Have the victim counts of the USSR and other socialist countries been greatly exaggerated by western sources as part of an ongoing anti-communist propaganda campaign?
Have the victim counts of the USSR and other socialist countries been greatly exaggerated by western sources as part of...
Americans were literally brainwashed to hate socialism/communism throughout the Cold War due to targeted efforts like McCarthyism and the Red Scare, I would not be surprised that they inflated victim counts and falsified sources to fit their narrative.
So how's your garbage pit in Eastern Europe or South America working out for you?
I am American.
The claims that Mao killed 70 million or 100 million are ridiculous, but even 30 million deaths is too many for communists to ignore.
Yes, some studies are outright fraudulent in the way they calculate totals. RJ Rummel and Black Book of Communism being some of the worst offenders.
and based Furr
Both Communism and Capitalism are ideological spooks that have blood on their hands.
There is no winner in this argument.
They're both disgusting and murderous.
t. - Spooky von Stirner
this book is literal dindu nuffin shitposting
Yes the Holocaust was fake as well.
>Not qualified
>ideology prevents the worker from seizing the means of production by false truth and shit
>communism is ideology
How does this work?
Don't forget ideology is a marxist term.
Have you read it? Furr dismantles the book. People just don't like that he doesn't agree with the liberal status quo.
Very unlikely, considering the people who control the media, and often the gov't too, are communist sympathising scum. Produce sources that back up your argument, otherwise gtfo.
For sure. Before his death, famously anticommunist Soviet historian Robert Conquest admitted that he no longer believed the Ukrainian famine was man-made and that his statistic of 40 million dead was inappropriate.
Joseph Stalin is responsible for a horrific amount of dead, but nowhere near the dozens of millions believed during the Cold War.
As a commie I wish you were right. Rachel Maddow and George Soros hate us almost as much as you do.
>every accusation in Snyder's Bloodlands is false
>despite being a compilation of common historiography
Seems legit
It seems strange they hate you yet they continously fund anarcho commies to riot and chimp out across the US. Oh, and btw, you're scum. All commies are scum.
They don't, though
>Holodomor is fake
>great terror is fake
>Molotov Ribbentrop is fake
>Katyn is fake
>Doctor's plot is fake
At this point you might as well say the USSR was fake.
>killing is bad
Who is really the spooked one here?
>>Holodomor is fake
people starved, but it wasn't a deliberate genocide
>massively exporting grains during a famine isn't proof people were starved
Not even joking, kill yourself and your family.
Just post >>>OFFICIAL