Crypto Ponzy scheme cucks can fuck off edition.
Droppshipping General
Opening a dropshipping business would require me to open a business and pay like $250 monthly in taxes, $250 is 2/3rd of min wage here. If I don't do that I go to prison.
those women look dead inside
that must be a horrible job
what fucking retard are you. I can't even comprehend how fucking dumb that statement is.
Where do you live.
Im from spain and that statement is 100% correct.
Dropshipping is a meme anyway, nobody is making money except the autist spamming his affiliate links.
Spending all that money on clothes only to dress so poorly seems counterproductive.
I posted some tips in this thread
Español eh? ¿Sabes que solamente pagas 50 al mes los primeros seis meses como autónomo?
They are probably much much happier than the average woman. Doing basically nothing and being pretty while relaxing in bikini for a rich man is basically their dream
What if you don't declare shit and wait for Montoro to ask you what's up to begin doing things right? It's not like we're talking about Lambos here. I've "drop shipped" a few carbon bike frames for 100€ a pop and no problemos
Yeah that's alright. I've done some shit myself, but that ain't sustainable son. We should aim big.
Ya, y al septimo mes cuando no estes ganando 250 ni de coña, tendras que pagar 250 y estaras perdiendo dinero.
A mi me pasa con mi canal de youtube que llevo ganando 100€ al mes desde hace 2 años y estoy estancado, por eso no pago nada de autonomos.
Si fuera tan facil pasar los 250€ de manera contundente y mantenerse si pagaria, pero como cojones gano aunque sea 1000€? es una puta mierda esta vida de dDIOOOOOOOOSDASDASD
Fuck off spics
>Amerifat calling us spic
I laugh every time
Why dropship when you can make easy +500% on
Te entiendo perfectamente. Mierda de políticos.
We speak hamburger, why can't you speak real food?
Chink shit will die, it's not sustainable.
Also you can't sell to technically litterate people. No one is going to buy a $700 chink 3d printer of amazon when googling the name yields cheaper results for $400.
Stop jewing people.
Stop supporting the destruction of America.
>Also you can't sell to technically litterate people. No one is going to buy
You just contradicted yourself.
>Stop jewing people.
Everyone jews. Western civilization was built on buy low sell high (aka jewing, commerce).
Redpill me on this. I'm in college, and while I have it paid for, I would still like some kind of decent income. So, I have a few questions.
How would I find a niche?
What kind of ads work the best?
And, finally, do people actually buy chink shit? I mean, I wouldn't.
>do people actually buy chink shit?
All carbon bikes are made in China. The "chink shit" is made next door to the real thing and costs 1/4th. With GW miniatures (40k etc), you can get a resin copy of some figures for 1/4th the price.
"Informed buyers" are precisely the ones buying chink shit in these niches. The only downside is resale value.
*raises paw*
Anno... Isn't crypto basically drop shipping? Chinks mine and West sells
If that's the case, then what should I be selling? I have a couple grand I wouldn't mind throwing at this to get it started, I just need more info and someone to ask some stuff to.
Que pasa si ganas 200€ al mes con youtube y no haces ni el IRPF?
es que me da miedo de que si reporto lo que sea, me investiguen aun mas y sea peor.
A partir de cuando darse de alta en autonomo?
Y como cojones sabes si el negocio te va a dar los beneficios requeridos para poder pagar la quota?
joder es que es absurdo, deberia ser una cuota flexible no 250 a piñon fijo me cago en dioooooooooos
y con los bitcoins que pasa? si tengo 50mil pavos, cuanto me tocara pagar?
They're Spaniards u fucking retard
el bumpazo
Perdona si tardé, es que no me di cuenta de que contestaste.
Si no haces el sueldo mínimo mensual no te suelen perseguir. Pero tampoco lo anuncies.
What would motivate someone making money as a dropshipper to share their business plan?
Do not do this, user. It's a scam.
This sounds scammy
Y a partir de cuando darse de alta en autonomos??
que pasa si un mes gano 200 y otro 650?