What country probably is going to colonize culturally the world in the next years?
What country probably is going to colonize culturally the world in the next years?
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The world will be one big favella
Brazil will defeat Islam, Buddhism and Judaism.
Nobody, until they somehow get a sphere of physical influence as large as the eternal Anglo's.
Next 20-30 years? America.
After that? China and India.
That would require India not to be Africa tier corrupt or China not to be universally despised.
It'll be hard, is what I'm getting at.
china isn't universally despised
in fact they can be 'the good guy' if they play their cards right
Fair enough, but one can still rule and be despised
You are aware that if there is a single country that is truly despised in our world that would be America. From Europe to Asia, Africa and South America, Americans are seen as imperialist hellbent to plunder everything. For fuck sake, even we Euros despise America.
Look at China and how it is building and developing Africa, sure they are there for resources too. But they actually help and cultivate good image of themselves.
They need to stop building islands in the South China Sea then.
China is in the habit of using confrontations with foreign countries as a way to keep the proles from questioning the government.
The end result is that even if China overtakes the US as the world's largest economy, the US will have Japan, South Korea, and just about everyone else on their side, because everyone hates and fears the PRC.
>only we Euros despise America
Most countries don't have crippling inferiority complexes the way Europe does.
China is the world's sweatshop and industrial chemical processing plant they aren't gonna dominate shit
>That would require India not to be Africa tier corrupt
Africa has very varying levels of corruption and India isn't corrupt per say. Just Bureaucratically complicated and full of red tape.
You sure aren't helping your case when you're insulting huge swathes of populations.
Says here that Indians have around a trillion dollars in Swiss bank accounts.
Well, that would depend on what I wanted to achieve.
If I wanted to win hearts and minds on Veeky Forums, I would probably be rational and conciliatory.
But my goal in this particular thread is to make stupid people angry.
Anti-American Europeans are a very stupid group of people. The equivalent of Young Earth Creationists or neocons in the US.
You'd have to be an extremely ignorant human being to complain about America on a website founded in New York City and run out of Texas.
My hope is that I can remind you of facts, which will increase the amount of cognitive dissonance you experience and create a more agitated mental state.
Well, you sure are furthering his case then.
Well, he should be more angry now because I reminded him of reality. Reality makes stupid people angry, regardless of what nationality they come from.
Let's start with some obvious ones.
>countries that the US recently shit all over, such as Vietnam, the Philippines and Nicaragua, are actually more pro-American than countries the US saved, for the main reason that they don't have any of that insecurity that Europe does
>this website was created by Americans
>the internet was originally ARPANET, and was created so that the US military would have an efficient way to communicate during a nuclear conflict
>there is a 90% chance the country that he's posting from would be a part of either a thousand year Reich or a Soviet Socialist Republic if it hadn't been for US intervention
See, we even get to talk about history too.
Americans may be annoying and loud, but they're still better than the Chinese because the US government, whilst corrupt, isn't completely fucking evil.
Alright, it's a bit evil. Still not as evil as the PRC.
I don't think it'll ever happen, culture is shaped by a variety of factors, and i don't think it'd be too far of a stretch to say that geography and environment nudges certain cultural attitudes.
I have lived in India, a significant portion of the gdp is probably black money
Rio de la Plata, believe me
you don't need to be loved as you flood you settlers by the millions. just imagine, china can plane over thousands of chinese to out populate pacific islands, caribbean islands, the falklands...
The USA won a culture victory sometime in the 1900s.
Everybody watches our shitty movies and tv shows, listens to our shitty music, and we export a ton of our businesses and food around the world.
But China has low birth rates now.
yea but in the next 50 years. and even if their birthrate declines there will still be hundreds of millions of them in the next fifty to a hundred years.
I think that Anglos will continue to culturally dominate. The Chinese are too authoritarian and nationalist to be attractive culturally to people who are not Chinese. The Indians are half-Anglo in culture. I can't think of any other culture that would do it.
Too foreign and too hard.
Chinese culture in general is not very marketable.
>Chinese are helping Africa
>Americans are hated! (Rather than just disliked for being top dog by a bunch of whiners)
Thanke Zhang, back to that sweat shop, I need new Nikes.
Japan already owns America's youth. From there, the world.
Once the USA is more thoroughly Hispanic and SA gets into its economic/industrial stride, rock nacional is going to become rock internacional. Either that, or Peruvian psychedelic music blows up in a BIG way.
Everyone hates China except for NK and Russia.
The fact that the country bordering China that the USA 'bombed back to the stone age' is now one of the most pro-American countries in the world is no coincidence.
A while ago someone posted a map of a game or something and the balance of power shifted East and was shared between a state in southern Africa and one in China. The areas in between also flourished. I presume all of it would be driven by the access to mineral resources.
Arab Gulf states were set to become irreligious because of this while India becomes more nationalistic. America seems to resemble the modern middle east.
>tfw the USA achieved every single victory type irl
Lmaoing at all the other civilizations.
>China is in the habit of using confrontations with foreign countries as a way to keep the proles from questioning the government.
Literally what America has done for decades, I think they are playing their cards exactly right
They also have the Serbian right wing.
China has a chance if it keeps economically developing safely and its politicians stop autistically suppressing culture as even petty irrelevant shit that's harmless gets censored, meanwhile seeing a fictional suicide scene on communist Chinese TV as a 3 year old gave me a gore fetish. Once the CCP stops oppressing Chinese culture in the autistic way it does now and only chooses to censor degeneracy, then Chinese people are free to spread and create their culture, thus creating more influence.
There was a speech by China's top film director where he basically said the communist politicians restrict films so much that they have to make a good film into a shit one.
Not religion
Muhammad beats you
nanotechnology will advance rapidly and spiral out of control, much research will be done in the US, Europe and East Asia, however Bhutan will be the first to crack a problem in quantum computing enabling their bots to develop a mind of their own and achieve sapience who will subsequently engulf the world with countless trillions of tiny machines whom care for their Bhutanese progenitors and share their ideals
I suppose this is for shits and giggles since Bhutan didn't even have telly until the 2000s.
Vajrayana Buddhism holds the key to solving the problem, as long as you understand the concept it is so elementary that a 1st year computer science student could implement it
>all these people think nation-states are still relevant
twitter, facebook, google, microsoft, coca-cola, etc these are the world's super-powers
based Bhutan
Brazil's been a generation away from being a global power since Pedro II
>He types, in American
Correct. It's well known that it is completely unacceptable to criticise the government in the USA. Name me a single public figure who has the balls to criticse the current POTUS.
PRC shills BTFO.
They need to have someone's youth, because they're not producing enough of their own
America is viewed more positively than any of the other countries with comparable size and global influence (i.e. Russia, China).
>Literally can't take over some rocks
The reason American media dominates the world is because they can show and say almost anything the director and producers feel like without the government leaning in and making sure no spooky skeletons and kissu scenes show up.
Ruling the world with an iron bunda