>Communism didn't wo-
Communism didn't wo-
0.10 shekels have been deposited in you account thank you
Both are controlled by the Jewish elite. Literally whats the point.
>my Marxist hellhole is better than your corrupt plutocracy
So how's that hilariously low GDP per capita?
>t. cuck for feminists
Well when you are the biggest producer of oil in the world and your people doesnt have cars and you dont let the army train because fuel is expensive of course you dont need to import energy
>I need the government to dictate my career
People with no personal responsibility shouldn't receive any form of support and starve to death.
>when I simple cartoon is too complex for you to understand and you completely miss the point
Communism is Jewish. The USSR was a Jewish controlled slave state
The fuck are you talking about. The point of the comic is literally:
>Soviet government dictates and assigns education and career to every citizen
>Gorbachev lifts government dictation because people should have the freedom to choose their career freely
>everyone becomes unemployed or a hooker because too stupid to handle life on your own
Blaming the government for being poor and uneducated is the stupidest excuse for being a human failure.
Tell us more on the top notch contributions of women.
>Women are less intelligent than men on the higher ends
>>I need the government to dictate my career
Yeah it should actually
People should be assigned jobs so as to eliminate unemployment and decrease working hours
>Soviet government dictates and assigns education and career to every citizen
Why are you so ableist?
>muh communism
>communism works guys
>oh that wasnt true communism, that's why it failed
>Tfw communism didnt work in any of the 30+ countries it was put in.
You lost.
Operation Condor best day of my life.
But I thought USSR wasn't real communism.
>Forcing womyn and Niggers into jobs
You support Affirmative Action don't you?
I think governments should proportionally represent demographics, yeah.
>Pretending there are zip differences between demographics in income, educational performance, crime, etc.
Found the leftyfag.
Is this supposed to be a positive?
>implying the USSR wasn't a complete shithole for it's entire existence
>implying the Russian Empire wasn't a complete shithole for it's entire existence
>implying the Russian Federation will be anything other than a complete shithole throughout it's entire existence
Literally not argument
Americucks on a suicide watch
Does self-sufficiency include mass starvations?
Why wouldn't you want those people working? If youre a single mother or black person in poverty wouldn't being employed raise your standard of living and be to the benefit of the rest of the nation? Why would you want people to remain in poverty then complain such groups fall into crime?
Meanwhile America's GDP per capita is miles above China's.
> Why wouldn't you want those people working
Not productive enough.
> If youre a single mother or black person in poverty wouldn't being employed raise your standard of living and be to the benefit of the rest of the nation?
Not really since IQ is hereditary.
> Why would you want people to remain in poverty then complain such groups fall into crime?
They have lower IQs. Among other things.
>It's communism when it "works" but it's state capitalism when it doesn't!
Commies in a nutshell.
>It's capitalism when it "works" but it's corporatism when it doesn't!
Bourgeois in a nutshell.
hope you realize that communism is a tool of the jews
Mass starvation... for three years due to drought and shitty planning in their 75-year existence
>control half of Eurasia
>still need to import food from America
hey faggot at least you were guaranteed a job unlike here in the west where nobody gives a fuck about u
you were given a """""""job"""""""
imperial russia in 1860 was better than fucking communism in 1980
Capitalism is the reason Jewish folks are wealthier than non-Jews on average
China isn't self sufficent like America's world bank they must unilaterally take what their industry needs. Especially fish and mineral resources.
Both are extremely authoritarian.
>inb4 but America ain't authoritarian
Yes it is, the only difference between America and China in that respect is China's state-capitalism is collectivist authoritarian and America's welfare economy is individualist authoritarian
this shit is fucking depressing
they had crop failures every year for 30 years, that doesn't happen on its own
>self sufficient
Wow, I haven't visited Veeky Forums in over a year, and look what happened. What did /pol/ do?
It's not even China on the fucking picture, you idiot.
>IQ is hereditary
IQ is a garbage measure of general intelligence.
Intelligence and temperment have been found to be significantly correlated with genetics but that's only half of it, environment matters just as much. Also, "intelligence" isn't a single thing. It's several catagories. Somebody can be artistically intelligent but not mathematically
>existing for over a year
This to be absolutely honest
I'm a bit of a nigger for having this opinion because I don't work, I mean I'm a student but a sort of shitty one and I COULD be working in some way.
Meanwhile china has a plethora of other issues
Nothing it wasn't doing a year ago, except a bit more Trump-posting.
le edgy XD!
>le IQ meme
t. someone whose relatives fled Imperial Russia
Don't expect me to pay attention bigot
The majority of my post still holds true for the soviets or whatever red flag is pictured
Shitty human being.
You project your lazyness and complete lack of self-control or ambition onto others.
Because YOU need a nanny to tell you what to do you figure others must be forced down as well.
I honestly hope you die before you can damage our freedoms, goddamn dirty American.
>IQ is hereditary
>what are polyphenisms
>what is genetic accommodation
>knowledge is genetic
>let's ignore that Deng made a deal with the US to open up China to the capitalist market and have a Rothschild Bank.
Except I never said that, but OP is saying the inverse.
Is this image ironic or not i cant tell at this point
> IQ is a garbage measure of general intelligence
>Citation Needed
> Also, "intelligence" isn't a single thing. It's several catagories. Somebody can be artistically intelligent but not mathematically
That's nice. Stop using savants.
