What is Asian American history like and how can we, as white people, learn more about it in a respectable way?
Supposedly Asian American men are extremely popular among all groups of women for their masculinity, how did this happen?
What is Asian American history like and how can we, as white people, learn more about it in a respectable way?
Supposedly Asian American men are extremely popular among all groups of women for their masculinity, how did this happen?
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>memes lololololololol
Just you know, in America, when people say "Asian" they usually mean East Asian, not South Asian.
subhuman Ameritards brely have any history let alone asian-amercans
Good thread
It's very off to group pakis/indians and arabs together with real asians just because they live on the same continent. Then it's a meaningless term. I always thought asian-american meant you know, slanty yellowface american.
How do you filthy subhuman gooks feel about Ho Chi Ming?
Asian bois aren't masculine at all unless they're South Asian or ME East Asian "men" are basically girls and they belong to Big Black Cock
>What is Asian American history like
They are a bunch of race traitors if they call themselves that.
They are foreigners in a foreign land, if they call that land their home then they do not deserve their real ancestral home.
Asian Americans have been in the US for a very long time, starting with the Chinese craftsmen and laborers that first arrived in California during the 1849 gold rush. The hostility of land travel in pre-rail America meant that San Francisco was 60 days' travel from Guangzhou (Canton) and six to eight months from New York. Chinese populations grew across the West, particularly where there was substantial mining and railway work. While most of these workers died or went home, many stayed in America. Less populous states like Montana and Idaho were 10-20% Chinese after the Civil War, and permanent Chinatowns had formed in every Western city.
The Chinese were considered a real threat to the identity of the United States. In California, the first civil rights victory for black people was their incorporation into whites-only unions to edge out the Chinese competition. Many states prohibited all ethnic Chinese from holding land. Some of these laws were still on the books until the 1960s. Killings of Chinese, such as the notorious Los Angeles Massacre, were not unknown. In 1882, the Chinese Exclusion Act formally ended this wave of Chinese migration. No Chinese could legally emigrate to America until 1943.
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, most immigrants from Asia were more prosperous Japanese farmers, who became an important economic and political bloc in California. Some Filipino laborers arrived after the Spanish-American War. Sporadic numbers of Indians and Southeast Asians also settled in America, such as Chang and Eng, the famous Siamese Twins. Asian immigration took off after 1965, once all discriminatory legislation had been abolished. Bourgeois East Asians fleeing communist movements in China and Southeast Asia were useful economically and politically, so the US eagerly accepted these families in the 60s and 70s. Since the 90s, many very wealthy Chinese people have come to the US to invest. So I guess you can say they're taking over once again.
Great post.
Also noteworthy is that much of the initial anti-Chinese sentiment in America was fueled largely by their recreational opium use, which many Americans viewed as immoral and excessive
>real asians
Oh, you mean like this guy.
>white people didn't like hyper-ethnocentric ant people who have a reputation of putting a knife in your back for the sake of Lao Tzu/Sun Yat Sen/PRC.
Really fires up the old neurons.
khmer american here
dad flew the coop during the khmer rouge, started from nothing and became a pretty good agent in the tech field and now I'm living an archetypal middle class life style. parents usually have to work all day so didn't really grow up with a sense of culture outside library or online reading, which is surprisingly difficult to find.
apparently there's a lot of child trafficking in cambodia. child trafficking and land mines.
sometimes I like to bring my grandma to the museum of tolerance
i don't like hooking up with other asians, but there was this pretty cute pastel-goth chinese girl on campus the other day
before you ask though ( i know this is gonna come up ) I do kinda get the sense that 2nd generation+ asians as a whole kinda seem to go under the radar in terms of american culture. generally asian americans can easily get lumped with stereotypical and subcultures like "insane genius that likes anime", "oriental hypebeast jock douchebag gym rat", "hot kpop guy", "martial arts guy", etc. Just like any other ethnicity or race. but if I'm being completely honest, yeah, I do feel vastly underrepresented in media at least in comparison to latinos, blacks, and whites (ethnic or otherwise).
I'm not gonna protest The Great Wall for casting Matt Damon as the lead, but then again I wont even watch it because I heard it was a shitty movie anyways. Also I unironically like the new Ghost in the Shell adaptation and like ScarLo as an actress, and if you watch the movie her being casted as The Major's body makes a lot of sense after "the twist".
