The more I learn about Imperial Japan, the more I think they deserved those two A-bombs. I mean, Jesus Christ, what a bunch of evil fucks these guys were.
The more I learn about Imperial Japan, the more I think they deserved those two A-bombs. I mean, Jesus Christ...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Japanese civilians deserve to be vaporised
Yes. People who had no idea apart from being manipulated by the state deserve to be evaporated. Nice logic.
>implying it's not born of 1945 American propoganda.
I bet you believe they thought the emperor was divine and that was why they followed him.
Holy shit, end yourself.
t. Weeb
They should get another one for inventing anime tbqh.
I never understood why Germany got the brunt of the contempt after the war. Japan did just as much horrendous shit.
Truman. Also FDR was always about punishing Germans more.
The Jap civilians should've protested against the blatant militarism that its leaders were doing against fellow Asians. Instead they just obeyed as good little worker ants, feeding into the Nip military-industrial complex. The Italians and Germans had resisitance groups that tried to undermine the fascists, but the Japs had nothing to speak of. They could've risen up and overthrown the assholes in charge but typical Orientals being submissive bitches.
Frankly they were lucky to get only 2 nukes. Japan should've been wiped off the face of the Earth and nobody would've missed them.
But then Veeky Forums wouldn't exist you dumb redditor.
Because double standards. Europeans are civilized white people and are supposed to know better. Gooks killing each other is old news, they do that all the time.
You can't be serious?
Imperial Japan gets a lot of hate because they revealed the hypocrisy of the Europeans.
>Belgium goes to Africa and kills a bunch of civilians
>nobody talks about "Belgium deserves to be nuked"
>Britain goes to India and takes over their shit for their own benefit
>...actually Veeky Forums hates the Anglos kek
>France takes over Indochina which is on the entire other side of Eurasia
>Japan is considered the aggressor for liberating their fellow Asians
>Japan wants to expand their borders like all the Europeans and Americans
>bunch of Europeans and Americans criticize them for immoral aggression
Japan was the light of Asia and could've helped her brothers and sisters in China and the rest of Asia to fight off the white imperialist scum. Japan made some mistakes, but we are demonized for pretty much no reason other than the fact that Japanese are not white. People only accepted Japan in the Western society once Japanese started making anime and were occupied by American rapists.
>applying good and evil in some sort of narrative
please report this kuso sure.
Read up on interwar japan you fucking shitter.
Please, the idea of an image board would've been made regardless if Nips weren't around. The Japs have contributed nothing special to the world.
Orientals have no concept of human rights.
>But then Veeky Forums wouldn't exist
What a wonderful world that would be.
>Veeky Forums
>reading anything
You do realize that most of this board subsists of pop history, right?
>The Japs have contributed nothing special to the world.
yeah, the world's third largest economy hasn't contributed anything special to the world. why do strong asian nations trigger whitebois so hard?
Belgium is a very bad example
Maybe because rebuilding the country and creating a strong ally in the pacific, right at the USSR's eastern doorstep was in America's interest?
I mean i could say that "if the coprosperity sphere wasnt just meming" you would be right but that would fundamentally misunderstanding the nature of the polity of Imperial japan.
>human rights
>30 years war
>ww2 Europe
>genocide on at least 2 continents
>institutionalized slavery
>spread judeoabrahamic religion while trading in slaves of the native population (including japan)
>cry crocodile tears when they get BTFO while yellow devils
>Please, the idea of an image board would've been made regardless if Nips weren't around.
It would be something like leddit or funnyjunk, not anything like the website you're posting in today.
but the internet, and the world in general, is constantly crying out for the west to answer for crimes against historically lesser nations
>Japan was the light of Asia and could've helped her brothers and sisters in China
Nigger, you invaded China and tortured its citizens for years. The Chinese fucking despise you.
Did you think we nuked them for shits and giggles?
It's not like chinks cared about their civilians either. This guy alone killed almost a million of them.
I know the Bushido code inside and out.
My Honour is My Loyalty.
you could argue that but for the Japanese invasion he might not have gone full retard
Follow your leader fascist scum.
Except China was thriving in areas that weren't under attack or being ripped at by communism.
>During the 1920s and 1930s Shanghai became known as "The Paris of the East, the New York of the West".[18]
>Economic achievements include the city becoming the commercial center of East Asia, attracting banks from all over the world.
Also, poor argument for pointing fingers at other nations for justification.
Not that guy, but he was pretty retarded in the 20s, well before the Japanese were doing shit.
Wasn't Saigon the "Paris of the Orient"?
>Their fellow asians
Imperialism is still imperialism
this is a pretty spooky thread desu
Macarthur was a weeb who wanted to let the japs off easy with a new government because he knew that they were BTFO'd so hard that they weren't gonna try any shenanigans again.
