Why were Nazis so fucking aesthetic, and why are modern army style so garbage?
Even the British officers during WW2 looked pretty cool compared to their modern equivalents.
Why were Nazis so fucking aesthetic, and why are modern army style so garbage?
Even the British officers during WW2 looked pretty cool compared to their modern equivalents.
White privilege
Uniforms designed by Hugo Boss.
Modern uniforms are practical, theirs were minimally practical.
Like look at this, can you guess who are German and who are Soviet? The difference is so stark.
the russians are the ones with nazi regalia
It's inherent to fascists.
Looking "aesthetic" is a mental activity for relatively stupid people, like Nazis. Basically it is a method of shaping group identity ("this is how we dress") and creating in-group/out-group distinctions ("look at our cool leather jackets, we're not like those subhumans who have no cool leather jackets"). It's chimpanzee behavior. All the cool leather jackets didn't change the fact that they were a bunch of beta males submitting themselves to the will of a small group of corrupt weirdoes and the weird pharaonic/erotic figure of "Der Fuhrer".
It's because fascism is the application of aesthetic theories onto the political and social sphere combined with the idea that reality is fluid and tied to metaphysics, meaning that presentation and ritual can have real observable impacts on reality.
Really its very heart is Platonism mixed with Catholic ideas of purity and Eastern esotericism (especially Muslim and Hindu).
People like you who (falsely) think they're soooooo above it all should probably stick to reddit
t. fat, fedora, neckbeard, frumpy band shirt, cargo shorts, and socks with sandals (((man)))
t. the guy with a neckbeard and clothes that have not been changed or cleaned for weeks reeking of misery in his basement
White people just look good in uniforms
It's not universal though. There are, and were, a lot of uniforms during WW2 that looked pretty bad. For one thing modern Russians uniforms look better than their old ones, while the new German ones look shit compared to the old ones.
And these ad hominems argue against my point... how exactly?
They're not even accurate. The only reason you care about all that stuff is because you're obsessed get laid (which is, like I've pointed out, also connected on a subconscious homoerotic level to the appeal that fascism has for you). And I've probably gotten laid more than all three of you put together.
*tips fedora euphorically*
What is with this constant entry level psychoanalysis and never ending obsession with virginity redditors have? It's pathetic.
Can't even say the Nazis had nice uniforms. Insanity!
Wouldn't the neckbeard stereotype defend the Nazis and think they're uniform looks cool?
stop virgin shaming and check your privilege
So do you not realize that the Nazi aesthetic had erotic undertones and that it was a mass movement of betas following a small exalted group of perverts and sociopaths?
Were they really?
Or maybe you're watching movies, you cuck.
Average rank and file guy in the SA or SS was a working class kraut with a wife and a family. Stop projecting the modern phenomenon of basement dwelling incels masturbating to Hitler animes onto 1930s Germany. The super nice uniforms were probably made just to appeal to working class schlubs who probably didn't have any nics clothes at all. Your ahistoricity is showing as is your tumblr agenda.
Most of those guys do look cool and threatening though.
They look worse than Russians.
Literal mongloid faces.
Normally, you'd probably be right but
>Looking "aesthetic" is a mental activity for relatively stupid people
showed the neckbeard's true colors.
90% of those look really dope though.
>Literal mongoloid faces.
So, exactly like the Russians, but with better uniforms.
>hurr leather jackets were literally only worn by nazis durr
You're such a fucking retard.
This this this.
[spolier]the scary part is they are right, reality is fuild and metaphysics have observeable impact on reality [//spoiler]
Pretty sure they were inspired by Massachusetts state trooper uniforms
>while the new German ones look shit compared to the old ones.
Literally everything nazis wore besides the SS uniform looks stupid as fuck.
Their brown party uniform is the epitome of ugly clothing, but clueless wehraboos only harp about the SS uniforms all day.
That's because SA uniforms were literally surplus colonial German uniforms meant for use in Africa.
Winning wars is more important than looking cool while losing them.
I agree. But what does that have to do with the thread? It's seems completely irrelevant.
are you a Tankie or a Yankee
Winning wars is stupid when you look like an idiot doing it.
