Do you believe white privilege exists?
Do you believe white privilege exists?
define white privilege
The white race doesn't exist therefore white privilege doesn't exist
Yes it does. You can only understand it when you live in a "non-white" country
It manifests in many small ways. On television, the actors and news anchors all seem to be mysteriously more light skinned than the average population (not to mention always bottle blonds). There is a pressure to stay out of the sun and be "light". The front desks(entrance areas of wealthy businesses and restaurants are always staffed by the whitest women possible. Colonialism has really fucked over the mind of the brown man desu
In a form, but there's a limit to it. Fucking obviously a homeless white man doesn't have it better than a rich black woman.
all different kinds of privilege exist, the question is at what point do you say "that is too much privilege"
I like birds. What is your favorite type of bird?
I'm going to move to Korea and agitate against the oppressive Korean privilege.
Fucking homogenous majority ethnic racists.
Their whole society is structured around a racist majority.
The majority MUST be forced to appease the minority I think you'll agree.
no, only class privilege
Haha I just got back from a racist Navajo reservation where I spent 4 hours explaining that they have Navajo privilege and it's oppressing me.
Those racist Navajo supremacists told ME to leave if I didn't like it.
Fucking Indian bigots clinging to their privilege.
Of course. There's black privilege but it's not anywhere as institutionalized or at least wasn't for so long as white privilege.
>white privilege
A homeless white man is more likely to get help than a homeless black man though.
Would you want to be black? No, of course you wouldn't. So yes, white privilege exists. That doesn't mean you need to apologize for being white. Just be aware of it and it will help you not be an asshole.
White people are the most oppressed demographic in the world and are actively being genocided by vengeful jews.
Yes, and I think it's a good thing that it does.
On my way to Chinatown in my city.
Did you know the Chinese supremacists have created a racist homogenous zone? Just for their benefit?
So I told Wang Lu that he was a racist, and he needed to consider ME FIRST since I am a minority in their culture.
They even had the most Asian women ever behind the counters at restaurants.
Really messed with a white mans head desu.
Those Chinese supremacists need to check their privilege.
The only privilege white people have is money. Black people, brown people and yellow people with money have just as much privilege as white people with money.
And you can't tell me Cletus has privilege when everyone assumes he's on meth and oxy and his accent is the most mocked in the world.
>a white is an asshole for just living his own life without constantly obsessing about black people
Haha that's so fucking stupid you racist shit
Why do white people have to live for anyone else at all?
Like shit nigga I got work and friends and family and my own kids and you want me to worry about niggas I don't even know?
Or I'm an asshole?
He's white shaming. Sjws are delusional secular Christian fundamentalists.
In a limited form. Class, religion, and politics etc. all play the privilege role in certain communities too and we all have preexisting notions of types of people. Do I think it's as severe as many young people on the left put it? Absolutely not. I would also say the browbeating isn't helping their cause.
Sure, dude. Go for it. I'll cheer you on...far away from you.
Why do whites sperg out at the truth? Is it latent guilt?
>tfw spend a week in Samoa telling all the Samoans to check their privilege.
Those racist assholes were not buying what I was selling. Could you IMAGINE a whole culture not catering to a small minority?
Absolute Samoan supremacy
Probably and it makes sense considering their ancestors conquered the place. Whenever a crime goes down and cops arrive white people are able to have casual conversations with the officers at the scene yet a brown person comes out of the house to see what's going on and he's automatically stopped and questioned like a suspect.
Also whites make up most of the middle class.
White privilege exists we are the most genetically gifted. Other races are basically a joke.
I thought busting up ethnic majorities was the progressive thing to do.
So fuck Korean privilege, Navajo supremacy and Chinatown.
Those racists gotta check their privilege
Well yes, you clearly are an asshole, but not because you're "not constantly obsessing." That's a silly strawnan. You don't have to think about it at all. It can just be a fact you know.
People are privileged because they are rich and live in a rich country, not because they are white-skinned.
The ethnic part of intersectionality is racist and classist.
I noticed the same thing when I was visiting Peru! Those Peruvian supremacists have the whole place on their terms.
The police were watching me, an ethnic minority, and not even looking in at the Peruvians.
This is racist privilege and clear Peruvian supremacy.
So I screamed at that ethnic majority to CHECK THEIR PRIVILEDGE AND CATER TO MY NEEDS IN EVERY WAY
As it should be. The Majority always bending to the minority.
Amirite fellow non-racist progressive liberals?
When people are disappointed that they aren't the star of the movie of "my life".
It's avoiding the reality that advantage tends to build upon advantage and vice versa. It's blaming people for being successful because of successful ancestors and viewing their own ancestors in pitiful ways.
But instead of striving to outcompete, they do the normal human faggot things and come up with hideous moral structures that puts them back as a star role in their movie of "my life'.
I think it's a flawed concept that serves only to divide the citizenry, it's a pox, ruining our civic bonds, and soiling the bedding of the republic
From a sociological perspective I think there's a strong argument to be made of its existence although it seems that it's a concept that the academic perspective is buried by the persistent colloquial use by laypeople as a tactic to brow beat opposition.
