ITT: Countries that have (excluding the latest 25 years of course, read up on Veeky Forums terms) Done everything right and Done nothing wrong
ITT: Countries that have (excluding the latest 25 years of course...
Other urls found in this thread:
>the only thing swedish autists can think about his muh country
On the actual history related posts:
>99% make ww2 related posts
>0,8% makes roman empire related posts
>0,19999999% makes posts about other random subjects
>The rest makes Sweden related posts
Where's the big problem with the last one?
Finland, maybe. Might just be because I'm Finnish. What do you guys think?
>ITT: Countries that have (excluding the latest 25 years of course, read up on Veeky Forums terms) Done everything right and Done nothing wrong
Sweden 100% deserves all the rape, grenade attacks, and Islamism they're getting. In fact, I would literally be happy to see Sweden wiped off the map and replaced with New Somalia.
They deserve everything they're getting after what they did to Poland.
Not just the occupation, not even just the looting of every piece of culture and history they could get their hands on, but the fact that what they couldn't steal, they just burned and destroyed, out of pure spite. Swedes are scum. Before the Deluge, Poland was the France of the East, a verdant land of art and culture and learning, after it was described as a 'cultural desert'. The destruction and depopulation (1/3 of the population was lost, that's as bad as the 30 years war in Germany, which the Swedes were also largely responsible for) was so total that Poland has experienced 300 years of humiliation and occupation as a result.
I hope Sweden gets obliterated, every time I see a news story about Swedish women getting gangraped by Muslims, I fucking laugh.
t. butthurt over centuries old events
t. Boleslaw Nowak
first of all, it was the mercenaries that did most of the atrocities and looting,
second of all: Poland kept claiming the swedish throne befire the war
>first of all, it was the mercenaries that did most of the atrocities and looting
Then maybe the 'mercenaries' should give back all the stolen contents of the Polish libraries, palaces, and churches still kept in Sweden.
>second of all: Poland kept claiming the swedish throne befire the war
That's your justification for destroying the country worse than the Nazis did? Really?
Okay, another argument, it was over 300 YEARS AGO! Countries would fuck over each other first chance they got, your country seriously fucked up Russia earlier for example
>it was over 300 YEARS AGO!
You do realise you're on the 'History' board, right?
Yes? My point is that those things were normal back then, you fucking retard
Well, if you don't count the Congo Free State. However, I could see your point in ignoring that, as that was the jurisdiction of Leopold II and no one else.
Exactly. A lot of people seem to think the Belgian government ordered some anglo style kind of genocide, while this was really not the case
>My point is that those things were normal back then, you fucking retard
Yeah ok.
Lets use that justification to normalise the sack of Baghdad by the Mongols, the burning of the Library of Alexandria, the obliteration of Mesoamerican civilisation, the atrocities of the deluge, the 30 years war, the Albigensian Crusade etc.
I mean while we're at it, the Armenian Genocide, WW1, the Holocaust, WW2, and all the rape and slaughter therein were just 'normal' back then. Right? Sure it must have been kinda bad to be a civilian during the Dresden firebombing, but that was just normal back then, so its ok.
Do you realise how retarded you sound?
You weren't that kind to Russia though to be honest
nobody cares about polan
I care about Poland.
t. America
never forget poland
>mfw it's literally impossible to discuss sweden without /pol/ doing this
>mfw the 25 year rule is just ignored.
t. Szymon Kowalski
Ivans dindu nuffin, they gud towarishs
That is what you get for not being protestant you piece of shit!
But do you know who ended up bombing Congo and made it out to be this great humanitarian thing?
The Butthurt Belt is a real thing my friends.
It would be if it was completed by including Serbia and Greece.
Ukraine too
I'm Swedish and I wholeheartedly agree with you that Sweden does deserve it, however not due to the reasons you stated.