>Open bible
>First chapter
>A talking snake
People died over this shit
>Open bible
>First chapter
>A talking snake
People died over this shit
>Open thread
>First page of The Bible is God (who is all-powerful) having to creating the universe in 6 "days" and then needing to rest (???)
Sage goes in the Options field.
Do you even symbolism.
But the jew zombie was a literal event, huh?
cognitive dissonance.
this picture is retarded because there's no evolutionary purpose in eating dirt because it doesn't have nutrients for mammals.
That being said earth worms exist, so it's not too hard to believe that really, but snakes or mammals would never evolve to eat dirt because there's no way dirt could sustain a mammal/reptile's brain.
Only a mong can't see what is allegory and what is literal you incorrigible fuck
The snake doesn't actually show up until the third chapter, you know.
>Only a mong can't see what is allegory and what is literal
But of course! If it's inconvenient to me, it's "just a metaphor, bro!" Otherwise it's 100% unquestionable truth.
>this bit here is clearly allegory/hem-haw-er-um not literal historical fact BUT THAT ONE OTHER BIT IS ABSOLUTELY TRUE
some Christian.
How about a magic trick?
I'm gonna make my corpse disappear.
Is it credible?
Yes: it's literally true.
No: can science explain it?
No: it's literally true.
Yes: does science contradict it?
No: it's literally true.
Yes: dude it was just a metaphor lmao! You are the retarded one for taking it literally!
People only believe what they are intelligent and critical enough to adopt into their worldview. Ironically people don't really care about facts, they are more easily swayed by personal emotional appeals. That's why Christianity came up with this guy Jesus who magically LOVES YOU more than any real person ever could, doesn't that make you feel good? Sure it does, here read this book that lays out this fun ideology you can join, then YOU get to be one of US! Lucky you! Even better, they get this all when they are an impressionable kid, by their parents no less. So they are buffaloed into this silly shit without ever having a chance to think it through. If at any point the doubts start seeming in, the human mind will cling to any shred of reason to resist changing, due to stockholm syndrome or sunk costs. No one would ever admit that their entire religion is a complete lie and they that were tricked into believing it, so no, instead the entire world must be wrong, so that I can remain right somehow.
>this picture is retarded because there's no evolutionary purpose in eating dirt because it doesn't have nutrients for mammals.
It doesn't matter if it has an evolutionary purpose or not. It's not like Satan is being a snake so that he can act like a complete animal and reproduce. The snake in genesis is a snake in appearance only. Afterall, the snake talks. Real snakes don't talk.
>instead the entire world must be wrong, so that I can remain right somehow.
This phrase magnificently captures you, judging by what you wrote before it.
Dude how can you say that shit didn't happen
It totally tells you it happened, that's all the evidence you need
you're so smart for knocking down literalist strawmen
cognitive dissonance.
>People only believe what they are intelligent and critical enough to adopt into their worldview. Ironically people don't really care about facts, they are more easily swayed by personal emotional appeals. That's why Secular Humanism came up with this guy Paul Kurtz who magically LOVES ALL OF HUMANITY for no good reason, doesn't that make you feel good? Sure it does, here read all this nonsense that keeps appealing to empirical fact but largely ignores it that lays out this fun ideology you can join, then YOU get to be one of US! Lucky you! Even better, they get this all when they are an impressionable kid, by their parents no less (and the state or its schools). So they are buffaloed into this silly shit without ever having a chance to think it through. If at any point the doubts start seeming in, the human mind will cling to any shred of reason to resist changing, due to stockholm syndrome or sunk costs. No one would ever admit that their entire atheistic religion is a complete lie and they that were tricked into believing it, so no, instead the entire world must be wrong, so that I can remain right somehow.
Do you have similar problems with talking birds?
No? Just snakes?
Even though the bible said "serpent", and it lost its legs, and shares the same root as the word "enchanter", and was in fact the devil himself?
Still hooked on "talking snake"?