We master race deal with it shitskins
No, you're an asshole for a completely different reason. Like this autistic stream of "THIS COMMUNITY DOESN'T DO THIS, WHY SHOULD WE?". You can address a point without acting like you consider it stupid.
But should white people even have their own lives?
No, reincarnation is real and people's lives are the product of their actions in their past lives. Some things are beyond your actions though, but you deserve everything that happens to you- sometimes because of things that happened/you did in previous lives. If reincarnation didn't exist, why are some people retarded and others not?
In Latin America whites are the top of the society despite forming a minority in every country save Argentina
In the Gulf States white people are treated much better than Indians, Pakis and "abeeds" (black slaves)
In Lebanon there are clubs which literally state "white only" (Lebs think they are white and are notorious for claiming Italian heritage abroad)
In East and South Asia, whites are practically worshipped. A blond white guy has his pick of the litter above the indigeneous population. Sex crimes they commit, are routinely brushed under the carpet (see Thailand, Sri Lanka)
In Israel, Ashkenazi were accepted as Jews immediately. It took until 1980 for Ethiopians to be official recognized despite them being known about before Israel's founding in 1948. To this day they are discriminated and most don't consider them real Jews
In North Africa, despite the brutality of French colonization, a French man is still much more warmly received than a black person (exception, Gaddafi's Libya)
As a rule, white beauty standards dominate even in non-white places. Jamaicans get cancer bleaching themselves. Dominicans only place whites or light skinned women as beauty queens etc.
So to answer your question, yes it does. Whites are only ever discriminated in countries that are built up to it as if someone wanted that to be the outcome (Haiti, SA) and again, you can live anywhere so why would you even live there?
Genetic mental defects and bad luck?
This is how I know you've never been to a non-white majority country.
Lighter skin has always been more attractive in poorer countries because it means you're rich. Some poor rice farmer is gonna be tanned as hell, whereas some rich guy that spends all day in an office is going to be light skinned.
This has been a things for thousands of years and the West is pretty much the only place in the world that a tan is attractive.
Nope. Programs actually exist to tackle black poverty, no such things exists for poor whites.
But I went to Mexico and told them to check their mexican privilege and they laughed in my face.
The whole place is disgustingly Hispanic-supremacist.
Fucking mexican racists.
Going by average wage in the US, as well as crime rate, I'd choose to be Indian or Asian. Neither of which are white.
Is that 'Asian privilege'? Or is the whole concept of privilege typical social """""scientific""""" nonsense.
I've actually been to Peru and those foot suckers in Lima would probably bow down to you if you're white.
There's a case of brown mestizos who don't believe in their indigenousness over there. If you get dirty looks maybe you look like a pervert on sex tourism or something.
Arequipa and the Andeans are the master race.
This thread is living proof that white genocide is real.
>tfw Asian privilege will be a thing in 100 years
>tfw born too early to use my yellow privilege to fuck qt brown girls
> things that you have to BELIEVE in
im getting a real 'still in highschool' impression from this guy's posts
>Go to India
>tell every Indian I meet to consider their Indian privilege
>just know about it please?
>they say no
>cry myself to sleep ;_;
Fucking Indian supremacy in India it's not right!
Indian and Asian Americans are the absolute top of their respective societies and skew the numbers. The top 1% of a society will always outperform the plebs of any other society. Would you rather be Nigerian than white British despite Nigerians doing much better and earning much more?
If I went to India then started bitching and moaning about Europe underrepresentation like the entitled immigrant scum that unfortunately washes up on our shores I'd get laughed at and told to fuck off. Which is how it should be.
>tfw middle class white with midwestern accent
I love this privilege
> it seems that it's a concept that the academic perspective is buried by the persistent colloquial use by laypeople as a tactic to brow beat opposition.
Didn't Rousseau warn us about this?
> in a "non-white" country
Been thinking recently, why aam celebs tend to bleach themselves on TV. You've answered this question, thanks.
Privilege obviously exists. Sometimes people deserve it, other times they don't.
We live in a hierarchical society, and people value status, so what do you expect exactly?
>go to high school as an adult
>they ask me to leave
>tell then that I identify as a 14 year old girl
>haha they have to let me attend classes haha
>because of my feelings and identity
>they call the police
>again to the police that I am a little girl late for class
>they escort me off the school grounds
>have a nice day sir
>cry ;_;
Why? Why won't they cater to my needs??? Fucking transphobic assholes I should get the ACLU to sue the school district so I can end up on NPR
Again, you miss the point. If you were born Nigerian 99.9999% chance you would live in a garbage heap in Lagos. Being born white British gives you a much higher chance for a better life, although it is only one of many factors. If you are a genius, your ethnicity already doesn't matter. Most people are not geniuses
Sociology has one of the absolute worst replication rates of all the 'sciences'. Anything they say can be pretty reliably thrown away.
Obviously. Why is that even a question? Everybody should have their own lives, restricting it on the basis of race is retarded.
