How about a meme thread?
Veeky Forums Meme Thread
epic reddit thread
why would anyone find these funny they neither have any sort of punchline to them nor do they make fun of anything that anybody in this world aside from hyper-autists who you'll never find would ever care about.
Like these don't even have any ironic value to them nor do they make an interesting point about something historical or anything. Jeez this board is autistic.
shit memes desu
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Basically they reference a historical event or figure yet in a hIlArIoUs mee-mee format so its like regular memes but INTELLECTUAL and not shitty at all
>every joke needs a punchline
back to /instagram daquan!
wtf I'm a Napoleon Incarnate now
literally me
well not really, but in spirit I guess.
I don't dress that badly
Whatever you say, Hans
Italian Incompetence strikes again!
>At least 200 dead
Who defended that bridge? The expendables?
but these are all true except for 2
John green hairline killed me
Where's the British version desu
>when the prank has gone on for too long
*The last would be Lindybeige Incarnate
France should be sharing the head with the ottomans
Wow Westphalian peace doesn't apply if your nation was founded on Westphalian principles apparently
>all of Africa would be speaking Italian now
But most of Italy didn't even speak Italian.
No. Just regular Frenchmen.
But France probably suffered the most with the HRE of the reformation.
What's the original of this again?
Kid was dressed as Trump
>"Actually, professor..."
>C- right under it
like pottery
Rip Suomi waifu never forgetu
It fucked the hapsburgs over which was good until they were allies because Prussia got big from the French alliance
>unironically using polandball
>record scratch and freeze frame
Yup. That's me. You're probably wondering how I got here
there was no genocide of native americans
they were preserved and relocated as conflict with the indomitable deluge of setters reached a fever pitch
That was funny haha. Saved
this is so true
Awww Germany genuinely pulled my heart strings there.
Every joke needs something about it that makes it funny.
top kek
Does anyone have the feelsgoodman edit of the congolese guy with no hands
>thousand of people can murder-rape tens of millions
Cuckservatives, everyone
>itt shitheads post the same old stupid fucking PicardÃa memes
>tfw Polandboll was nowhere outside of 4/krautchan until a few years ago
>tfw it's been completely ruined now
>tossers banging on about the Beige again
History repeats
>leddit trash
get out of here
The story for this is great too. The whole army was drunk i think.
True story
Sam Harris doesn't want to do anything violent to the middle east, that's a young turks meme, please fuck off Cenk.
Every joke does need a punchline. The ones he quoted all do have punchlines though.