Mr. "Everything came from a pinhead singularity that popped into being from nothing and exploded for no reason somehow escaping its own gravity well as it contained everything in the universe which then became more and more orderly until rocks turned into bacteria turned into fish turned into monkeys turned into you?
>muh secular humanism
Weird what people pick out as their windmill to charge at.
Sorry to spoil the ending.
>People only believe what they are intelligent and critical enough to adopt into their worldview. Ironically people don't really care about facts, they are more easily swayed by personal emotional appeals. That's why Christianity came up with this guy Jesus Christ who magically LOVES ALL OF HUMANITY for no good reason, doesn't that make you feel good? Sure it does, here read all this nonsense that keeps appealing to your fear of death but largely ignores it that lays out this fun ideology you can join, then YOU get to be one of US! Lucky you! Even better, they get this all when they are an impressionable kid, by their parents no less (and the church or its schools). So they are buffaloed into this silly shit without ever having a chance to think it through. If at any point the doubts start seeming in, the human mind will cling to any shred of reason to resist changing, due to stockholm syndrome or sunk costs. No one would ever admit that their entire religion is a complete lie and they that were tricked into believing it, so no, instead the entire world must be wrong, so that I can remain right somehow.
It really is amazing how stupid most of humanity was. Most humans actually believed in these fairy tells. They actually believed in these crazy stories about talking snakes and talking whales and angels. People actually started entire WARS over their illogical religious beliefs.
It's weird, looking back at the history of humanity, and seeing how ridiculous and stupid most of it is.
>Everything came from a pinhead singularity that popped into being from nothing and exploded for no reason somehow escaping its own gravity well as it contained everything in the universe which then became more and more orderly until rocks turned into bacteria turned into fish turned into monkeys turned into you?
Is this a parody or do you actually think this?
That's literally Darwinian evolution, you twit.
No it isn't, are you retarded?
The projection is real.
>People actually started entire WARS over their illogical religious beliefs.
I think it was more the case of rulers using Religion to their advantage, as in using it as a rallying cry to take more land or resources.
No one will think you're a good person if you say
>Hey, they have all this stuff, and I want it! Come fight for me so I can have it!
compare that to
>Hey, these guys aren't the right religion, and they have stuff us good guys should have, lets kill em!
It is, and you're retarded for thinking it isn't.
Seriously read up on what you are talking about if you don't want to make a fool of yourself here.
That's the difference between science and religion.
With science, we believe what we can prove, or extrapolate the most likely happenstance from our understanding of how things work gained through empirical experimentation, and leave room to admit there is a bunch of shit that we do not know. We are constantly updating our knowledge through experimentation and observation.
Religion just says "it happened like this and that's it. If you believe any different, you will be tortured forever when you die."
>people LITERALLY thought ripping out hearts would prevent skeleton transvestites with rattlesnake penises from coming down from the stars and devouring the sun
most people dont think critically, just like now.
Oh, I see. You're the kind of fool who mocks people for picking and choosing what they believe that's in the bible, yet you pick and choose what you believe about the godless alternative, a universe from nothing, with no compunctions whatsoever.
Just a garden variety hypocrite.
How do you think Darwin gets to you? Just a "missing link" and then the first humans and then you?
No, it's from goo to you, and you're a fool to believe it isn't.
>B-b-but we've thrown out spontaneous generation, and abiogenesis, and all of the stuff we don't like. We just think we're apelike creatures now, and have no answers for anything else.
Yes, just like an animal. A philosophy of an animal.
You pitiful wretch.
You are so right!
Science is always wrong, always has been wrong, and will always be wrong. It just takes a generation or so to prove it. Again. And Again. And Again. And Again.
>muh pure science
> people wholeheartedly believe that a group of immortal people lived on top of a mountain in Greece and the boss nigger up there would chuck lightning bolts at people who pissed him off. He also turned himself into a swan and a bull to slay some pussy
You know what's even more inane?
People not believing things that actually happened because they cannot claw their way out of their own normalcy bias.
