Fuck all you trolls ! Long Live Pajeet !!!
Rich Pajeet Here to Say Fuck you
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Pajeet my son come back to India and Poo in here
what did he mean by this
idk but im laffin
It's funny because you probably actually are a Pajeet based on this autistic post
why does biz hate us Indians?
I'm indian and I hate indians
top kek
t. another pajeet here
I respect Pajeet because he was able to make retards buy SWT, XBY and POSW then dumped in their asses making millions.
1000% this.
I am pajeet myself but I ALWAYS pretend to be white on Veeky Forums
is there anything more pathetic than self-hating ethnics?
Yeah, ethnics who are too stupid to hate their culture.
Oh look, it's Mr. P
stay ballin pajeet, 5* shining my man
god i hate indians so much
i wish we could just genocide them all
yes, i em
if you are looking for the best time .you can buy.
dev is good man ,he retweet my freinds tweet on tweeter .100% quality coin and very good dev sapport.
you'll surprised if you think all indians have same ethnicity.
they have several religions and each 29 states claiming to have a unique culture, tradition & languages.
historically this is true too, there was no India before British colonization, there were several hundreds of districts with each having it's own little king.
Apparently streetshittery goes into their tradition too.
in fact it does, they had caste system where lowest caste are meant to clean the shit & urine of higher castes.
they still haven't abolished it completely.
in our terms it's a classism hardcoded in the Hindu Religion.
it was english Viceroy's who put a decline to this abhorrent practice.
Is Pajeet even a real Name?
>Even when Indians become rich by being unethical shits who abuse their countrymen and profit from misery, all they do is waste their wealth on stupid clothing.
Does their entire race have brain damage?
apparently 12 people beat this guy to death last year lul
We don't hate you. We just don't like the way you smell. Do rich pajeets get to go to finishing school to learn about toilet paper?
>Do rich pajeets get to go to finishing school to learn about toilet paper?
Doubt the education is complete.
>Rich educated well behaved Pajeet at computer consulting firm.
>But every time he went to the loo, it stank up the place.
>With no cameras we can't be sure how he used the toilet paper.
>But we know toilet paper was used to wipe lots of shit (from hand or ass)
>but not flushed... he put them in waste basket.
>Stinky Pajeet caused entire corridor to stink.
>Boss caught stinky Pajeet to teach him about Western Civilization.
>Pajeet may still wipe with hand? But at least he flush down the paper.
(I don't shake his hand!)
Feels good man
I bet he gets his own private street to shit on.
>(I don't shake his hand!)
Very wise. A polite namaste is always the best choice with pajeet involved.
Pajeet here. Ama. I thought people overexaggerate their hatred for Indians but when you see internet pajeets, you realise their hatred is justified. The pajeets basically copy paste others' works claim it as their own
It means brother in northern indian states.
Im indian...but im top tier from the south. Tamil kings.
Nothing to ask, everything to tell. US pajheet take over existing small business gas stations, and pay poor whites (in cash) slightly over minimum wage, then not acknowledge them on your taxes, and profit from their desperation.
I know that the majority of pajeets are drastically poor, they're ready to slave away for like 3 bucks a day.
How can they afford trading crypto? Or they only trade penny sums? Or only rich pajeets do it?