Let me gjess. You blame the lack of.contributions by women olin the actual sciences on patriarchy. Or Black crime and failure on Whitey.
>muh Blank Slate
Niggers didn't do civilization until long after Eurasians did.
>individualist authoritarianism
dont cut yourself on that edge
>Self suficient
They consumed way less as most people didn't have cars or heaters
>Surplus exports
They shoved their crappy products to all their puppets.
And this is good for what reason
>Price control
Pretty stupid
I'm not projecting anything, I understand that people like me exist. Not everyone is a piece of shit, but I am, and as a fact so are a fuckton of others. They should be forced UP; not nannied, but disciplined. And by being, as you say, unambitious and lazy (and I agree), THEY are dragging others down, because we all live in the same society, all part of the same economy, etc.
M8 this is only sort of related but my life, as any, is an upwards struggle; I try to get better and most of the time fail. What else am I supposed to do?
>mass censorship and persecution that makes McCarthy look like a puppy
>starvation and famine rivalling Africa and India
>terrible standard of living on par with Australia
> ussr collapses
> usa doesn't collapse
There is literally nothing wrong with corporatism
I think a better solution is have a system for training/job assignment for the people who don't have the desire/drive/opportunity to aim for a better job.
If you want to be a lawyer, you can become a lawyer, nobody will force you out of it. If you're a jobless highschool dropout, there will be resources allocated to train you for a trade and find you a job. This seems better than the current "we'll pay you while you look for your own job unless you don't want to that's ok too"
>state is so weak private citizens have to hire mercenaries to protect themselves
Freedom I guess.,
Hiring mercenaries/proxy agents and even armies is nothing new for great powers. All the way since Rome and Carthage hired mercenaries to do their dirty work for them.
Also, a state is held less accountable for a PMC's actions than its own military, which is only ever an advantage given the bad press conflicts bring.
>Society is better off if a significant fraction of the population isn't contributing to the economy!
This is your brain on ideology.
>Meanwhile America's GDP per capita is miles above China's.
Yeah and China abandoned any pretense of being "Communist" ages ago.
>Not productive enough.
So you'd rather have NO productivity increase rather than a SMALL productivity increase? Remember, society is going to end up supporting these people one way or another, might as well let them contribute and do something worthwhile with their lives?
>Not really since IQ is hereditary.
So IQ is all that matters, and one's ACTUAL productivity and standard of living is irrelevant? IQ is a means to an end, not an end in itself.
>They have lower IQs. Among other things.
So you want a high crime rate, or being forced to spend extra on law enforcement?
>implying corporatism isn't
>they had crop failures every year for 30 years
>Let me gjess. You blame the lack of.contributions by women olin the actual sciences on patriarchy. Or Black crime and failure on Whitey.
Not them, but it would be absolutely ridiculous to claim that they haven't had any effect.
>Niggers didn't do civilization until long after Eurasians did.
Depends on how you define ``civilization".
>They consumed way less as most people didn't have cars or heaters
Capitalists call that being efficient.
Communism does not work.
The common theme that I get when I talk to people from the USSR is that while they are glad to be in the US, they do all kind of miss the sense of purpose which they had under the commies. Granted this is a specific subset of the population, but it is something to think about.
>they didn't have massive crop failures
not the user you were quoting but lysenkoism did fuck up their agrarian sector for decades on end until they finally gave up on that meme
Capitalism is Jewish. The USA is a Jewish controlled slave state.
You guys both aren't wrong.
>this thing I don't like is from JOOS
>no, no that's wrong THIS thing I don't like is from JOOS
>no, no, all of you are wrong, THIS thing is JOO
Would you retarded faggots fuck off to your containment board already?
Is that why the Soviet Union is still around today? Oh wait...
False, we all well know that USSR was really an english crypto colony
This %100
Butthurt libertarian faggot detected
We're actually doing ok, but is there something you want to talk about russia?
You know how much grain they received first from the U.S. and then Brazil?
Kind of irrelevant without context, don't you think?
>That image
kys commieshit.
>ignores the effects of the wage gap on the amount of taxes women pay relative to men
>inb4 "the wage gap meme"
Yes, yes, we all know that the wage gap is a myth except when looking at overall statistics, etc., etc., etc. The fact that the median salary for a woman in the US is lower than that of a man will contribute to their taxes paid being lower.
>World Top Ten Countries By Highest Suicide Rate
That's not correct at all.
No one thinks this. Corporatism is a corrupted version of capitalism, but it's still capitalism. Capitalists don't try to argue that it's actually 'state socialism'.
Capitalists always argue that whatever goes wrong with a country is socialism, and whatever goes right is capitalism.
The most blatant example is that China's high economic growth is always explained with capitalism, and whatever goes wrong in the west is blamed on socialism.
>Capitalists call that being efficient.
If the production was the same.The USSR was pretty unproductive and relied heavily on a protectionist network of comunist countries to export their shitty products
No shit idiot. If communism is achieved (classless, stateless society) then it would be called communism. Lenin was the one who called his regime "state capitalist." He was waiting for the revolution to happen in Germany because communism has to be global for Leninism, until then the USSR was just being kept in a place in which transition to communism would be easier.