>i don't like hooking up with other asians
It's hilarious how many asian men say this and then go apeshit whenever they see an asian girl with a white guy.
Eat shit faggot.
Ok? Thanks for contributing to thread?
Ching Chong wing wong
>all these weirdos wearing snapbacks
Nothing triggers me harder than non niggers copying nigger culture.
First and foremost: How about you stick to your own ugly women?
> Getting triggered by people wearing hats
Turn off the computer and go out side storm fag
Asian men can't actually conceptualize of masculinity within the context of their own cultures so they're reduced to LARPing as naggers whenever they want to act tough, it's actually kind of funny.
>Khmer American
"Cambodian-American" makes more sense to me.
Also, don't mind him. /pol/ retards have to blurt out racist stereotypes like a spastic reaction. He'd probably explode if he couldn't shout "NIGGERS!"
In a sense, they are victims, too.
I can't they're all fucking dead dude
>join an /r9k/ group chat
>entire group chat is bindis, chinese and korean "americans" who spend their time bitching about whites, getting involved in "PUA/game communities" try and pick up white women (and fail every time) etc
I'm genuinely curious, is this whole whining about not having a white girlfriend thing a legit part of the "asian american experience"?
Every overseas second or third gen asian guy I encounter has this tendency to engage in hyperbolic amounts of self-pity. I think it's cultural or something.
What is with the stormfags and the interracial cuckoldry crap?
Get some standards, guys, you picked the shittiest most boring fetish in the world to jerk over.
It's because they're all self-hating. You see it on here too, people who care way too fucking much about Asians are usually self-haters and are engaging in cathartic release.
Yeah, I think it makes more sense in a global context anyways. It's mostly a linguistic thing.
Stick to other SEAs then, or EAs.
>mindlessly limit your dating pool to make anonymous faggot with a racial cuckholding fetish happy
Interracial relationships:
- Are more likely to end in divorce.
- Are more likely to feature domestic violence.
- Are more likely to produce children with health issues, particularly mental health.
- Are more likely to end in spousal homicide.
- Make the world a browner place.
These are all objectively bad things.
>muh dubious blogspot statistics
nobody gives a rat's ass bitchnigga, and nobody is going to limit their dating pool because anonymous retard told them to.
Might as well just resort to internet tough guy tactics desu
I don't really see a lot of other asian guys complaining about not getting white women. I get that some AA's put them on a pedestal as a premium girlfriend or whatever but it's mostly FOB 1st generation guys that are like that. I'm from the southern california area so I don't know, maybe different culture.
also you're on /r9k/ so of course you would get the most pathetic bunch of our ethnicity.
Come again?
>I get that some AA's put them on a pedestal as a premium girlfriend or whatever
That's offensive.
I've found the opposite. FOBs do not give a flying fuck about whether or not they're represented on some faggot HBO show or not.
>I have three poor quality studies
lol @ you pseuds who use Google Scholar and think you've unlocked the keys to the universe
either way point still stands: nobody is going to limit their dating pool because anonymous retard told them to. Go drag up more Google Scholar'd links, big boy. And put sci-hub in the link next time so we're not just looking at your muh abstracts.
>poor quality
In what respect are they of poor quality?
Arabs are not Asian; they are white according to the US Census, along with all other peoples of the MENA region. Always have been.
t. mudshit mulatto/gook of some description
>wearing hats
No wearing snapbacks is nigger culture its makes a man look like hes a stupid attention whoring teenager, I cant believe there are many white males that wear snapbacks OHH LOOK HOW COOL I AM I LOOK JUST LIKE THE BLACK GUYS LOL fuck off.
Continental asians do have masculine cultures, outside of the city continental asians look like a different species from these pussies in America.
