Anyone who bought bancor Is a kyke loving faggot cuck and a traitor to the white race, you fucks got what you deserved. 88
Anyone who bought bancor Is a kyke loving faggot cuck and a traitor to the white race, you fucks got what you deserved...
Always DA JOOOOOOS. No matter how nice the idea is. If you wanna panic sell go ahead and sell now so we can rid of all the retards.
> got what you deserved
> still up
I also bought golem :>)
didnt Status just have a bigger ICO than bancor anyway
why arent you mad about the eternal aussie OP?
Fuck off. I would bet 100k that Galia is hotter than your mom.
>Jews rule the world
>Whites are the master race
It sure did. At least BNT has big investors like Tim Draper behind it. Not gonna sell off just yet, gonna give this one a few more weeks to pickup before I consider it.
There aren't enough /pol/ memes for them to post
>got what you deserved
What the fuck are you even blabbering on about?
It's still up in terms of ETH via smart contract.
Not in term of buying power.
Don't care about it being run by jews or not honestly. I just want to see the whole thing falls so we get rid of that army of obnoxious bancor shills who have infested the board like a vermin.
Nobancs are way worse than Bancbros.
Literally this entire board is people shilling their coins.
But the ant and dgb shills are fine? At least we are shilling real technology
Also 100's of millions have been invested in this coin. You think the buyers won't be suing the asses of the creators if they just drop it completely for fraud negligence. This is not a small project and the people who bought in have more then enough money to go up against the creators in a lawsuit.
I don't know who is worse between bancshills ("BNT will be 20x when it'll hit the exchanges, did you buy at the ICO, right user?") or nobancs (da joos), but either way I'm glad I didn't buy at the ICO so that I can grab more BNT at cheaper price rn. it's a very solid project and I plan to hold for at least 6 months
$0.10 cheaper IF you bought at the high right before the ico. Eth was $250 just days before, so I doubt anyone actually lost in fiat
i'm 60% up in fiat
>have more then enough money
Not anymore, faggot. Save your shilling energy for the long road of bagholding ahead of you. It's going to take a year or two before you can assimilate this info and those other retards you'll be waiting on to file their lawsuit are as JUST as you about it. They'll just hodl and cope while the position is attritioned back in to that buy wall. Then when it's gone only the most retarded like yourself will still be hefting those bags for galia.
P.s. Tyrone will be enjoying the finer things off your lost crypto gains while he's pounding her.
I don't like bnt, but damn ease up on the rhetoric, Hans
Whites are nothing without Jesus
>army of Bancor shills
>there are 3 Bancor FUD threads
>1 Bancor moon thread
Actually 4 fud and 0 moon right now.
lol, there's nothing left to shill
>it's gonna go up 500% on launch!
>i'm already up 20x my ICO investment!
all ashes, now
Yeah I know but to say shit like "so we get rid of that army of obnoxious bancor shills" when they're already gone, is a dumbass thing to say. I'm hoping BNT goes massive just so we can get rid of the 4 BNT fud threads. Somehow the shilling is better.
How is Gallia liking her new Lambo, Shlomo?
bancor flawed btfo
>it's designed to steadily rise
I was a good goy and went all in on Bancor at 1.3x ICO price
fuck my life
I used to hate Jews but now my contempt for /pol/ has grown to the point where I root for any group that causes them discomfort. /pol/ literally cured my racism through their excessive faggotry.
all this bancor noise and basically it trades for x2 the ico price now on bittrex.
Down trend btw.
They still have 300.000.000 to burn through. Not worried in the slightest. The only thing I am noticing is /pol/ trying to sabotage it since DA JOOOOOOS.
If it was an American who made this /pol/ would not care.
Again Gaila is on the marketing team you dumb fuck. She did not invent the idea, this was from some guy who also created the euro. This is literally a hate campaign because people from Israel are involved.
Waves exactly the same shit but gets 0 hate. Literally kys you hypocrite.
