Wilson sucks. Just get a feel for the things he set in motion. I want it to be common knowledge that Wooodrow Wilson is in fact the worst.
Worst US presidents
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He's generally ranked in or just outside of the top 10 by most historians and presidential scholars.
He ranks right next to Obama The Great.
Excluding the incumbent, some order of Fillmore, Tyler, Buchanan, A. Johnson, Hayes, Coolidge, Hoover, Reagan, Bush II.
It goes Buchanan, then Harding, then Johnson, then power gap.
>after that it's Reagan
>Reagan, LBJ, Wilson, and Obama ranked higher than Polk, Adams, Jackson, Coolidge, and McKinley
who made this shit
Only retards think Wilson is anything other than absolutely based. Fucking shame the Libertarians and Commies direct discussion on this board and he managed to assfuck both of them so well in his own time.
Coolidge belongs in the trash, fucking faggot not realizing the economic and political authority of the government evolved with the times.
>Be president
>Greatest financial calamity of all time immediately follows your presidency
> Escape all blame
Really makes me think
Why, that Indian is so small it can fit in my cupboard!
Woodrow Wilson is by far one of the greatest presidents we ever had. He made some serious mistakes, but I still believe modern America how we love it today would not exist without his foresight and wisdom. He was the right man for the time: He made the decisions no one else would for good.
holy shit those teeth..never realized
Think about it: Back then, almost all teeth looked like that.
Those lists are by Modern day Democrats, Liberals and Socialists, of fucking course when he set in forth both.
>but I still believe modern America how we love it today would not exist without his foresight and wisdom
>how we love it today
That's the problem, United States of European Union-istan is shit in every way that it is because of his actions.
He's akin to Lincoln in violating the Constitution and the intentions of the Founding Fathers.
it must have been extremely painful
he's an alumni of my fraternity and I hate his fucking guts
What's so bad about having a central bank? Most countries already had one.
>inb4 muh illuminati
For you
>most countries
There's your problem, turncoat.
Am I the only one who thinks that he looks like H.P. Lovecrafts dad?
>Am I the only one who thinks that he looks like H.P. Lovecrafts dad?
Wilson is what made america the leading superpower and global hegemon you fucking retard
Dude.... I meant he could be his dad I know that his dad doesn't look like Wilson.
Have some decency.
they don't understand economics for the most part
The fuck he did. Or the fuck his wife did, who ruled behind his back. Guy's a literal cuck and the worst president prior to Obama.
why do people hate him so much?
what did he actually do that was apparently so devastating?
Polk should switch places with Eisebhower
Well for one he got 160k american citizens killed or maimed for really no good reason aside from how he wanted to help the British out.
Then there's how he used the first world war to grab a shit load of unconstitutional power and push through laws which never should have seen light of day.
can he be said to be responsible for the arms we found on lusitania?
>every idea that happens outside muh cuntREE should be contained at mah borders
So nothing particularly bad then
a lot of americans in 19th century pictures look very similar with a particular kind of beaky nose
>got the US into a pointless war and used said pointless war as a justification for shitting all over the Constitution
>not that bad
If constitutional powers don't change with the times the system will collapse.
And entering ww1 was just basic power politics. Do you think Wilson actually believed his shit abou freedom and self determination?
>Abraham Lincoln higher than George Washington.
And how, pray tell, did he "violate the constitution"?
At least he didn't gift half o Europe to commies
Why did you have to fuck it up
Well, of course. He's the only President who earned a Ph.D (state.nj.us
I understood that reference.
Every time I fill out my income tax, I curse Wilson
you just went full retard.
Woodrow ruined our country by swapping campaign financing for the federal reserve act!
should we make another thread about why the federal reserve sucks?
8/10 Nice bait
>If constitutional powers don't change with the times the system will collapse.
So by that logic, literally any kind of constitutional amendment is permissible in the future. Nigga are you retarded?
>literally any kind of constitutional amendment is allowed
Where's the problem
George W. Bush
Barack Obama
Donald J. Trump
Woodrow Wilson
George Washington
Well it's a good thing there is absolutely zero political biases in modern academia
>scholars who spend their lives studying these things are invalid cause they disagree with me
Wilson was racist.
And not just racist in the "everyone was racist back then" way. He was unusually racist by the standards of the day. Look it up.
>literally any kind of constitutional amendment is permissible in the future.
You realize this is literally true, right? The constitution has no limitations on what amendments can be passed, except that it requires a very large number of votes in both federal and state legislatures. So while the process for amending the Constitution is quite strenuous, there are no limitations on what amendments can actually be passed if you're able to get the votes to do it.
He was Southern
the fuck man
The sedition act of 1918 springs to mind
As do the palmer raids
This is objectively correct.
Before Wilson the USA was an insignificant country that most people in Europe probably hadn't even heard of. There had been no expansion of it's economy, population, geographic size, or military power whatsoever in the 19th Century
Polk is a meme
How come nobody ever talks about these guys? Did nothing happen when they were in office?