Well for one thing, you didn't even read them because otherwise you'd know about their limitations off top because they're IN THE FUCKING LINK. Here, let me quote:
>First, all data were based on the target’s self report. Respondents may over- or under-estimate levels of perpetration or victimization. However, several studies have used respondent-only report of partner IPV perpetration (see Harville, Taylor, Tesfai, Xiong, & Buekens, 2011; Stein, Tran, & Fisher, 2009; Todhunter & Deaton, 2010), giving us confidence in our methodology. Second, due to the complex nature of the data, target report of perpetration and victimization were combined in order to create a single variable. It is assumed that if the respondent reports an incidence of victimization within a relationship, the partner is the perpetrator. Future studies should attempt to obtain dyadic reports of IPV by using responses from both partners. Third, this study is also limited by the exclusion of races beyond Black and White. Future studies can expand on the present study by examining IPV among other racial and ethnic groups, as this study was limited to monoracial black, monoracial white, and interracial black-white couples.
So the second link DOESN'T EVEN COVER ASIAN RELATIONSHIPS. LOL. This is what happens when you mindlessly Google for abstracts WITHOUT READING THE STUDY ITSELF.
The third study is fucking self-reported from children directly.
>The findings of this study are subject to the limitations of respondent reporting and cell sizes. Adolescents did not always report their race. Of those who were in both the school and the home survey, 16% gave different answers to the 2 surveys. For a sociological interpretation of the inconsistency in race responses of Add Health respondents, see Harris and Sim.14 Previous studies have found that answers to race questions vary by nativity (foreign or native born), parental ethnicity, national origin, and school racial composition.15–18
Ah, here we go, resorting to internet tough guy tactics.
Let me guess, are you going to beat me up in thirty years when your muh day of the rope happens? lol it's like playing an MMO and making someone salty enough to threaten you
Caucasoids(not white retard) in general have the best facial structures for sexual attraction out of all human groups thats why if you combine a nigger with a caucasoid you get something exotic and sexy like an Ethiopian for example.
Asians are Mongoloids from East Asia with their baby faces and alien eyes they look hideous to both Caucasoids and Niggers though really its probably the North East Asians that are fucking ugly, the native americans had their fair share of attractive looking groups in their branch of the Mongoloid race.
Be that as it may, the mongoloid is naturally at a disadvantage in a land full of Caucasoids because they just look better its that simple, Caucasoid men look like masculine beautiful beast while Caucasoid women look like angels in contrast to how ugly Mongoloid genders are. To make things worse the Caucasoids are always taller and more bulky then the Mongoloids making the Mongoloid look weak and pathetic to the Caucasoid female.
The Mongoloid female being a female seeks what their vagina deems is best and human history is full of women betraying their race for gina tingles(like what we see in Europe right now), so its no surprise why Chinese, Japanese or Korean women born in the USA favor white males over their own because they just are more attractive Im sorry I dont really care about being superior to asians or anything but I have to say the truth.
>we, as white people
stop roleplaying junior
>Supposedly Asian American men are extremely popular among all groups of women for their masculinity, how did this happen?
>The third study is fucking self-reported from children directly.
Well yes, it's called the National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health, it is the largest dataset on adolescent health presently in existence in the United States.
What else would you rather use?
>Third, this study is also limited by the exclusion of races beyond Black and White.
That's true, but you wouldn't expect AMWF to be any different from BMWF anyway, they're both motivated by the same things and Asian American males have just as, if not more of a sense of grievance towards whites these days than Blacks do. Note that according to the first study, AMWF marriages have the second-highest divorce rate of any racial pairing for example.
The first Asian Americans came as slaves from Africa
God dam those squinty eyes look weird, and that's coming from a Chinese American.
Nothing much about Asian American history, but I do think Chinese history, as a whole, is much more interesting.
This Arab/Georgian/Armenian/Near Easterner gets it.
Incidentally Southern European men do very well with East Asian women for some reason.
Some Spanish sportsman with his Japanese gf.
This chick dates a fat Hispanic guy.
I'm sure she'd date an Asian guy too, but he'd have to be pulling in a petroleum engineer's salary for her to consider it.
Simple fact is no race can leverage sheer looks alone like Caucasians can. This makes sense because they sit in the midpoint of neoteny and maturity, between blacks and east asians. So all races are attracted to them.
I will hunt you down and fucking murder you if you keep this up, you worthless piece of shit.
Mark my words.
Take it easy bro. That sort of nonsense is partly why Asian women like White men so much.
Asian bros, how do we stop those GERMANIC SNOWNIGGERS and their RACIST natures from stealing our ASIATIC women????
