Is West Asian a White component?
Is West Asian a White component?
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in catholic tradition it's held that asians are the descendants of shem (middle easterners) and japeth (europeans)
It's a neutral component for determining whiteness, like a neutron for determining charge.
So if Georgians are 90% West Asian, ~4 percent South European (White, deal with it), 1% East Asian, and 5%North/Central European they are 9-1=8% more white than not-white.
It's not a genetic component but a product of Caucasus/Iran neolithic farmers mixing with Anatolian-Levantine neolithic farmers.
We need to stick to actual components which originate in the paleolithic not imaginary ones.
Get it through your head. Stop peddling pseudo-science.
Is that really how genetics work?
Basically only the North Eurasian and European components can be called White or otherwise we end up with a paradox where Natufians were the whitest or even worse, one where Neolithic Iranians were. We don't want that now do we?
t. Schlomo Shekelstein
Tell who are the races.
"West Asian" and "Southwest Asian" are both white, yes. So are most "North African" groups for that matter.
Sure is brown in here
And that can be shown from genomics?
So what would you call Arabs? Black? Asian? or do you invent a new racial group, just for them?
Your racist friend here would disagree with you Which highlights the reason why scientists don't use the term "race" at all: Because no two people can agree on its definition.
Arabians are West Eurasian.
It's really not, but I unironically think it works as a genetics-based model for how people think about race.
It's why normies lose their minds trying to figure out if Kim Kardashian (Armenian) is a "Woman of Color" or not.
'Middle Eastern race' works.
Race is real go away reddit with your continuum and lewontin fallacy don't you get tired of regurgitating ideological bullshit no one actually believes?
And yet there's this.
Kim Kardashian has a dark Scottish American mother.
I don't like her but she is "whiter" than Assad.
>Armenians are Indo-Europeans
>Assyrians are semitic
>Their genetic makeup is almost identical
Really makes you think
Kim single handedly keeps the la plastic surgery industry profitable, that being said Armenians who can actually pass for white are generally in the minority
fuck off
Middle Eastern is a cancerous term
"Whites" go from red to brown, via swarthy. You know what color whites never are? White.
And Sardinians speak an Indo-European language despite barely having any Indo-European admixture (what this chart calls (N/C European).
And Basques are genetically identical to other Spaniards who don't have Moor admixture.
It must have been a crazy old world.
But genetically they are identical to most southern Europeans.
I never once said it isn't real, only that it's a useless category. Who is white? Who fucking knows, because no two people can agree and there is no genetic test we can give to test for "whiteness".
No, look at the chart. Most Southern European ancestry does come from the Levant though.
Think of a better one if you can.
No they are not.
The chart that shows I'm right? YOU look at the chart, dumbass.
Gee you got me, they're not clones, guess I'm busted. Or, maybe I meant "indistinguishable"? Hmm, no, clearly I meant all Arabs are clones, that's the only reasonable way to interpret that.
You pathetic faggot.
What's up with the southwest Asian in southern Europeans?
Southern Europeans are not Arabs though? They have more White DNA.
Look at the Saudis, Jordanians, Syrians, etc. Lots of red. Some green. Not a lot of blue.
Look at the Eye-talians. Not a lot of red. No green. Lots of blue.
>genetically identical.
>They're not an exact clonal colony of , so they can't be the same race!
So you're claiming that Italians and Spaniards are different races? As are Germans and the Dutch? Or the English and the Irish?
Baiting too hard now. No more (yous).
It's true that the clustering on this chart is not fantastic, which is probably because it's purely statistical. N/C European for example comprises both WHG (Western Hunter Gatherer) and ANE (Ancestral North Eurasian)
>ITT Arabs pretending they are the same as Italians and accusing people of being racists for disagreeing
It is accompanied by the West Asian component in every group. South Euros have more West Asian therefore they also have more Southwest Asian.
Arabs work over time trying to pass as Greek and Italian in Europe it's disgusting but everyone can always tell they're not top kek
>but everyone can always tell they're not top kek
this is what greeks and italians actually believe
This Admixture software is outdated and useless. Only components which have paleolithic origins and occupy a corner of a PCA map are meaningful.
You know that haplogroups are a meme, right?
Then post a better one. You can see that some of the "Sub-Saharan" that was in the OP's got absorbed by the East African component, which is basically Red Sea admixture. It depends how you model it.
Hey Nordnigger. How come the closest thing to cities formed in Southern Europe but not Western Europe or Nordniggerland.
Go We Wuz somewhere else.
They're really not
>He thinks I'm Nord
Lmao, I'm just here to laugh at you if you think some Greeks/Italians don't overlap with middle easterners in terms of looks.
>tfw russgol
That's the keyword. They don't on average. You can cherrypick as many exotic looking Sicilians, Andalusians or Greeks as you want, but that's never going to be the average.
Are Cypriots hellenized levantines?