Germany was right on USSR's doorstep and would have been an even better ally.
the jews, duh
I think the real question is whether today's Americans would have the will or determination to fight a reinvigorated Imperial Japan.
the perks of a professional army compared to a conscript one is that you don't need 100% support from the civilian populace to fight wars.
Funny how much damage weaboos like MacArthur and Stimson were able to cause.
What damage?
Japan is pretty well off.
this has nothing to do with /pol/. but i suspect a false flag post here... what these posters are trying to say is that user is being extremely ignorant for acting as though he knows what the circumstances of interwar japan were like, without having even read anything about the matter. Instead he applies his childish racial theories to explain whole swathes of history as though he were an expert.
>civilians are completely innocent and exist wholly separate from a vague entity known as "the state" which is responsible for their actions
Top jej
Demon that imitates the word of God
They just wanted an empire like all the other great nations of the time. I don't see a problem.
It's a shame that Japan is basically an occupied colony now. Destroyed from its former glory.
>cry crocodile tears when they get BTFO while yellow devils
But they won WWII.
>all these triggered weebs in this thread
what a ridiculous meme
They can't do anything without America's consent.
and by thing do you mean invade another country?
With what army?
*liberate from colonization and socialists
Because we are westerners. They obviously care more about it in the East
What about Meiji-era Imperial Japan?
after the paris attacks a lot of people were saying that belgium should be removed from the map and just divided between its neighbors
Perhaps they should had tried to not be a bunch of cannibalistic death cultists during 30s&40s.
>try to create an empire
>death cult
>I don't see a problem.
Because you're a retard.
>T-they just wanted to create an empire!
>Japan a gud boi! They dindu nuffin!!
There is literally no justification for the atrocities the nips committed before and during WW2. They were just power-hungry tyrants, only the most deluded weeb would think otherwise.
Sure, but Germany couldn't have been engineered from scratch into what Japan became. American influence and hegemony in the middle of Europe wouldn't be tolerated. The Soviet had already razed Berlin, and the rest of the allies finally had boots on German soil. Japan was ripe for the taking, Germany wasn't.
> subhuman mongrel European detected..learn history first faggot
neck yourself fucking illiterate cuck
another dead communist
Nope. The civilians thought everything was justified and right.
Nips have the greatest slave mentality. They should have had half their country smashed including their manlet weakling emperor to prove to them they're not blessed or divine.
You're a fucking idiot. Asians hated Japan and fought tooth and nail against them. Japan's the most autistic Asian country.
It thinks it's so important, acts tough when everyone's weak, bends the knee when America knocks it's teeth out. Still somehow acts like its superior.
China on the other hand fought everyone it ever could no matter how dire the situation was. After two wars with Japan and a few others against European powers, it goes to battle Vietnam and over 20 countries at Korea. That's a country with real men and courage.
That doesn't make it right for Japan to do it you fucking retard. Also, he wouldn't have even risen to power or conmitted half the stupid shit he did if the Japanese invasions didn't happen.
>b-but they did it too!
Literally the dumbest common argument in existence.
>Destroyed from its former glory.
Do you mean before they obtained Western technology, or during the time of rape and invasion? Or both.
>Forced children to act as suicide bombers in Okinawa
This is what japs actually believe.
Stop crying over colonialism and getting nuked. You're better off after Whitey did his thing anyway.
Hey there tumblrina.
>genocide on at least 2 continents
And when was this? The imaginary Redskin Genocide?
Name a single country better off before colonialism.
Hey there Gook.
Why did Japan attack US before Dutch East Indies? I thought they had oil.
Why is it evil to be a citizen under the Nazi regime but not under the Japanese?
Well, for starters, it wasn't far behind. The attack on the DEI began on the morning of December 8th. Secondly, the Japanese at the time considered an attack on the DEI to be an invitation to war with the U.S. anyway. The Dutch aren't that tough. America is.
Why do you think they never bitch about it?
Because japs weren't white and therefore they dindu nuffing wrong.
White bois are a bunch of racist coward pussies in this thread, gonna rape and kill a couple white bitches just to piss you crackers off.
Japan has always been a conformist country. You stray from the herd and you might as well be exiled.
Because the Japanese thought that the US would interfere if they weren't neutralized first.
Nice strawman.
He never said the citizens of Nazi Germany was evil.
not at all, they were bristling at our economic response to their hostilities throughout asia, and sought to have us cowed
well, we saw to that
I thought Netherlands was occupied by Germans in that time period, and they would let Japan just like Vietnam. Was East Indies that independent?
The Netherlands itself was occupied, but Germany didn't exactly have a lot of force projection outside Europe, so you had a government-in-exile that claimed sovereignity and actually held it over places like the DEI and Dutch Guyana.
And French Indo-China didn't just "let" Japan in. They marched in with about 18 times as many troops as the colonial garrison had, and there were a few curb-stomp battles. The French didn't just say "Oh, well Papa Germany wills it, better sign over some colonies".
