Why arent you buying XtraBytes right now? The community is fixing all the mistakes the developers have made. No more shitty website, more accountability from the devs, more updates regarding chain and node development. Buy at 600 sats, sell at 800, repeat.
Why arent you buying XtraBytes right now? The community is fixing all the mistakes the developers have made...
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I'm actually pretty sure that in a couple of weeks you can sell XBY for 6k sat
I used to hold, but I have no confidence with CCR at the helm.
All the best OP, but I won't kick myself at all if this moons. I would if it tanks though.
I'm pretty sure that since that autistic man child is still in charge and that nothing has actually changed, this project is still a scam and will always be a scam.
Curious about future value.
>Why arent you buying XtraBytes right now?
Because its a scam with no future
>The community is fixing all the mistakes the developers have made.
Its not the community's job to fix developer mistakes. If the developer fucks up its the community's job to either leave the coin, or in XBY's case, replace the devs if its a community coin.
>No more shitty website
>more accountability from the devs
>more updates regarding chain and node development.
More ways to string people along and con them into an obvious scam and ponzi scheme with the absurdly high "nodes" deposits.
Scam scam scam scam get off of biz
First I've heard of it. The tech sounds kind of unique though, haven't come across anything similar to this. The charts and order books look promising.
> obvious IP rotation is obvious
You have no evidence to your claims.
Screaming "SCAM SCAM SCAM" does actually help to get more attention ;D
Actually I've been noticing it on a few posts. Someone should make a warning post.
Seriously fuck off CCR, I'm not buying your scam. You're the only one I know who still uses ;) ;D
OP here, just saying guys. Sell at 800 buy at 600. Ive been doing this for the past week. It works everytime.
This cancer represents the worst of the crypto world. Bottom of the barrel. Sad thing is some of the bagholders figured out its a scam and are going to drag people down with them
So we can't suggest a coin because you call it a scam? Hey guys, we can't like this coin. Sorry, they caught us. Lets pack it up.
You can suggest it. But we are gonna call you out on it, bagholder.
have fun disposing of those bags, fools
>community coin
Isn't the community just Veeky Forums? Why should I trust them to make this coin better when all they want to do is dump on me
>community coin
>development going on in private repo
>devs talk to community through "pr person", if that's what you want to call CCR
anyone who thinks this shitcoin is good for anything except short term gains is a bagholder trying to convince you they're not a bagholder
website done by community:
graphic design done by community:
pic related
i am in the private dev channel, borz gives us tests to do to help familiarise ourselves with the code, if you want to help with development simply ask in the xbydevrecruit channel
Could just please stop shilling this fucking scam? Nobody cares.
saying it's a scam doesn't make it true
>community coin
>private dev channel
>no publically available code
Certainly looks better that that abortion of a site that went online last week. And to think they put a timer for that shit.
Still, a site doesn't make a coin.
nice logic fag, no wonder why you fell for the scam