There is no such thing as specific "Asian American" history as if there's an all-encompassing narrative. There's so many different groups of Asians, many of whom loathe if not have outright indifference towards one another. The only solidarity are SJWs who wrongly believe that just because that Americans citizens and residents whose ancestry all comes from the continent of Asia means they'll all unite as one voice.
By the end of this century, many if not most Asians are going to be absorbed by whites. There won't be an actual Asian presence because everyone knows Asian chicks love white guys.
that's not a stormfag, that's just a dumblr faggot shilling his shit fetish. they post this shit all over /sp/ and /pol/
>not shaming people who perpetuate a culture of crime and ignorance
I wonder who could be behind this post?
I love that term. Always makes me kek.
It's pretty all encompassing, yeah. Most Asian American men I've been friends with eventually have a moment where they snap, usually after drinking, and tell me how unhappy they are because they're not as desirable as say, Chris Hemsworth.
I think it stems from entitlement mainly. They just fundamentally don't understand women in the west consider physical desirability an important part of dating mechanics. East Asian men just aren't as desirable as white men.
nice moving the goalposts there
Wasn't Sun Yat Sen /our guy/? He was the George Washington of China.
That's a hagiography/mythography.
The KMT was more akin to the KKK in the 1920s than anything else, they used to rile up chinks in the countryside and get them to go around murdering random Chinese Christians/foreigners, burn down their properties etc.
Sun Yat Sen himself was a snivelling little coward whose life was saved on two separate occasions by a couple of Englishmen (at great personal risk to their own safety), a good deed that permitted him to live long enough to write a diatribe on what a contemptible race the English were.
Never trust a chink.
>KMT was more akin to the KKK
>write a diatribe on what a contemptible race the English were
I honestly don't see what is wrong with any of this.
There's nothing wrong with it per se, the presentation of him as some sort of humanistic statesman who just wanted freedom and what have you is mired in bullshit though.
The KKK were open and honest racial nationalists, Sun Yat Sen pretended he was some sort of universalist. He also worshipped that big fat gold guy that chinks like.
Not too sure. I'm Chinese and don't really care about white women. I'm more into brown girls. And to make things more ironic, I voted for Trump.
I doubt you know any Chinese people very well
> t. r/AsainMasculinity
> t. r/hapa
Read the Golden Mountain series.
what a dum fuk post OP
why don't you learn about ancient chinese dynasties or japans warring state period and then tell us about it. GTFO of here with this bullshit u fuking fuk face
Asians are superior to shitskinned meds
Then why do they fuck your women so easily?
>we, as white people,
I as a white person say 'fuck you'
>The only solidarity are SJWs who wrongly believe that just because that Americans citizens and residents whose ancestry all comes from the continent of Asia means they'll all unite as one voice.
It's not SJW's ffs it existed before SJW's were ever thing. Like do you know what you are talking about?
>Putting Indians, Pakis, and whatever the curly haired qt in there
Shit, Australian Aboriginals and the rest of Australasians are more related to North/East/non-Melanesian Southeast Asians than Indians are.
>opium and weed are banned thanks to white men thinking those would attract their precious white women to have kinky Chinese/Mexican/Black interracial sex
No Aussie abo's are related to South Indians.
>Simple fact is no race can leverage sheer looks alone like Caucasians can. This makes sense because they sit in the midpoint of neoteny and maturity, between blacks and east asians.
Nope. Here's how it goes in order: Asians = Khoisan (first sub-race to branch off from stock Homo sapiens, all other races descend from them), as both have flat faces, barely any brow ridges and squinty eyes, Blacks, Caucasians, and Australasians.
The San are notable as they're directly descended from the purest Homo sapiens stock before they branched out into other races.
>Ashley Montagu said that the San have the following neotenous traits relative to Caucasoids: large brain, light skin pigment, less hairy, round-headed, bulging forehead, small cranial sinuses, flat roof of the nose, small face, small mastoid processes, wide eye separation, median eye fold, short stature and horizontal penis.
Having some of their DNA doesn't exclude them from being related to them. Hell, speaking of South Indians a lot of them carry those indigenous tribes' DNA that are heavily isolated from the rest of the country, like the Onge and Jawara. And those people are related to East Asians (though the split happened thousands of years ago of course).
Dated 9 white women in my life time. fucked and borrowed 4 of those
Yes, and that's UTTERLY insane. I'm white, I'm Swedish, and the arabs SURE AS HELL aren't white.