>all these Asians shit flinging about something that happened years ago and they still haven't gotten over it
Am I on /int/?
They're non-Whites. Niggers are still crying over slavery even though Niggers took part in it and Whitey did more than Niggers and Sandniggers to end it.
Here's the thread in a nutshell.
You're welcome, non-Whites.
I see, thanks.
btw I don't like them especially but it is interesting see how Japan single–handedly changed the power balance in the world unintentionally.
I mean, if they haven't chimped out so hard, stuff like a nationalist China and European hegemony over SEA instead of US would be possible and the Cold War period would change drastically. Or maybe not, I dunno.
>muh colonialism
What are Gooks sore about?
This is why any sensible person in those islands would leave.
Maybe because the Nazis got elected into power while the Japanese government was an oligarchy of military officers and aristocrats. Still, the Japanese public had a moral duty to oppose their government when it was doing all kinds of evil and atrocities in Asia yet they did nothing. Doing nothing to stop your government from committing war crimes is just as bad as participating.
Japan never had glory. It was always a backwater and never amounted to shit in history. It's only the last 150 years that they actually made something of a global impact and it's not even that much.
We should've killed off all the males and bred with the females to create a better race to supplant those dwarves.
If you look at things from a Japanese point of view, the European powers were annoying assholes who got in the way of a country trying to get natural resources by colonizing other parts of Asia.
Why didn't the Japanese stop for a minute and realize that it's better to rally the peoples of Asia under colonial rule and treat them as fellow brethren instead of trying to subjugate them like the West did?
I really don't get Japanese. They basically disqualified themselves of being part of Asia after the shit they pulled in the 30's and 40's. And if there's anything that Asians are known for, it's their autistic grudges from past grievances. The death tolls and atrocities that Japan inflicted isn't going to be forgiven or forgotten for a VERY LONG time.
In another 50 years or so, the US might not feel compelled to stick around in Japan or South Korea because there'll be other shit to deal with it or it's too much of a burden. Japan will be exposed and without friends in the world because all the nations that surround it are the ones that suffered from WW2.
>Why didn't the Japanese stop for a minute and realize that it's better to rally the peoples of Asia under colonial rule and treat them as fellow brethren instead of trying to subjugate them like the West did?
Ning nong we honorary whites now, we act rike white peopre do, rest of Asia wirr rove us for it.
So the hippies and liberals were right?
MacArthur didn't do too much to help Japan to begin with; what with the whole "releasing former Imperial Japanese political prisoners (i.e. Communists) willy-nilly, almost starting massive, country-wide strikes".
In the end, what helped Japan the most was US military action and involvement in various East and South Asian theaters, was well as the Western economic investments that came later.
Too slow nips are not jews they needed resources ASAP
>blah blah moralfag blah
Shut up already.
>In another 50 years or so, the US might not feel compelled to stick around in Japan or South Korea because there'll be other shit to deal with it or it's too much of a burden. Japan will be exposed and without friends in the world because all the nations that surround it are the ones that suffered from WW2.
What did he mean by this
Japan had this really weird national mentality that's hard to really understand. You had this intense xenophobic nationalism that was forged by the years under the Tokugawa isolation, but the forced modernization of the Meiji period thoroughly jarred it. The subsequent subjugation of their neighbors - first Korea, then, against all odds, China and Russia - ingrained in their national consciousness the idea that they could win no matter what the odds. This turned this already fairly toxic nationalism into a superiority complex.
But over this same period, they felt persecuted. Starting with the West forcing open their ports at the end of the Tokugawa era, they began to feel (somewhat rightly so) that the West was trying to keep them down. Their treatment in the early parts of the 20th century made it worse - America intervened and undid many of their gains in the Russo-Japanese War, and even with their being on the winning side of WW1, they weren't given the same seat at the victors table as any of the European powers. Washington Naval Treaty, which limited Japan to lower total tonnage than powers like America and Britain, convinced Japan that the West was trying to hold them back, and by the time they got involved in China, they got embroiled in an odd level of cognitive dissonance. Japan was both acting as liberator and colonizer, and was legitimately surprised when China and the West didn't take kindly to what they were doing. After all, to Japan, all they were doing was creating their own colonial empire, and liberating the East from Western oppression.
Pretty much, Japan had so many significant events that impacted the national psyche in the centuries leading up to WW2 that the Japanese mindset was almost alien to anyone in the rest of the world, especially the West.
>Name a single country better off before colonialism.
Notice I said liberate FROM.
Every nation at the time was creating giant empires to show their might.
Yeah, he died peacefully at age 90. BTFO am I right? Lel.
The glory of their beautiful feudal domains.
They were happy to die for their Mikado.
They always were strong men contained by the bushido code.