Why does backor tank so badly? It didnt even reach any substantional high. Shall i sell my bnt before it's too late? Please dont tell me i shouldn't buy it in first place, now i know you were right user, forgive me please.
Why does backor tank so badly? It didnt even reach any substantional high. Shall i sell my bnt before it's too late...
In fiat it's price is already lower than it was on ICO :(
>the backdoor protocol
/pol/ is always right user, always.
Yea, i thought you were autistic nazi neets, turns out you guys are experts in finance
Jesus Christ , Look a hear mutha fucka. You know crypto crashes every few weeks dontcha?!! You know everybody panics and looks for a safe haven to store their coins and shit RIGHT! Ok then, Bancore is the steady rising floor that will never crash, ever. Only go up. (/Samuel Jackson) Sure it's slow and steady but once it reaches a new milestone it stays. There are no big dips no waves to ride nothing. This is the mother Fucking Terminator coming straight for all other coins that stand in it's way. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop... ever
Yes sell now or cry later
Was about to write why bancor is by far the best longterm hold and you shouldnt give a shit about 2 day or even 1 month windows but then I reaf this post LUL perfect description.
Because everyone buying in expected to be able to sell and make a profit. Markets don't work like that. I'm sad that I couldn't short it desu.
I wanna believe you, but there is one thing - in fiat your steady floor is already cheaper than it was at ICO
>/pol/ is always right
its a jew scam
By now everybody realized it's a scam.
It's basically a centralized blockchain in which the admins can create or destroy bancor tokens from any account at any time, for any reasons.
Why would anyone want to invest in THAT?
i think im going to cash out
this is beyond pathetic
i still believe
Oh wow, it's fucking nothing. Thank you, OP for being such a massive faggot.
>ICO price was 0.01 ETH
>If you bought BNT with ETH at ICO you would still be doing better than if you hust held that ETH
>Can be liquidated right now if your hands are that weak for higher than ICO price (in terms of ETH, not memefiat)
Because it's value is directly related to the value of ETH and only gains or loses against ETH when people trade BNT via the official smart contracts. Just invest in ETH.
>falling for the Jewiest ICO in cryto history
>why am I losing money?
You asked for this you cuck.
Because you wanna be a good go- er, cuc- er, long term investor!
As soon as ETH doubles, Bancor will too.
This is what people who FUD this don't understand.
Bancor will move with ETH. A bet for Bancor is a bet for ETH.
1. People are panic selling
2. No gainz or breakout
But I honestly don't give a fuck though. I believe in the idea of bancor and fuck me I won't let get of it no matter how low it drops.
You could say this about literally any erc20. BNT will outpace eth
Bancor is like that wasp that plants its offspring in Tarantulas. Yes it'll feed/be supported by ETH in the beginning but as it grows and matures It will outpace it. This will be slow but definite. No other coin is like this. I've moved 40% of my portfolio into it and I'm not worried at all.
have 60% of my portfolio for approx 2 years in bnt iron hands. Price drop is due to retarded expectations from ico flippers who did not read the whitepaper to jump to the next ico sale.
threadly reminder that BNT relies on ETH not kicking the bucket
ETH has proven itself problematic in terms of scaling
if ETH goes so shall BNT
Same. Bancor is unique and has a system that will generate a lot of money over time and it has spread its tentacles wide in the ethosphere already. These things are what guarantee success. I am not surprised by the current price, or the weak hands, or the fud, and it doesn't sway me in the slightest. In six months the project will have moved on substantially and so will the price and its influence over all the coins in its reserves.
If you're so smart you would have predicted this and bought the dip, ur just a butthurt kykelover, enjoy your loss.
Fyi putting 60% of your portfolio into any one coin besides BTC is retarded, you deserve to be poor.
Or user whic perhaps you have not realized this yet. Bancor is planning to act as the middleman of all crypto.
It literally does not matter if they use ETH, BTC or whatever the fuck they want as reserve.
If ETH proves problematic on later they can switch to another coin in a heartbeat. Or even better they have multiple crypto's and use the average of their price. SO many possibilities.
Its algorithm pegs it to the eth price so it can't moon. It's not for fomo babbies such as thee.
If the exchange price gets higher, the direct buy price will remain the same so the exchange price will adjust back due to arbitrage (people buying it direct from eth and selling on exchanges for quick profit). And vice versa.
Plus people know its backdoors.
No, you don't understand. They literally price the value based on ETH. There's a specific formula. It's not just a slight relationship to ETH because it's erc20.
this shit is built like an anti mooning tank, lmao, the mooning power is lost due to arbitrage 24/7 over and over
fucking bancuck machine
^This most of Veeky Forums and noobs are so fickle. As soon as the price starts going up and they realize it' won't be going down, they'll all start panic buying. I'm screen capping all the FUD right now lol
Jews cant do any usury without notifying the goys directly or indirectly. Before 9/11 they had plenty of news and tidbits all over TV about tower crashing.
In this case, look at the code and the fucking logo.
Two cubes (saturn symboism) stacked.
The odds are stacked against you 3Ders.
Learn tricks of the jews and you will not be taken.
where can i read up more on this saturn shit, user?
Buy once it dips under $1 :)
Kek wat? What about arbitrage between Chinese exchanges and American exchanges it happens on a constant base but does not dictate the price point of everything. By that reasoning every coin should go to 0 because of arbitrage.