Can we have an architecture thread? Bonus points for posting stuff that doesn't exist anymore.
Can we have an architecture thread? Bonus points for posting stuff that doesn't exist anymore
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>Bonus points for posting stuff that doesn't exist anymore.
>first time seeing this
>learn it doesn't exist anymore
this is just pure emotional robbery
I simply can't for the life of me see how it came to be this way.
hopefully a ban, faggot
Khan Palace in Ganja, Azerbaijan. Was destroyed during the war with Ruskies in 19th century
forgot pic
Beijing used to have extensive fortifications surrounding it
you can imagine who thought they needed to go
Exist anymore
RIP childhood dream of visiting the observation deck like in home alone 2
good riddance
Lol what's your problem?
Just from a totally objective view with nothing to do with the tragedy, they're a bit ugly, aren't they? Two big grey rectangles.
I'm glad this dystopian II was toppled
if I died tomorrow I wouldn't even be mad considering I lived through 9/11
in what capacity did you "live through 9/11?"
They're wonderful examples of American International Style architecture.
I flew one of the planes
Catedral del Voto Nacional in Quito, Ecuador.
More of the same cathedral.
I work in the new building, it's pretty sweet
it's alright, but I think it would have been better to brick for brick rebuild the things
among my favorite photographs, I just wish I could spend an afternoon there
>MFW I love architecture and environmental design but I realized pretty quickly that the life of an architect was shit and didn't provide nearly as much creative control as one would want.
Is there still any way for me to influence architecture and design even if I'm not nor will ever be an architect?
Graffiti and vandalism
nice hogwarts tier building
That's fucking gorgeous, can I live there?
God bless Hungary
>Beautiful buildings
>Beautiful people
>BTFOs leftie fucking shits
This is the noob starting location in the town of Lumbrige in Runescape, it still exists man.
Bijenkorf van Dudok - This beautiful building in Rotterdam has just existed for 10 years
Amsterdam - proposal for a new stock exchange
was a Mistake
why? should we repeat the same 'we wuz romans n nordics n shieeet' trollop for the rest of time? Should the modern era we live in not have developed its own architectural forms reflecting the nature of society and advances in technology?
if they had any balls, they would paint a big bullseye on the thing
I believe very little of it will be considered beautiful in not too long a time.
And if building a modern building means tearing down an older one that is more eclectic or really shows its influences from an era I hate it.
>I believe very little of it will be considered beautiful in not too long a time.
That's the case with most architectural phases. A few 19th century buildings are beautifully intricate or pristine but the vast majority were terraced slums or hack job derivatives of popular styles. It's also important to keep a sense of perspective; Modernism is a style that's almost 70 years old now and the fact that some buildings (such as pic related) look to many observers like they could have been built yesterday is a part of what makes this style so unique. It's true that there are many bad attempts at modernism that now look dated or ugly but the beautiful examples of modernism deserve preservation just as any beautiful Beau Arts or Gothic Revival structure
>A few 19th century buildings
Walk through Paris.
They rebuilt, redesigned the Paris and made it what gives it this incredible mid to late 19th century and early 20th century feel that the most beautiful cities in Europe have. e.g. Barcelona, Wien, Munich
.... I think main reason why I have this negative view of modern architecture is that there is so much crap out there that when it really sucks it sticks out like a sore thumb (since it is so different) amongst often more beautiful architecture.
Best example is the Centre Pompidou. Absolutely disgusting and stands out.
One of the things why I personally really don't like it is that it is like much modern art very minimal and often seem to dwell in it.
With something like pic related (the Palais de Justice in Brussels) I can go there multiple times and see differnet carvings, statues, notice columns that have a style from a different era than when it was built.
It is very eclectic which modernism avoids like the plague.
Back then manual labour and ressources were cheap.
Most of humanities greatest creations occured through the suffering of many people.
but there is obviously a lot of really good modern art without a doubt
also want to say that Brussels is a great city not just culturly but with great variety of impressive architecture.
Definetly should visit it before CNN scares you from visiting the next muslim capital.
Yeah, but I don't blame people if they're trying to avoid suffering. But now, with modern technologies and progress in terms of productivity, there's no reason not to return to more elaborate designs.
>modern technologies and progress in terms of productivity, there's no reason not to return to more elaborate designs.
I think it is a lot more that it would cause unnecessary large amounts of money that people aren't as willing to spend since there aren't royalties who believe they have unlimited funds to create the most magnificent building in the world. But America did really good with that imo.
the national mall and all the buildings around it in washington DC are really beautiful and impressive for being built by a republic while never having a single dominant figure and being fairly modern.
The US capitol is a really impressive building
Not like nowadays the tallest glas house...
belgium in general has a lot of good 19th century architecture resulting from the combination of the at the time young country having a need for monuments of its own and the fact during the second half of the 19th century the country was extremely wealthy
shame a lot of the buildings have suffered from ill maintenance over the years
why does the right tower shorter than the left, they call twin towers, one would expects they are similar in size
Describe your ideal city or town, architecture-wise.
White people and historical buildings
>the second half of the 19th century the country was extremely wealthy
Germans ruined Belgium economy and infrastructur during the first world war and ruined Eastern Europe and much of its self during the second one.
To imagine how incredible Europe would look if wars of that scale never had plundered through the continent.
oh fuck yes
culture, people, life(i):
Berlin in the 1920
Munich without the modern areas and overpopulated suburbs and immense amounts of tourists and foreigners so propably munich in the 1920 without communist and nationalists.
Very rural, farmers with local church couple Inns and bars with one train station going through it at most every other hour and many local ponds, marshes, rivers and lakes.
pic related
I was just in Manhattan. There are some gems buried in the glass utopia. Granted, a cathedral will more often than not be beautiful.
I meant dystopia. Is there a single aesthetic skyscraper?
Concept artist, desu
>is there a single aesthetic skyscraper
the Chrysler building, the empire state building, the cathedral of learning, the flatiron building, Tribune Tower...
I actually find the Empire State Building bland, but the Chrysler Building is one of the few examples of aesthetic Art Deco. It didn't deserve to get bullied by all those taller buildings.
Inside is also ver interesting. It has a really Bioshock feelingg to it inside.
...jews and nigras?
But what the fuck can you DO there?
Work in an office?
Well, since I'd only be there for the afternoon, I suppose I'd visit a shop, or a newspaper stand, I have plenty of old silver dollars to use.
I'd take in the sights, sit and read at a bench while watching this wonderfully lively world gaily go about its hustling and bustling.
Eventhough I would also love to spend the night there as well to get the experience of the whole day and how different times of the day affect the city's life.
belgium's 19th century architecture is shit, and a blight. just a bunch of mass-produced and uninspired "throwback" architecture mixed with crummy industrial-era cheap crumbling brick rowhousing (with the exception of some art nouveau and art deco gems)
16-18th century is where you'll find all the good stuff
Imagine if that would hae been taken care of and cleaned regularly.
It would look really great.
Also the center building is stone which was expensive unlike brick.
Post cool buildings from your town, village, city, or whatever
I'm glad that Christian IV was such a big fan of Dutch renaissance architecture.
>Gothshit architecture
Why do people like this trash? It looks absolutely disgusting and barbarian.
Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuse me
Ooh. I can actually post this now.
I have considered something like that. Just draw out architectural ideas, put it on the open internet and just hope that people notice and become influenced by it.
the fuck are you talking about faggot, its in perfectly fine condition and does look great?