>hierarchical society
there's isn't some wall in the way, if you have the money and the intelligence you can attain what you personally desire, if anything you can easily live a comfortable life
Well in white countries, being tanned is considered attractive. I guess that is black privilege, according to your logic?
So, what you're saying is the only privilege that actually matters is wealth? No shit.
tanned doesn't mean you're a black person
>There isn't some wall in the way
>Every one is rich and smart and can do what they want
Upper-class Californian liberal detected
Not if you don't get that birthrate up, Zhang. Your demographics crash harder than Europe's when you get rich.
But not white people though right?
The dean of my liberal arts college told me that you can't be racist against whtes because they have privilege.
So obviously whites are the exception. Whites should be far more concerned with all the minorities and how to please them all all the time.
He even gave me a privilege bell to hang around my neck. Every time it chimes I am reminded of my white privilege and the white supremacist society I represent
And having lighter skin doesn't mean you're not black.
If you're wealthy, it doesn't matter what your skin colour is. You'll be better off than average no matter what.
I fucking hate shit skins so much when are they going to leave our societies?
You'e stroking yourself to your own strawmanning, aren't you?
Fuck *you're
But it's bad when it's a...
>If you're wealthy, it doesn't matter what your skin colour is. You'll be better off than average no matter what.
Yeah and that's the point. Some people being rich and some people being poor constitutes a hierarchy.
>he doesn't have a white privilege bell
Fucking inconsiderate asshole how dare you?
How dare you??
Go be oppressed elsewhere if you hate whitey so much we're sick of your fucking shit constantly insulting us whike gladly cashing welfare checks
I have to say I hate this concept, it's unamerican, and those that vomit it out need to fucking move to canada or europe
Samefagging is a sign of autism
whites colonized most of the world, killed raped and slaughtered, lied, deceived and generally acted like savages, forcing people to learn their language and adopt their customs. Every institution was set up to benefit them above all others and you have to ask if theres such a thing as white privilege in modern society?
you cant compare going to someone elses country and complaining about "navajo" or "asian privilege". The parameters of the comparison are wildly different. Whites went to these lands and forced their shit on others. no navajo or chinaman ever went to a white country and forced theiir shit on whites. Now that everybody's supposed to be equal and these white societies, course people are going to complain when society favors whites over those peoples they have colonized or enslaved.
whites brought all this shit on themselves.
America never belonged to you, esé
>Comparing a 90+% homogeneous country with a country where over half the population is a "minority".
You can't even a be a proud white in the developed world because you're constantly having to check your privilege in front of sheboons and Jews. In Latin America you can live a proud and fulfilling life as a white full of Christian tradition undisturbed in many places provided you have a sustentative income. You only have to lock your self in and pay for security if your dumb enough to take the risk living in a hot area like Juárez and Rio.
Being lighter doesn't make you white.
Vae Victus
nor you Spaniard
>In Latin America whites are the top of the society despite forming a minority in every country save Argentina
Mexico doesn't collect stats on race, but studies show the majority of Mexicans are white, and the majority of non-white Mexicans (Mestizos) are majority white ethnically.
>In the Gulf States white people are treated much better than Indians, Pakis and "abeeds" (black slaves)
South Indians are considered shit because they're practically slaves. Arabs consider themselves white, and treat whites (and East Asians, funny how you don't mention that) well because they have the money and want the oil the Arabs own.
>In Lebanon there are clubs which literally state "white only" (Lebs think they are white and are notorious for claiming Italian heritage abroad)
Lebs (and many Arabic groups) have lighter skin than I do when I get a tan (t. South Italian/Greek heritage) and I'm definitely considered white
I was gonna go on, but seeing how you hit 0/3 so far, I decided it wasn't worth it.
I was in class last week and the Prof asked a question about genderfluid identity.
So I raised my hand. She told me to put my hand down because I was a white male and others deserve to speak first
It was so fucking tolerant I almost came in my Bernie Sanders underoos
Now THAT is equality
Truer words never spoken.
Not a samefag paranoid one
theyll be saying that to you when whites are 37% of the population
>Implying I'm even not white
Go be autistic somewhere else. Seriously, if you're the same guy making all the other desperate posts here, you're putting a ridiculous amount of work into this thread for no purpose other than gaining (you)s.
Reminder that Mexicans are Spanish colonists that went native and are now larping as Aztecs for gibs.
White genocide is real
>white children today deserve to be punished for the past
And that's why I would kill you publicly if you said that near me.
Don't say that near white men. Don't you dare.
We have lost our sense of humor to you fucking vultures.
>larping as a nigger on the internet
Now that's pathetic.
its more like white suicide.
you guys own everything and you STILL get cucked and overrun by 3rd worlders.
so much for the "master race" LMFAO
Privilege doesn't exist and you'll never recuperate the money you blew on a useless degree.
> muh six billions enriched germans
LMAO are shitskins really this booty bothered irk or is this thread just white Bernie bros being outraged on the behalf of PoC?
Tip top kek
Yeah haha we tried to let everyone live with us.
Well that was obv a huuuuge mistake amirite?
>internet tough guy
youre a fucking joke within a joke