I like you how you complain about cherry picking and do it yourself, you can clearly see people in your pic are quite swarthy but the lighting from the window I assume makes them appear lighter than they actually are, at least two people in front row could pass for Turks. And of course not all people are 100% same phenotipically you retarded fuck you could find an Arab who could pass as a Spaniard or some shit. But the point still stands Greeks/Italians are swarthy wogs and many of them could pass for middle eastern apes.
Actual Arabs from Saudi and Yemen are not even close to identical to southern Europeans.
At least three or four people in this pic aren't Greek at all but gypsies or immigrants.
I'm posting crowd photos of fucking Sicilians, shut the fuck up. They're literally the darkest Italians along with Calabrians. There's no overlap with Arabs on average.
>pass for Turks
There is no Turkish race you moron. The people from Western Anatolia are the same Greeks-South Slavs mixed with Anatolian natives that have always lived there.
Do you actually think Turk LARPing about being ponyniggers from the Asian steppes has any ounce of truth to it?
Vikings raped Sicily too gg on having the sven cuck genes
Why do walls in Sicily always look so dirty?
>There is no Turkish race you moron.
Where did I say there's a Turkish race? Why are you moving goalposts? And I used Turk in this context as a generic ethnicity of middle east. I could said Syrian, but that wouldn't make any difference.
Here a picture of Syrians, some of them look like Greeks.
But yeah, you get the odd Ignazio Abate or Ciro Immobile looking guy in Southern Italy and Sicily sometimes.
>Google Siclians
>set picture size to large
>all results are shitskins
Why are you cherry picking?
>Second from the right
Oy vey the italian goyim know!
Those guys are clearly on a class trip. Not Sicilians
>some of the lightest Middle Easterners can pass for the darkest of dark Europeans sometimes
>there's little overlap on average
Come on, do we have to go over why Southern Italians and Ashkenazim look similar? Basically the same people.
Ashkenazi Jews have more Levantine admixture than Southern Italians.
>there's little overlap
Whatever helps you sleep better at night.
Actually, Ashkenazi have much higher rates of blondism of eyes and hair than southern Italians despite plotting down of them. Goes to show that this has nothing to do with pigmentation. Pigmentation is a result of climatic adaptation and sexual selection.
Go back 5 or 6 thousand years and it's the same thing. Ashkenazi Jews got out of the Levant before it got ARABED.
Levantines and Italians were already distinct from each-other back then.
>5-6 thousand years ago
Quit being obtuse.
Quit using illogical terms.
Notice that you're posting overtanned people obviously during summer season while my photos are from the winter season. Not even Sicilians are brown during winter unless they tanned to the point of no return. Go outside, snownigger autist. You might be able to get a good tan too if you aren't a ginger subhuman who only burns red in the sun.
This isn't tumblr.
This isn't place for we-wuzing either, no such thing as Italians 6 thousand years ago.
>tanning meme
Dude this Italian is just tanned. He looks Finnish during winters
>tanned to the point of no return
Most of Americans receive even more sunlight, yet their whites don't look get "tanned" as your Sicilians.
Yes, he has white skin actually where the sun doesn't reach actually.
There are some inbred Moors in some sicilian villages what's your point? Some Arabs even have blue eyes from taking Slavic concubines 600 years ago!
Sicilians are white deal with it Sven/Mohammed
And yet genomics don't show much Arab admixture.
Because snowniggers are a recent arrival to that region while people lived in the Mediterranean since fucking forever enough to adapt to the climate. You think the Romans were pig skinned snowniggers like you who burned red in the sun? Think again.
Romans had Indo-European origins though
>not shitskins
>The genetic basis of a number of physical features of the Yamnaya people were ascertained by the ancient DNA study conducted by Haak et al. (2015), Wilde et al.(2014), Mathieson et al. (2015) : they were genetically tall (phenotypic height is determined by both genetics and environmental factors), overwhelmingly dark-eyed (brown), dark-haired and had a skin colour that was moderately light, though somewhat darker than that of the average modern European.[18][5] Surprisingly, given their pastoral lifestyle, there was little evidence of lactase persistence.
I like how you brown apes put words into mouth thinking it gives you bonus point for arguments.
> You think the Romans were pig skinned snowniggers like you who burned red in the sun?
Where did I claim that Romans were pink? Where did I claim that I'm a snownigger?
Does anyone who see's that Italians/Greeks and other wogs look like shitskin apes = Scandinavian?
Lmaoing at your insecurity and the usual tanning meme excuse.
Dude come on, white or non-white or regardless of your position, that guy is not a typical Italian.
Almost 7 thousand years ago everyone was dark save for some hunter-gatherer groups. Light pigmentation became widespread later.
"That's a-Moor-e!"
But later Indo-Europeans were more depigmented.
I'm not claiming that Romans were exclusively pale or light haired but they had the genes among with darker Mediterranean genes.