I have proof god exists, I read it in a book
"God doesn't real"
420;69 - Book of I'm Right
jeez fedoralord theists amiright gb2 reddit person I disagree with!
> It’s m-m-m-m-metaphor!
> Except, when it is 100% literal! XD
I too have proof God exists.
>B-b-but h-h-how do you k-k-know???
Whoops, I can't even shitpost right
I have proof da big bang exists
>B-b-but h-h-how do you k-k-know???
Yeah and I have proof that Super-God exist, the God he made exist. Checkmate, meta-atheists.
Not that guy, but do you honestly believe that unless it gives you all the answers to everything right now, science is fake and not to be beleived?
Pfft, as if. I have proof that the cosmic egg existed.
>B-b-but h-h-how do you k-k-know???
Stealing my evidence.
Good luck with your scientific law violating spontaneous generating entropy defying abiogenetic rubbish!
> entropy
it's probabilistic anyway
I believe that any clear headed rational person can survey "science" over the past few thousand years and find one commonality that rears its ugly head every single generation.
We are right, and everyone before us was wrong.
This is called "self-correction" by empiricists, but that's really just wishful thinking. The ancients knew more about many things than we do now, which would lead, again, a rational person to the conclusion that mankind is not that bright.
And in no way competition for the being who made the universe finely tuned to 1 part in 10^123.
Entropy only applies when time is present, when no space is present, no time is present, before the big bang there neither space nor time.
Like, we might take you seriously if you know even a single lick about the subject matter you're criticizing.
Yes, let's not only shed any authority over ourselves, let's relive ourselves of all personal responsibility too!
What harm could come from that!
That's a problem, sport, as time does not exist.
Space has no properties.
And there was no Big Bang.
Son, everything you said was a lie, but you believe it. There's a word for people like you. Suckers.
Okay but here is some actually solid proof that God is definitely not real
"God Isn't Real"
-Anonymous c. A long time ago
See? Irrefutable proof! The books say so!
So when you get sick do you take medicine or just pray?
Interesting, where's the peer-reviewed science that backs these radical claims up?
Was probably OP; OP is a faggot. Proof undone.
>The ancients knew more about many things than we do now, which would lead, again, a rational person to the conclusion that mankind is not that bright.
Which is why they had massive rates of infant and child mortality and couldn't do half the shit we can.
>snake steals immortality from humans
Wow nice originality not stolen from gilgamesh or anything
Damn, foiled again by the infallible faith!
0.1% of "peer reviewed science" follows the scientific method in modern climatology, say.
Still want to bet your soul on it? On a circlejerk of NEETS signing on to each other's papers?
>mankind is not that bright.
Which is why we accumulate information and come up with methodologies perfected over the entire span of our civilization to account for our shortcomings.
If mankind is so stupid, why are you willing to take seriously a book penned by them?
I will never understand how people take religion seriously enough to kill someone else just because they have different opinions. At least with politics I can kinda understand it, but not with religion.
We have superior tech in many cases, and more knowledge of many things.
They were wiser.
You atheists would not have fit in to any of their societies, like you don't fit into ours.
Never bet on OP.
What might those "perfected methodologies" be?
>0.1% of "peer reviewed science" follows the scientific method in modern climatology, say.
Interesting, what proof do you have?
>Still want to bet your soul on it?
Yes, because its results speak for themselves. Vaccinations, medicines, computers, automobiles, improved farming techniques, etc. are all products of science that I can lay eyes upon and touch if I feel fit. The soul however does not exist.
>On a circlejerk of NEETS signing on to each other's papers?
They've added more to humanity than Jesus.
Ask Catholics. They murder non-catholics by the tens of millions. Or ask muslims. They murder non-muslims by the tens of millions too. And they murder muslims by the tens of millions.
Maybe don't ask muslims.
I would have a lot more respect for religious people if the religion they followed was one of their own creation, some World view or life creed that they came up with on their own through their own experience in the natural world.
