ITT nations that should be allowed to exist due to their ancient history and impact on the modern world similar to Israel
I'll start with a obvious one.
ITT nations that should be allowed to exist due to their ancient history and impact on the modern world similar to Israel
I'll start with a obvious one.
The Byzantine Empire
South Brazil
I never got the ancient history argument. I mean I don't think your ancestors living in a place two thousand years ago gives you the right to take it.
they are subhuman and do not deserve their country.
Literally these
Except Rhodesia still exists.
>b-but Zimbabwe isn'-
Shut the fuck up you retarded contrarian.
Fuck off, Ashur Cuckibal
Nînewastan is ancient Kurdish lands.
unironically these
>contributed to nothing important
>bunch of retarded monks enslavibg their entire population
>headed for doom either way because they were dumb niggers who didn't invent anything
Get bombed, Muslim
go hold another rally christcucks
I am sure the world will give a fuck if you do it for the 355th time
>ancient history
>impact on modern world
So, pic obviously nit related?
greekcucks tried to do that last century and got btfo
>ancient ties to Mesopotamia with the Mittani's, Hurrians and Sumerians
>ancient ties to Anatolia with the Hittites and the real Armenians and not the (F)ersain/Arab pretenders living today in Yerevan
>assimilated with the first wave of Indo-Iranians and founded the Median empire
>founded the Achaemenid empire, since Cyrus the Great was Kurdish but was usurped by the filthy (F)ersian Darius which is why the Empire became perverted
>founded the Parthian Empire but got yet again usurped by filthy (F)ersian Sassanids
>most of the Islamic scientists during the Golden age were Kurdish but filthy (F)ersians and Arabs try to claim them for their own with revisionist bullshit
T. Chairman Mao
just with the purpose of screwing moroccaniggers
What's this supposed to express?
Worked so fucking well last time people plunked down a fucking country in the middle east.
The west should just leave that entire region alone, Wait until they either killed each other because stupid shit, or formed some form of stability and then resume trade
Honestly Spain didn't deserve to get that land back after their terrible blunder.
Because they are half-blood arab mongrels that adapted the arabic writing system the (F)ersians can't use the letter "P" like their masters until much later when they created their own "P" sound to act like they are not really just Arabs.
But even to this day they still say Farsi instead of Parsi.
So out of respect of their Arabic heirtage I call them just like they call themselves in their native-tongue not to make them go angry and explode on me.
why did East Timor got independence but Dutch Papua not?
We fixed that after with the Alhucemas landing and the gifting of mustard to riffians
Kurds never had a country or any achievement of note though.
Even Saladin was some arabized random middle easterner.
>need to resort to chemical warfare to win
>against something that is technologically inferior at that
Literally Italy tier
t.alireza mehmet ibn al-ashur cucksarian
Turkish speaking...
There is no real Kurdish state in history. Kurds are a doomed life as parasitic. Now, their %80 supporting a baby-killer terrorist organization. This terrorist organization is also the mafia of the emperialist states. They are condemned to die in disrepair in the mountains.
>it's the Assyrian vs Kurd thread
*sprays raid*
Reminder that eastern/southeastern turkey was Armenian and Assyrian land before the genocide
Go back to fucking your goats and your sisters, hewal.
For every one dead Turkish soldier in that conflict there are 100 burning biji corpses.
Everytime i see k*rdist*an map it gets bigger lulz
>enslaving their entire population
*skitters under fridge*
Stop denying Kurds their ancestral lands.
Fuck off you subhuman, Kurds are the niggers of the middle east who are unironic commies who practice FGM. If anything, it's you guys who are the mongrelized mutts. At least Persian have a nation to call their own, you butt blasted Kurdshits kill christians and we wuz Medians.
You've been BTFO before and this post reeks of desperation
t. Alirezazadeh ibn al-Farsi
Why don't you go lick your turkic/arab leaders ass while perverting more of our Kurdish traditions and holidays into your shitty arab cult.
I'm not even middle eastern.
>perverting more of our Kurdish traditions and holidays into your shitty arab cult.
Like FGM and killing christians? Nice "culture" you got there. Sorry biji but you're just another whore of the Arabs. The difference is that Persians are actually human.
>Kurds have always lived on these lands, just look at all these Kurdish historical site-
>kurds have no hist-
>stealing armenian history
You're making fun of Kurds, right?
>current """armenians"""
>actually have anything to do with ancient ones
fuck off armen cucksarian, you (f)ersian/arab mongrels should know your place
or does the true descendants of the Armenian people need to kill and take back more of their lands from you christcuck pretenders like in the past?
go eat a dog, chun lee
K*rds are notorious for stealing other people's history
>giving parts of azeri Iran to k*rds
fuck off
Who the absolute retarded fuck made this map
This had to have been done by a western kurdaboo or something, kurds themselves surely can not be so delusional
Why are there always so many Kurdistan threads on Veeky Forums
>azeri Iran
no such thing, atropatene has always been median/kurdish
>itt : Kurds trying to be relevant by stealing other nations' history
Some things never change.
Americans put pressure with their marshal help