales are causing it via sell walls
>10k btc volume coin
Jesus christ Veeky Forums you're killing me
Living off if's
>What went wrong with this horrible horrible shitcoin?
That you didn't get out early enough to have some profits to put into another coin that's more likely to go up sooner
like fucking what user?
I've got 1.2ETH and 22 ANTS how much ethereum to sell and what to buy?
inb4 sell ants bought at 35k before conference no way Im selling
Those huge sell walls don't actually get filled, if you watch the order book they barely get nibbled at while everyone who is actually dumping is forced to sell below that price. The sell wall creeps down until the whale is satisfied, then it vanishes and a buy wall appears just below that price.
it became #1 on bittrex
I dunno. I doubled my money with my selling position since I got in early, and now put it all into STRAT since I'm seeing that as a coin which might move up sooner than ANS. If you wanna hold that's totally fine, I can definitely see ANS eventually moving up once enough work has been done on it
Bitch pleasse, the volume is already 6800 on Bittrex, and it was over 14k 24 hrs ago. Look at the fucking market history, you will se a ton of walls
>they bought the news
>Living off if's
Well crypto is highly speculative in general. It still has a useful real world niche to fill which is more than most other coins can say.
You suck at trading pretty much
It was a meme from the beginning
nothing went wrong with the coin.
Their conference was reasonably interesting, no bad news came out of it.
Their whitepapers have some genuinely novel concepts within them.
There won't be any news, positive or bad, for a while. Things are slowing down.
Still a lot of volume moving around. Calm down.
awwww poor baby, did you miss out on making almost 10x your money in less than a week?
You want mummy to rub your tum tum better?
sell now delusional fags.
>he doesnt know the CryptoK discord PnD'd this
Guys I am a retard, what does it mean when the volume goes down? yesterday it was at 8k.
means the sound is lower
ok thanks
less buying/selling going on
I will buy this dip :)
delet this