What exactly attracts NEET's too political ideologies like National Socialism? Wouldn't they be killed by the people who implement it for being a leech on society?
What exactly attracts NEET's too political ideologies like National Socialism...
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politics is kinda like religion
Self sacrifice is a virtue.
people without much connection to the existing society tend to gravitate towards fringe beliefs
Better to be euthanized in a strong homogeneous white society than live in a multicultural hell hole and watch your people commit suicide.
The idea is that they wouldn't be NEETs if they lived in a society that was worth fighting/working for. Working today means having to take up politically correct manners, toning down your masculinity, and knowing your taxes are going into the pockets of degenerates.
Existing society sucks dick though
>be born, listen to parents
>go to school, listen to teachers
>go to university, listen to professors
>get a job, listen to boss
>get old, die
They like to pretend that politics will make them a better person. It doesn't
People with shit genes wish eugenics were enacted to ensure people like them would never suffer again but Chads and Stacys with picturesque lives consider it abhorrent. Woah.
Reminds me when hotwheels wrote that pro eugenics article for dailystormer.
Next the super rich are going to be writing articles about tax cuts are good
Partly irony. Partly high schoolers being edgelords. Partly the fact that they're disaffected from the current moment, which identifies itself as the opposite of Nazi Germany.
That's everyone these days.
they hate society so they'd only adopt beliefs completely different from current life like communism or fascism
this has always annoyed me with the monarchist threads you see here occasionally, people think that having a king means he does everything you want him to and kills the people you dont like with no repercussions at all
its nothing but a fantasy
Oh gosh, I sure hope that isn't real.
What a poor boy, he's completely stupid. :/
i see you don't go to /r9k/ often
>he doesn't work to get into a commanding place at work so that he can lord over underlings.
It's a surprisingly good feeling.
I used to gawk at the train-wreck six years ago or so, but no, you're right, I don't go there
They gravitate towards Communism waaaaay more but those people don't browse chanboards outside their leftypol echo chamber.
But as a NEET I did lean on NatSoc until a Libertarian BTFO us all in a debate and then I connected what big government and globalism ruined, got a shit job and I also want to be left alone so now I'm NatLib.
Holy shit, pretty much this.
But as pointed out, it's both sides currently.
You feel like shit, feel like nobody likes you, girls don't like you, the girl you kind of like is dating this negro chad. Only answer is obviously racism/fascism. It make you better as a person, girls will out of the sudden want your Aryan seed....
On other side, you feel like you're not tolerant enough, you have some fear of other races/sexualitities, try to overcompensate it with telling everyone how incredibly tolerant you are.
>People with shit genes wish eugenics were enacted to ensure people like them would never suffer again but Chads and Stacys with picturesque lives consider it abhorrent. Woah.
Eugenics would remove significant amount of people that Chads&Stacys can feel superior to, that is why they are against it. That whole "waah it is inhumane and evil" is just bullshit that they use to hide their real intentions.