how prevalent was homosexuality in the europe and america in the 19th and 20th centuries?
Historical homosexuality
not as prevalent as it is in your everyday life
Possibly somewhat less prevalent, because it was still a taboo. More people supressed their urges, so they just fucked their wives doggystyle.
Is that a russian?
Yes. Nips really know how to make some high quality banter.
Concentrated in major cities like New York, Berlin, London, Paris, and later San Francisco.
do you think that homoeroticism in male same sex friendships was more common since homosexuals werent seen as a serious thing?
What sort of homoeroticism? Because something like two male friends greeting each other with a kiss wouldn't have been considered erotic. Some historians use 'homosocial' to describe strong non-sexual relationships between men.
yeah sorry, meant homosocial
Think of the homosocial relationship females enjoy now - that's what it was like to be a man in terms of eroticism in the past
like to the point of touching each others dicks and practicing kissing on each other?
I wonder what happened to bring male homosociality under a taboo in some Western cultures.
once people started to view it as a serious thing they also started viewing it as a problem. same thing with transgenderism, there are newspaper articles from the 1910s where a police officer goes up to trans people and says 'sir/maam you appear to be a woman in a suit/man in a dress' and then they go on their way. it was just a novelty until the people started getting serious about it
no homo bro
Well, if two men greeted each other with a kiss like I can assure you that questions would come to mind to outside observers anywhere in Europe and America in the 19th and 20th centuries. Also, I think it's not unreasonable to suspect that where homosocial and homoerotic expression are more prevalent, the prevalence of homosexuality increases as well.
Homosexuality was looked down upon pretty strongly in the west and really most of the world so open homosexuality wasn't particularly common.
China's last emperor Puyi was apparently gay.
Well I can only speak about post ww2 time in germany. it was not really talked about and not lived in public. usually gays were just seen as kind of weird bachelors. Adults knew what was going on of course.
>emperor Puyi
I would fuck him
cant believe they got bendycuck to play him in the movie
>On Sunday Night the 14th of November. I went to the Prisoners House in Field-Lane, Holbourn. I found near Men Fifty there, making Love to one another as they call'd it. Sometimes they'd sit in one anothers Laps, use their Hands indecently Dance and make Curtsies and mimick the Language of Women - O Sir! - Pray Sir! - Dear Sir! Lord how can ye serve me so! - Ah ye little dear Toad! Then they'd go by Couples, into a Room on the same Floor to be marry'd as they call'd it. The Door at that Room was kept by - Ecclestone to prevent any body from balking their Diversions.[
My friend is almost indentical to him, same haircut and glasses also. He's embraced the look.
> emperor boypuycci
actually in the old days men used to kiss each other to greet one and other, but only on the cheek iirc. They also used to share beds lol
Would you fuck him?