But when you have these prefabricated religions from thousands of years ago that have zero bearing on the modern world, and large swathes of people are born into indoctrination into these religions, that it takes all the spirituality from it and it's just another form of crowd control
Fewer than 1 percent of papers published in scientific journals follow the scientific method, according to research by Wharton School professor and forecasting expert J. Scott Armstrong.
Armstrong, who co-founded the peer-reviewed Journal of Forecasting in 1982 and the International Journal of Forecasting in 1985, made the claim during a presentation about what he considers to be “alarmism” from forecasters over man-made climate change, reports Breitbart.
“We also go through journals and rate how well they conform to the scientific method. I used to think that maybe 10 percent of papers in my field … were maybe useful. Now it looks like maybe, one tenth of one percent follow the scientific method” said Armstrong in his presentation, which can be watched in full below. “People just don’t do it.”
>They were wiser.
I'll take non-quantifiable statements for 400.
That makes no sense at all. That's like having respect for people who play tic-tac-toe with themselves.
Jesus turned wine into water can your so called science do this? I bet not.
They were not infested with atheists.
Ergo they were wiser. Fear of the gods is the beginning of wisdom, and you fools have no fear in you whatsoever.
You have nothing within you. Many such cases. Sad!
So obviously science isnt completely worthless.
Yeah, the whole "let's not hang around with the guy that can pull food and wine out of the air" thing never appealed to me.
Well, having respect for people who play tic-tac-toe with their imaginary friends isn't that much better.
do you one better, science turnes GRAPES into wine.
Why do you believe that? Im not being cheeky or anything but it just seems odd to me
It it science to chew willow bark for a headache? That's aspirin, right? Is that science? Or is that just a guy who chewed some willow bark and told people it makes your head feel better?
See, that's backwards science. Doing something, and then either not caring how it worked or not bothering to study it. IT JUST WORKS.
>In the beginning was the word
So the word existed first? It doesn't say that God made the word. So what's up with that? And don't give me any of that "trinity" bullshit.
>professor of business applying an inapplicable methodology to 17 papers to cast doubt on climate change
Maximum overkek.You're a fucking joke.
Your hair would stand on end if you saw the counter-marks being made by nobody there though.
What would you do then?
The Word is God.
Dude literally debunked climate hysteria as not using the scientific method.
Just as I said.
The joke is in your hand when you piss, m8
>People LITERALLY thought the world was fapped into existence
>People LITERALLY think a giant albino nigger got sick and vomited out the sun, moon, stars, and earth
>People LITERALLY think that the moon decapitated a woman who pissed, shit, and snotted out free food
>People LITERALLY believed that two brothers started entire wars just to distract everyone while they raped a virgin princess so a wizard cursed them to turn into a different animal each year and breed together
>People LITERALLY thought a group of guys wandered into a cave to find a magical object and discovered a group of talking snakes drinking beer so the oldest guy got pissed off and cursed snakes to never enjoy a tasty beer again
>People LITERALLY think a pedophilic arab flew on a winged horse-lady and chopped the moon in half
>People LITERALLY think there was a guy strong enough to kill hundreds of war elephants each day with only his club
Does that mean dick? I could probably do that.
Then why does it not say "In the beginning was God." ? It clearly says "In the beginning was the word." The word was clearly there first. You're going to start spewing crap about the ""trinity"" now, i know it.
I'll call it the Threesome, just for you.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.....and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
You have heard of this man before; his name is Jesus.
No, he did no such thing. He's not technically qualified enough to making that kind of claim, and overlooks the details of the relevant materials.
Actual scientists disagree with him. Next time bring up someone with more qualifications in the relevant field than a Wal-Mart greeter.
>muh climate change is gonna up the temp 0.3 degrees in a century. panic
Um, your personal space is going to go up 2300 degrees C in the next century or so.
> What would you do then?
Nothing, only two can play tic-tac-toe.
>fear tactics
Nope. I'm not going to hell, because it doesn't exist.
If Jesus is just a word that means that he is literally the literary character.