>Implying there are biases in academia is akin to saying there is no value in academia whatsoever
It's almost as if the very thing I was criticising was people who have a lack of nuance
>deporting foreigners
Polk is talked about; at this point his a way to signal that you know a bit about US history
WHH died really fast
The rest were shit
Do you were just ~implying~ that we should ignore them because they disagree with you, sorry for the mix up
>The sedition act of 1918 springs to mind
The Founding Fathers passed their own sedition act in 1798. Is that one unconstitutional too? And let's not forget that the Supreme Court upheld it in Abrams v United States.
>Palmer raids
Wilson rebuked Palmer for it, cost him a lot of standing in the party and essentially stopped the guy's political career.
>Van Buren
>be harrison
>get elected in the most perfect election in US history
>the highest turnout yet
>the whole population is dutifully getting involved in the political process
>whig party wins with a clear platform
>die after your inauguration
>your VP tyler goes full reactionary autist and declares that his status as president is mandate for his actions separate from popular opinion
>vetoes everything congress tries to pass
>whig party never recovers
>turnout goes back down to apathetic levels
Tyler was disowned by his own party WHILE HE WAS STILL IN OFFICE. The whigs nominated another candidate and Tyler decided he was going to run for re-election on his own.
Wow. I can't imagine a situation occurring today where an incumbent President has people who don't like him inside his own party
Why is FDR ranked so high for conservatives?
kind of gives you hope we can recover
Because he openly detested niggers.
It's one thing to have detractors and another for the entire party to say "you're not representative of us and we want nothing to do with you and we just nominated a new candidate even though you're still in office and expressed an interest in running for reelection".
You're distorting the whole episode, for lack of knowledge I hope. John Tyler iic had only JUST changed over from the democratic party. He was known and proved in practice to have very little stomach for whig ideas and was a Democrat in all but name. The Democrats came to reject him to though cause they saw his party switch as a betrayal to the party. The only reason he was chosen as the VP candidate, however, was out of political calculation to draw certain demographics iirc. Nobody in their wildest dreams could have imagined Harrison dying so abruptly
Also I'm also simplifying it a bit. If you read about Tyler you'd also know that he was a shitty politician who pissed everyone off.
>Van Buren
>creates modern party system
>master manipulator
>achieves his keikaku by deft political maneuvering
>inherits his predecessor's wreckage of the federal finance system
>nobody knew how to fix slumps so he was blamed for it
It was a fait accompli retard. Stalin already occupied it and there was no way he was gonna retreat without setting off another land war, which Stalin was more prepared for than the US or the UK
you don't get a 24 percent approval rating for nothin'
>Ranking no.12
>Overall Rankings 2009-2000 =0
>2017 out of nowhere
Niggers tung my anus
jefferson sucks
aside from the louisiana purchase which literally every president would do, he was pretty fucking retarded in office
>muh self-imposed embargo
dems hate wilson because of his racism
>The one Truman.
>The one Trumpan.
>The one Trump an.
>The one Trump Man.
My god. It's happening again.
>Socialists ever liking Wilson after what he did to Eugene Debs
>95% chance of Clinton victory
my God
>disband the army and turn it into a science and frontier exploration crew because armies are antithetical to liberty and nobody would ever attack the USA anyways
>your sidekick madison attacks britain right after you leave office with your support
It is a miracle that the USA survived the war of 1812.
wouldn't say he's the worst but I wouldn't say he's all that great either
if you aren't a WASP then he probably doesn't like you
if he gotten us into WWI earlier he would be on the same level as Pasha and Hotzendorf in "being an opportunistic shit that destroyed his country"
I went to his horse once as a college field trip he had an awesome kangaroo-skinned coat and two black servants who were named, I shit you not, Issac and Maria.
His wife was also a qt.
>punk on Veeky Forums thinks he know the economy better than most countries that actually work with it
>The Founding Fathers passed their own sedition act in 1798. Is that one unconstitutional too?
yeah it kinda was
note how the Federalist party didn't have a president after Addams
they had one fucking job "make the North and South get along" and they fucked it up
Antebellum presidents are fucking worthless (except Polk who was basically Jackson 2.0)
Also Garfield to Harrison don't get talked about much either
he made America great the first time
truly a vindicated man
>unsegregated the army which was a dick move back then but his well loved now
>fired MacArthur who was a sad story back then but people now believe he would get us a nuclear war
only problem is he caused the Cold War
Unpopular doesn't equal unconstitutional user. Perhaps you could cite to a SCOTUS opinion somewhere about how it was unconstitutional.
>Also Garfield to Harrison don't get talked about much either
They kind of died shortly after taking office. There's not much to talk about.
>only problem is he caused the Cold War
Absurd. The Cold War was the result of natural contention between two superpower hegemons with divergent interests and adversarial ideologies who could never be so sure of the other's intentions.
Truman certainly didn't conjure it himself.
>it's constitutional because the president says it is
constitution wouldn't last long if such a bullshit justification was valid
it violates the 1st amendment therefore unconstitutional
Most economists agree in the benefits of a federal reserve system
Only meme schools like the Austrians hate them
>those Anglo teeth
It all makes sense now...