Brainlet here. Why is there Indo in Indo-European language family? If so is persian related to for example english or swedish?
>this what aryans from central Asia looked like 6000 years ago
Yes, Persian, Hindi, etc. are all distantly related to English.
Indo-Europeans originate in the Pontic-Caspian steppe and raped their way in every direction like a bunch of fucking savages destroying advanced civlizations wherever they found them.
OP here. But why do persians and hindis looks so un-european? THey have brown skin and not white and caucausian fatueres
South Asia before Indo-Europeans:
>During the third millennium BC, toilets and sewers were invented throughout the world. Mohenjo-Daro circa 2800 BC is cited as having some of the most advanced, with toilets built into outer walls of homes. These toilets were Western-style, albeit a primitive form, with vertical chutes, via which waste was disposed of into cesspits or street drains.
>These toilets were only used by the affluent classes; most people would have squatted over old pots set into the ground or used open pits. The people of the Harappan civilization in Pakistan and northwestern India had primitive water-cleaning toilets that used flowing water in each house that were linked with drains covered with burnt clay bricks. The flowing water removed the Human waste. The Indus Valley civilisation had a rudimentary network of sewers built under grid pattern streets.
South Asia after Indo-Europeans:
>"We've made public toilets but people still don't use them," said Anil Prajapati, chairman of the Gujarat Sanitation Development Organisation.
>"Some of these people fear that there are witches inside or that their children will be kidnapped.
>central asia
Source for this? There is a study that says the Yamna were shitskins:
>The genetic basis of a number of physical features of the Yamnaya people were ascertained by the ancient DNA study conducted by Haak et al. (2015), Wilde et al.(2014), Mathieson et al. (2015) : they were genetically tall (phenotypic height is determined by both genetics and environmental factors), overwhelmingly dark-eyed (brown), dark-haired and had a skin colour that was moderately light, though somewhat darker than that of the average modern European.[18][5] Surprisingly, given their pastoral lifestyle, there was little evidence of lactase persistence.
They've adopted to the hot climate.
Read some Darwin for once you creationist idiot.
Christine Keyser et al., Ancient DNA provides new insights into the history of south Siberian Kurgan people
Plus admixture with Semitic and Australoid peoples.
Nice divide and conquer tactic shill. Indians are 100% Aryan. They evolved to match their climate.
Please. PLEASE go back to your fucking containment board.
>Indians are 100% Aryan
lmao pajeet, you wish. your people mixed with dravis and are no longer aryan.
From my limited understanding (I could be completely fucking wrong) indo european languages handle gender/time/grammar in general in a similar way, or at least they used to.
Grammatical genders/shit loads of tenses and case structure as well as non tonal languages spring to mind as hallmarks of indo european languages.
They speak a related language, doesn't mean they are the same people.
They have caucasian features tho.
The term was intended to describe the reach of the family from Europe to North India.
If you want a real good laugh read Aryans out of India theory.
Amazing how they throw out linguistic, archaeological, historical, and genetic evidence that Aryans came from out of India.
because they're not european. Alot of persians do look white too.
>dark-haired and had a skin colour that was moderately light, though somewhat darker than that of the average modern European
there were still yamna who were blond and blue eyed as well. They were somewhat darker skinned then the average modern European, think a blond swede with a tan, like a golden light brown color
australoids are in south india but the majority of south indians are not australoid, dravidians are dark skinned caucasians
Swedes got raped by Mesolithic European tribes who locked up the Aryan men in cucksheds
>white people in charge of determining who is aryan
>worship a semitic god, don't pay homage to the sacred fire.
>Be Swedish Aryan colonist
>Build your home next to a forest
>Native tribe lives in the forest
>When trading with them you notice your Aryan woman looks at their men with lust in her eyes
>Swedish Aryan cuckold beta rage
>But Swedish Aryan gets some strange satisfaction from thinking about the native bulls fucking his wife
>Talks to his wife about it and she agrees to fuck native bulls while he watches
So basically this is how Swedes genetically became Swedes or did they get raped?
ntr is such a trash fetish.
>Read some Darwin for once you creationist idiot.
If you actually read Darwin you'd realize he was himself a creationist when he posited that some higher power created the first life forms. Stop fantasizing about gaytheism.
>ywnb apart of the Nordic super race
why even live?
Only brainlets don't examine pre-history from the cucks vs bulls perspective.
>tfw it's the thinking man's fetish
Indos are the non-european Aryans. Like Persians, Gypsies, Afghans, Pakis and Indians
Persians mixed with Elamites
Proto-Aryans, a branch of the IEs, began their trek out of the Samara-bend / Ural homeland in Russia and entered the Indian sub-continent in much the same way that the Turks entered Anatolia or Arabs/Mongols entered India. They added an insignificant layer to the genetics and phenotype of the Australoid natives, but were not numerous enough to change them too drastically.
the Elamites were brown meds though, they just added a bit of a caucasoid look to the australoid indians. however indians are all australoid stock with varying mixture of elamite, arab, mongol etc..
its a similar story with somalians who are negroid stock with varying mixture of arabs, persians, indians
these africans are more caucasoid than indians, yet they dont go around larping as aryans and they arent assblasted at being negroid
but correct an indian and call him an australoid and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
white people think they are the original PIE. what they dont realise is Indians had an Arian caste system before white people even existed!!! those cave dwelling neanderthals were eating rats while Indians were building Arian empires.
them british white boys thought that they can conquer India, but we showed them who is at the top of the caste system.
now they come back claiming Indians are Australians. not even realizing how far apart India and Australia are!!! just look on the map! India is not event connected by land. once you show them how close Indians are genetically to caucausoids with extensive research by leading Indian scientists, they pull out psuedo-science garbage about how Indians superficially look like Papuans or that we share alot of dna with Australians.
but let me tell you- looks can be decieving. we may have the same skin color and facial features as Papuans but that is as far as it goes. indians are real pure first aryan caucasoids!