The thread is about bnt, not waves. You don't even know my opinion on waves and I couldn't care less about da joos. The euro is a worthless fiat currency propped up by political strongarming. You've agreed with my main concern about bnt by mentioning this point.
I won't kms anytime soon but if it helps you maintain your emotionally driven cognitive dissonance regarding your poor investment to believe that then go right ahead. I hope for your sake that you aren't all in on bnt.
Sounds like you put more in than you should have from your tone though. Pic related is how I imagine you.
>The euro is useless.
One of the biggest currencies in the world. Typical American introversism you seem everywhere. No America is not the only country that matters.
I put in 100$. And I'm sick and tired of all this FUD about bancor. I don't give a shit if it rises anymore or not.
The fact that people continue to drill it in the ground for no good reason is what bothers me. The hate against this coin has turned into group mentality. It's tuning into a witch hunt.
They might just be better off with a rebanding of the coin and getting new marketing faces so we can finally get rid of all this garbage.
This thread is about BNT but waves does the same thing that's why I mentioned waves obviously. Things get compared to each other. You can not make an objective statement whether something is good or bad without mentioning an alternative like.
it's below ico price in usd, you fool.
>litteraly holding the mark of the beast
I hope your proud of yourselves user. Eternal damnation for you
in USD
Jesus christ mate cut your losses
Yeah keep track of your gains in Monopoly money.
More hate needed.
It's up 15% on ETH price and rapidly decreasing.
The us dollar is fucked too.
>I put in 100$.
>what bothers me
Broke and emotional. What a surprise.
>This thread is about BNT but waves does the same thing that's why I mentioned waves obviously
Read very carefully now, and try not to react like a woman but try to understand. I never took issue or addressed the analogy, only your assertion that my opinion was the same. I don't hold any waves and won't.
Are you a female? I'm legitimately asking this because your thought processes indicate you may be.
The board is for opinions and discussion, I stand by mine that bnt will be a stinker. Why does that upset you if you're so sure it's incredible?
I agree Op
fuck the kikes, but theres a lot of bluepilled fags here
"Read very carefully now, and try not to react like a woman"
That is not rational reasoning user. You are just trying to insult me here.
"Are you a female? ..." Again why are you trying to insult me here?
"I stand by my opinion opinion" Sure, good for you!
Who said I'm upset?
Your post said nothing of value while accusing me saying nothing of value.
Apparently you are also broke if you invest 100$?
Your post is a complete pile of garbage and brings up nothing of value.
Post your tits
All of your whining will not convince me to give my money to those (((israelis))).
Yeah, tits or GTFO.
I spent all of my family's savings in Bancor and it just keeps going down and down what the fuck do I do now if I sell I'm losing so much money, if I don't it just keeps going down, if they find out I'm dead I need this to go up NOW wtf do I do
/pol/ is retarded, Nazism is NEVER coming back. Even if the white race somehow becomes nationalist and bands together to wipe out or deport all brownies again, it will be under another flag and another ideology. I don't get the Hitler worship, you might as well be worshipping the Wig party of the United States because that shit ain't coming back.
Will it go up again? How much time will pass until it does? I'm really fucked here
Nothing you can do bro. 180K of ether left out of bancor their stash over the last 2 days.
We are all fucked for now.
Best we can do is wait and look out for new updates.
You can look at the progress here:
And also watch this:
If it keeps falling bancor is fucked.
For now all you can do is wait.
short term it will keep going down, but when they launch other products it will rise
right now the only thing you can do is sell it for eth, it has no other use
also it's still trading over 0.01 eth so you didn't lose money, eth just lost value
how can i sell it? where?
Is it true that the Price won't drop below 0.01ETH? I can sell it over MyEtherWallet via Bancor Exchanger no problem. It says 95% of BNT price to aim for....
so is the price fixed over 0.01 ? where is that written if so?
>mommy I gambled our savings and lost it sorry