Aesthetic Uniforms
Lol no
Why doesn't Greece take advantage of all the memery about the Spartans and start using modern dress uniforms that look like ancient Greek armor?
Going full historyfag is fun. It worked out okay for Scotland.
Lancers and cavalrymen in general have always been amongst the most Veeky Forums of the British military.
fpbp desu
wtf I love ISIS now
colonial uniforms
best uniforms
Greek military dress uniforms are kind of like French ones.
I'd like to french the greek on the right desu
Looks a bit to flashy and/or shiny to be historically accurate, cool nonetheless. Was it ever used?
Looks gaudy as fuck. I'd take a parade of pic related over that any day.
I would feel embarrassed if this was actually an Italian dress uniform
this is what I fear
górale represent
silliest helmets in the history of flak protection