They also have a obvious point to focus on and obsess over. I'm fully white nordic, and all my friends are as well, guess how many of us resemble Chris Hemsworth in the slightest? That's right, zero. We don't have a clear point to blame though, if we were asians living in the west we'd surely blame our lack of dating success on our asian-ness.
As a white preson, I find few things as cringy as american-asians overcompensating for msaculinity and thinking that it's manly to disrespect women, to cheat, or have sex with taken women.
Too bad white is a completely arbitrary designation and you have no authority on who is and who isnt white right?
How is it completely arbitrary? An african with coal-black skin is not white, so it's obviously not completely arbitrary. In Sweden, where I live and where I'm concerned about, nobody would say an arab is white, so here an arab isn't white. White is anglo or germanic, mainly.
>Muh dick
Potatonigger here with a Taiwanese cockslave.
How does it feel, soyniggers, to have your glorious yellow thotties surreptitiously stolen from you by potatoniggers like myself?
>Supposedly Asian American men are extremely popular among all groups of women for their masculinity
r/asianmasculinity detected
pls keep your shit threads on /pol/
>KMT was pure ebil
mao detected
so which Asian ethnicity are the most masculine then? excluding Caucasians.
>calling himself a potatonigger
Nothing you could do to a chink could compare to what the anglo did to the africa of europe
Perhaps Asian-Americans should start buffing up.
forgot file
Racists are predominant in southern states.
Blacks are predominant in southern states.
Cuck porn is simply a reality for them.
Asian-Americans would probably do better in dating if they started becoming more muscular.
might not really fix the "baby face" but it's better than being a twink
>Supposedly Asian American men are extremely popular among all groups of women for their masculinity, how did this happen?
No western woman who isn't an anime sperg is going to find men with these mongoloid faces attractive.
That's what chinks don't get. It's in the face.
You talking to a guy bragging about sexual conquests on Veeky Forums, it's obvious LARPing dude - he doesn't get near enough to women to "disrespect" them in the first place.
>poor english
>conflates dating and hookups
The only thing you have are your hands chinky.
Borromeo is literally the offspring of a White Australian man who impregnated a flip.
>Video uploaded by J.T. Tran
Snake oil PUA shit.
The only thing I know about Asian-American history that doesn't relate specifically to California is that this dude is one of the most alpha Americans ever born:
If life has taught me anything it's that girls don't really care about that. I mean obviously you don't want to be a fat body, but that roided out gym bro look isn't really attractive to women outside of the lowest socio-economic classes.
Men are visual, but women are much more emotion/personality based when it comes to partner selection.
The uncomfortable truth...
I'm a pretty average looking semi-fit white guy if i'm being honest yet I get way more attention from women than my east-asian flat mate even though the guy is Veeky Forums as hell with like 12% bf. fwiw...
Is there a particular reason, or particular ascertainable historical reasons as to why Asian Americans culture seems so fixated on self-pity?
I'm not talking about the historical grievances. These are manufactured, taught to kids, who internalize them as part of a wider narrative that they ought to be victims. But there seems to be something innate in the East Asian psyche that lends itself very well to the idea that you are hard done by, that others are mistreating you, that your misfortunes are not of your own making and that you alone suffer more than others, bearing a great load but having to hide your true feelings.
It's bizarre because Asians, at least on the surface level, like to project an image of stoicism - But I actually think it's the opposite. Confucianism is more about political structures than ethics, although ethics play at least an ostensible role in the formation of Confucian political theory, it's more about the formation of groups and adaptive group evolutionary strategies for stability.
I feel like these feelings of resentment and grievance and barely concealed enmity towards other groups actually a big part of East Asian culture. I say barely concealed because in the East these feelings of self-pity are contained by a highly elaborate shame culture, but in the West, unhinged from these societal standards, Asian self-pity is free to gorge itself upon the western slave-morality notions of victimhood as intrinsic moral-ness.
I mean if you go to just about any Asian American, particularly (actually almost exclusively) Chinese or Korean American orientated online forum, board, or even any publication - its the same topics repeated verbatim, and these are almost always related to Asian women dating White men and the feelings of anger and rage this causes in the Asian American male psyche.