Indians are not related to Australoids.
case closed
argue with facts. not psuedo science of the caveman european
no!! Yamna are all Brown. Yamna are not white. Indians are White Aryans. Indians are not Australoid
>thread about a language family turns into /pol/ race shit
why do you always have to bring up race
Thats because some of them are from northwestern Iran and are mixed with russians and avoided the arab rapings the others took.
>just call them proto-indo-europeans
>and call them all Indo despite the fact they didn't originate in the Indian sub-continent, but rather because a single offshoot settled there
>why are they called the Germanic languages when most of them are spoken outside Germany?
It's just a language. I can raise a child who speaks Chinese even if he isn't Asian.
There are certain commonalities shared by most Indo-European languages, though none of them are universal (a handful of IE languages even have tonality) and none are exclusive to the language family. Languages are grouped by family because they're descended from a common ancestor; it's just that, frequently, that also means that they're somewhat similar.
Yamna who were blonde would be a very small minority. Anyway you have no evidence about Yamna being blonde.
Look at some pictures of Northern Indians and they look more European and less swarthy then your stereotypical Indian. Granted they're not all blonde haired and blue eyed but still.
Pic related are Sikhs who mostly come from the northern region of Punjab.
stfu. Aryans are from India! We are the purest Aryans! we are taking back our rightful clay
fuck the european mutts!
They don't look European at all.
>avoided the arab rapings the others took.
Nonsense the population of soldiers that conquered Persia was small. They weren't even stationed in cities.
Current genetic studies show YDNA J1 haplogroup corresponds to about the same proportion of Arabs citizen of Iran who migrated much later.
You're retarded desu.
Iranians don't look white is simple. They look like their geographical neighbors like pretty much any other populations in different regions do.
they only look like that to the poo who thinks northern indians are nordic aryans.
its like rwandans thinking the hutu are white.
its the same WE WUZ WHYTS N SHYT thinking the chinese Liqian are white
fuck off australoid
you jokin nigga? i am persian and it is a fact that we are mixed assyrian, arab, elamite, indian (australoid, gypsy)
there was no chinese wall stopping any arabs, semites, pakis, indians, gypsies from camel-jocking their way to a persian cunt
ahmadinejad is a typical arab "persian"
The man in a grey turban and the guys on the right, next to the guy with a blue turban, look European to me. Then again I'm probably part of a minority who consider Sicilians and similar people white or European.
It wasn't even just from the conquests. Iran has always been a muslim stronghold, whether when it was Sunni or Shia, and muslims love to mix with people from neighboring muslim countries.
Also a lot of Iranian Sunni's migrated to gulf countries like Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar when the Safavids converted the population to Shia, and since then Arab shia have flocked to Iran just like sunni Arab have flocked to Saudi Arabia. Iranians are as mixed with other middle easterners as they are with each other.
The ones in the North west are more isolated with the mountain terrain and thus have less arab admixture, but they are mixed with Turks, Armenians, and Slavs. "Persian" and "Arab" don't exist anymore as races or ethnicities. They are merely linguistic identities today.
But arabs are also caucasoid
Wew lad. Attributing some genetic markers to countries where the majority got arabized is pretty fucking retarded. Iranians are a mix of Mesopotamians, Caucasus people and Aryans. They have almost no arab peninsula admixture. And the north is the population centre where almost 60 % of the population resides so you have to adjust this when you are considering the gene frequencies
so iranians have the same inferiority complex as poos for not being white
mongols too
The amount of retardation is insane.
I could very well put Italians or even the English on a bar graph and a portion if their genes would be "Iranian". You morons don't understand how genetics works, and you keep posting the same 2007 NatGeo study which they re-did by the way but of course you don't care about that cause that doesn't fit your autistic agenda.
Semites from Iraq to Africa were under Persian control for over 2 millennia, but Arabs come to Iranian plateau for a 150 years before getting their shit licked in and suddenly the gene flow reverses!? Tip top fucking kek.
I'm not even talking about Saudi or Gulf Arabs. Everyone knows they're fucking half black.
I never claimed that we are white. We just arent arabs and didnt ger magically replaced by them.
Persian / English / German
>barādar / brother / Bruder
>pedar / father / Vater
>setāreh / star / Stern
Persian is the cousin of almost all European languages (Finns need not apply). The Indo-European people migrated down from the Caucasuses; some went west and became Europeans and some went east and became the Indo-Aryans, but they never lost the mother tongue they shared, though they changed dramatically (this is a massive oversimplification but OP is a self-admitted brainlet).
Pretty much this.
Iran is massively diverse so we have plenty of people as white as Europeans and plenty of people as brown as poo in loos.
It speaks more for the need of the autists on here to define everyone into neat boxes of white / brown / black / yellow because that's all the colours the peanuts they call brains can handle.