Nazism is a very aesthetic driven ideology.
You know practically zero about what you're talking about.
t. Someone who has never been in a war
You don't care about the uniform when the frostbite sets in.
>aesthetics == mating ritual
You're fucking retarded. Stop posting so euphorically about something you know fuck all about, shit-for-brains.
>The super nice uniforms were probably made just to appeal to working class schlubs who probably didn't have any nics clothes at all.
You're proving his point retard.
No one ever argued that fashion had a higher purpose. You need to decide whether or not you're attacking fashion or aesthetics because they're not the same thing. Whether or not you can even really define the thing you're arguing against, which at this point I'm unsure that you could, your argument is still wrong.
>Looking "aesthetic" is a mental activity for relatively stupid people, like Nazis
I'll interpret your usage of "aesthetic" as fashion here. The problem is that you're basing your argument on the idea that you would have to be stupid, or "relatively stupid" to want to belong to a group. Not so, in fact throughout the history of mankind, the desire to belong in a group or a tribe is the reason why humans have been able to adapt and overcome historical challenges that would have eliminated a single individual. Individuals working in tandem with one another have a higher chance of survival and it would indicate the inverse of your statement, meaning, they're relatively more intelligent than someone who believes individualism is superior.
Now, if we're being more objective about the word "aesthetic" here, we're really discussing something far more universal, we're talking about beauty. Throughout most of written history, writers, philosophers, artists, they've all had more than one thing in common. It goes back to the classics, to Socrates and Plato, that beauty and truth are inexorably intertwined with one another. It's why the line between philosopher and artist has always been blurred, as truth seeking is something far more overarching.
Combining aesthetics and the desire to belong, we reach a point in our discussion where we could digress into multiple avenues of thinking. But to cut to the chase, I'd like to highlight what you said about "shaping group identity" and whatnot. In reply, the desire to belong and the desire to seek beauty is definitively human. The humans who were smart enough to live grouped together did to better themselves.
The betterment of society is the reason why we have the world we live in today. At least the part worth living in. Most of the shit you enjoy in your day to day life are thanks to the very impulses you seem to abhor. Perhaps the reason why you are so quick to defend your individualism is because you know you don't have anyone in your tribe who will defend you. Hence the hasty replies to everyone who insulted you and the steady implication that everyone who insults you is of inferior intelligence. If you can't see the irony in any of this then perhaps it's you who lack something upstairs.
Prussian tradition.
they weren't designed by hugo boss, they just made them at his factory
t. cargoshorts wearing pleb
my nigger right here
*forgets to pack winter clothes*
*freezes to death*
Nazis simply took over Prussian/German Empire chic. Nothing more.
Because modern soldiers need to fucking hide.
>one spent money on effay uniforms
>one spent money on more tanks
wow I wonder who won
Becuase Fascism is the most feminine of ideologies.
gb2/pol/ drumpfkin
It doesn't matter who won. We're not talking about that.
"The Nazis had much nicer uniforms than the rest of Europe, how come?"
Totally irrelevant.
These guys look like aged up versions of those video game obsessed dweebs everybody ignored in the schoolyard.
A true hero.
The Soviet looks much better. But that's not because the Nazis look bad -- the Communists just got that "normal military man" aesthetic down to a tee. Check out Che and Castro.
They don't look any moreso than if they'd been wearing anything else.
They had nicer uniforms because they spent there time and money on that instead of stuff that mattered
Male cheerleader effect.
Complete nonsense.
Even if the Nazis even further optimised their tactical approach to warfare they still wouldn't have won the war. They were outnumbered and most importantly: outproduced.
>Even if the Nazis even further optimised their tactical approach to warfare they still wouldn't have won the war. They were outnumbered and most importantly: outproduced.
Because they've spent manpower and resources on looking gay.
As I said: utter nonsense.
nah, some literally who SS officer designed them
what do ugly faces have to do with uniforms?
yes i do, i would want a warm uniform
If you spent more time reading books, than looking at yourself in the mirror, it would make sense.